I would like to know if Vodafone NBN is good. I thought about doing with Telstra, but it's very expensive.
Does Anyone Know if Vodafone NBN Connection Is Good?

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No idea, but I will get connected with them tomorrow, so will get back and let you know. Although any NBN connection would be much faster than my current adsl with TPG.
Got my 100 nbn on Thursday.
It is consistently failed to reach 100mbps and only hovers around 80.
Upload only reached 20 mbps.
I am on HFC so might be an issue with the infrastructure than Vodafone nbn itself.
It is my first nbn connection so I got nothing to compare it to.
Once the discount is finished, I will drop to 50mbps plan instead and see how it goes from there. If it can reach 50, I will stay.
Works well at home for me. No issues.
Have had it for 8 months now, no issues. The 4G backup feature is great also as I could use it straight away until NBN got connected once the modem arrived.
I used the 4G backup as well so was online immediately, haven't had any issues with the speed or dropouts.
Was using Kogan before this (reselling vodafone) no issues as well.
Imo go for Kogan NBN, I'm with them and speeds are excellent, little to no slow down during peak times.
With the NBN I've been with Aussie Broadband, Kogan and Tangerine. Speeds were the same with Aussie Broadband and Kogan, however with tangerine the speeds were ridiculously slow during peak times, as slow as 20mbps.P.s. with all the NBN providers and plans I've been on I had 50mbps.
Also Kogan gets its NBN from Vodafone.Any reason you left from Aussie Broadband?
I joined AB with a discount code, it gave me a number of months at a discount price, after the discount ended it was cheaper to go back to Kogan.
Just remembered I was also with a another telco Beagle or something beginning with a B? the discount prices I got were $19 for 20mbps unlimited, and lol I got full 20mbps unlimited during peak times!! Sadly they went bankrupt and closed down :'(.
Aussie Broadband's app has a cool feature that shows how much data you've used. While both Aussie Broadband and Kogan have the same speeds and unlimited data, AB had that cool feature that I really liked.
Speaking from my experience with them I think AB costs more because their staff are all based in Australia.
I'm just working a casual hospitality job, I'm going to be studying accounting at uni next year. Once I become an accountant hopefully I'll have that high paying job and then I'll switch to Aussie Broadband and support Australian jobs!
No issue so far for 1 year. On 50mbps plan and is getting 45mbps most of the time.
International speeds are terrible, so make a list of what you usually visit and then find out where the servers are located. Usually youtube and the bigger ones will have local CDNs which means the content will be fetched locally and will be much faster.
If you do a lot of streaming from openload and so on, it might be too slow.
No issues here either, been on the 100/40 plan for the last few months and it's been smooth
My sources say no.