no, it's a competition…
1x Apple iPad 2 16GB to Be Won - Competition Website (10 Current Prizes) -

0 entrants, 0 wins
Last edited 16/07/2011 - 10:27
Entry Requirements is a competition website that promotes products & services for businesses. Businesses giveaway quality prizes in return for you answering up to 3 questions about their products and services.
We are Brisbane based, we launched ebees in May. My first post and I'm still trying to learn the lingo.
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So you're a site offering hits on other sites? I can't quite see the purpose. Spam?
Instead of learning the lingo how about learning the posting rules.
How is this a bargain?
Please read rules first Buddy..ā¦
Competitions are not deals, so please do not post competitions, contests or anything that only a small number who have registered might win. If you have a very good competition that you wish to share with other members at OzBargain, feel free to post in one of our forums.
It's not HAM…
how many negs can we get until this is removed!
its a trap
Think this might be a record. 5 neg in 15 mins..
Competitions are not deals. Please read our guidelines.
Moved to forums.
Apologies and thanks.
is this a bargain?