Looks to be the cheapest this has ever been.
What are people's thoughts? Still too much to pay?
Looks to be the cheapest this has ever been.
What are people's thoughts? Still too much to pay?
Yah, unless you want to look at endless 30MP+ photos at native res on a 75" screen while sitting less than 1metre away. Any further away and you simply wont see the difference between that and 4k.
On my 65" Sony 4K TV, can tell the difference, barely. Depends more on how compressed the video is IMO. Got that TV for $900-odd via here :).
Future proof electronics….impossible!
A 16k TV is already in the works - https://www.blurbusters.com/forget-8k-how-about-a-100-inch-1…
You'll be lucky to have any content to watch on it, but at least you'll have bragging rights ;)
thanks, bought 3
Well it would make a pretty crazy PC monitor.
I have the 2018 QLED 4K Q7FN 65" and fiber connection all the way to my apartment unit.
On Youtube, there are few 8k videos. Even mine TV being 4K only, the quality is holy f**k
But yes, it is still too much.
In my case, I wouldn't spend again $2.6k on my TV. Back then, my 55 burned so this what the best I could find.
I still prefer QLED TVs over OLED. OLED are beautiful but can have hardware issues with gaming for a long time and it is not recommended for bright rooms.
I think I paid a bit over 3K for the same TV, got it not long after it was released. As the Toyota ads go, "Still feeling it"
8k prawn
How long are you expecting your new TV to last? If you're buying a new TV because your old one died then you might want to consider what you'll be watching ten years from now. If your current 4k (or maybe even HD) TV is working fine then there's no reason to upgrade to this.
Don't worry, if 8k porn doesn't already exist it soon will.
"Still too much to pay?"
Yes, of course it is
I’d personally prefer a 4K OLED over this
I prefer QLED TVs over OLED.
OLED are beautiful but can have hardware issues with gaming for a long time and it is not recommended for bright rooms.
QLED might don't have a real dark background as an OLED TV, but still no regrets with my 2018 QLED 4K Q7FN 65, no fears of burn-in screen, can be a hell of a sunny day and I am still able to play, watch on it without problem —- my living room wall facing outside is a glass wall, bright asf.
QLED is not a type of TV. It's Samsung marketing fluff.
a lot of money for a tv… I guess it depends how deep are your pockets :)
Samsung realising that charging $10k for a TV that nobody wants wasn't working.
Best decision would be to buy a reasonably priced 4k tv now and save tho money for a upgrade later when 8k content are available atleast in Netflix. I am sure the price would fall enough that you can afford a 4k tv now and a 8k tv down the line for the same money.
8k streaming on our crappy NBN will be fun
Australian's voted for a banker who behaved like a Telstra employee in Prime Minister Malcom Turnbull. Oh no, look, he was Telecommunications Minister before that.
As a part of his effort to enrich Telstra as much as possible at the expense of everyone else in Australia, he claimed that a 12Mbit service was sufficient for most Australians.
Obviously anyone voting for this charlatan is too stupid to vote for their own interests given that they're losing money to enrich Telstra along with everyone else.
Telstra has just announced that they will not offer speed higher than 50Mbit on new NBN services.
Recently got the Samsung 82" Q60 4k for $3450ish from Good guys. How long you reckon that one will last us for?
dng123, last year I got the 2018 QLED 4K Q7FN 65 for 2.6k at JB. These TVs have a long life ahead before to become obsolete
4K is far to have being 100% explored. Netflix for example has very rare 4K content so relax.
I explore the "power" of my TV by playing Xbox games which are insane, 4K UHD Blue-Ray, Netflix and Youtube 4k/6k/8k videos
I wish I had this 82" hahahaha
Man, playing Call of Duty, Tomb Raider, would blow my mind hahaha lol
I'd order one for $298
logged in just so I could give you a +
Great, I can use one TV to watch 4x 4k channels/movies at the same time now!
Still don't get why anyone would want to scale every single bit of content they view. Imagine what our FTA SD only channels would look like on this. They're unwatchable on 4K screens already.
Samsung pricing compared to the Sony equivalent is so outta whack it's not funny.
In many aspects the Sony is actually better too….
Regardless they shouldn't be trying to sell this TV any more than around $6-7k, $10k was abusrd.
What a joke, you can buy a 77-inch LG OLED for that price. Not sure why Samsung thinks it can charge this much for their crappy LCD tvs
What are people actually watching in 8k, theres hardly any 4k content at this point
The picture is incredible!
It was the only picture that stood out in front of a plethora of 4k tv's
Most people with 4k tv's don't watch 4k
But are surprised how their hd channels look sharper.
Because the 4k chip upscales in the same way that the 8k chip upscales
Think of a camera Nikon/Canon with a 16megapixel count to a 32megapixel count its the same principal.
Sure most people don't notice the difference, but some do.
Why would I pay for 8k TV, when 4k still only exists within certain shows on netflix.
Massive waste of money