Boost $30 Starter Kit
- 3 in 1 SIM fits all phones
- Keep your own number or get a new number
Boost $30 Starter Kit
Are they still being delayed? It's been over a month now.
I need to port a number early next year. Should I start the process now?
4 Days and still waiting for port..
4 Days and still waiting for port..
Try sherry…
3 in 1 SIM fits all phones
It didn't fit my Nokia 6210.
I am waiting for nearly two weeks for my number to be ported. Multiple phone calls with no resolution in sight :(
Multiple phone calls
Try live chat.
Tried that. They forward to a "porting team". Obviously they are having a few problems.
Keep getting told to wait a bit more by the call center staff. Any suggestions?
Did you receive a intention to port text on your original sim? If you dont reply to it, you cant port.
@WTF: I've been having the same issue. After the last call when I was on hold to the port department for 1hr20mn (with no answer) the call centre cancelled the sim activation and then reactivated it. I checked a couple of days ago (2 weeks after initial activation)and the website says the sim isn't activated so I have started all over again with one of the $150 down to $135 sims I bought and three days later I'm still waiting. They have a real problem.
I just did yesterday night via boost online chat, and it was ported this morning.
Try chat option.
I am happy to hear your port worked smooth, but surely you must have read on here that although most people here who are having porting delays have done everything correctly and especially with Boost are having many much longer delays than usual not sped up by numerous calls and/or live chats.
What you said! I'm happy for anyone who is having a smooth transfer I just wish (along with seemingly numerous others) that my experience was that smooth or that it seemed like it was going to be successful at all!
@bigpallooka: Yep. Reading some of these comments as replies such as "I ported on ** from ** and was done in ** hours" and/or "did you reply to confirmation txt?" and/or "call the call center or live chat to escalate port" almost sounds patronizing to many people here or on whirlpool who have done everything correctly and are not new to this porting process ( me myself have ported 50-80 times and have activated well over 250 new sim starter packs from most telcos ).
All up I have only had a few porting delays, some because I did it close to weekend/public holiday, a few problems pushing the bar too high with the free Kogan XL sims lol, and my worst porting away from Catch and them having many bad excuses ( none because of data conflict or me not responding to any confirmation txts ). Rant Over.
@ozhunter68: I tried the live chat (just to test the theory it was an instant fix) and they assured me it was "in-progress" then gave me the porting department number. I said I didn't fancy sitting on the phone for over an hour and being hung up on again so they offered a call back. I'll be interested to see if they do call me back. I told them I don't care if they ring me in the middle of the night because it's getting ridiculous. The Whirlpool forum is full of horror stories. One commentor said he had been waiting 9 weeks. I can't believe Telstra hasn't ripped someone a new one over this serious cock-up and had the issue resolved. I'm sure the IT involved is relatively complicated however it's a technology that is has been robust for years so shouldn't be as unfixable as they seem to have made it.
@bigpallooka: Yep, agree. I think there is more going on here then what their telling us.
Like you say, system tried, tested and working well for years and Telstra does not seem to have this issue ( although Boost is supposed to be owned and operated by Telstra with same infrastructure and system except for support call center, but maybe next room same building lol ).
I think all telcos and government are maybe working together to make it harder to port quickly to and fro, so we have to smarten up and adjust our use.
Ported today (Saturday) into Boost from Kogan Mobile in 15 minutes.
Can this be used on existing sims?
7 days no port ..Boost are Totally useless …Keep on saying all ports have been delayed due to IT issues ..if you go with them you have been warned
Keep on saying all ports have been delayed due to IT issues ..
I was told it was due to an outage.
As they say,….same same lol.
Bought 4 sim packs, all 1 year prepaid.
3 of them activated and ported within 2 hours.
I guess just random
Mine did well too,
Just use the live chat if there is any issues.
For further delay, you can ask for compensation
Ordered before from Cellmate and can't fault them.
What is the situation now with stockpiling starter packs? I've always had trouble with Optus ones , I know voda has very long expiry (was basically unlimited). Just thus week found I had 3x Boost $20 starter packs, Nov 3 2020 expiry and none of the three were able to be activated, there was an error each time. Any recourse or advice?
"minksta" Glad someone else is bringing this new problem up as I have without much response.
As I have been a heavy user of prepaid broadband and a sim s**t for many years searching cheap sim starter packs as well as cheap/clearance modems ( that had included starter packs ) became a bit of a sport for me. I juggle between the three telcos depending on reception/data speed needed as well as who is offering best deal at the time, as well as keeping an eye on the sim expiry packs ( except for Vodafone as they did not expire, till now ).
Because Vodafone data works well in my area as well as they used to have double bonus data often on top of half price sim packs ( and used to give 6 month expiry for their $50 sim you could get for $20-$25 ), and other packs half to even one third the price I ended up stockpiling over 20 various sim starter packs as well as getting heaps of clearance Voda packs and 3G modems from that H.N. deal over a year ago.
Because Kogan was offering Free/0.99c/$4.90 XL sims I had not much need to activate all my Voda sims.
All was well activating these over the years until last month one would not work, so on phone was told this sim was purchased over 12 months ago and new Vodafone rule is no go beyond that. With the Vodafone activation site you can enter sim serial number to test if sim will still activate, so went through my various 23 Voda sims and only 10 were still good to activate.
After reading another comment on here regarding Boost sims expiring before their expiry date like in your case, Boost told him something like he purchased over 12 months ago. He complained to no avail, took it to the ombudsman and got exchange/refund as there was nothing printed on sim packs mentioning this.
After telling them about my Vodafone sim problem ( total $330 worth ), they said I should also take it further and try to get compo. As I have been reading about these new Vodafone sim activation expiry date rules for over a year I thought I might not get replacement but thought to try anyway as I have been/was a good Vodafone customer for years. Took a few calls and driving an hour to a Company Vodafone Store over the border lol, but got all exchanged and an extra 3 x $30 packs for my troubles, so well worth it.
Call Boost, if no positive response go to ACCC or Ombudsman and you have a Clear Case.
Moral of the story, don't stockpile more than what you need for a year for all Telcos from now on!
Just ported from woolies mobile 2 days ago, no problems.
I've been trying from Woolies for nearly 3 weeks.
In B4 porting delay comments