This was posted 5 years 3 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Online(?) Counselling for 1 Month @ Betterhelp


If you are in any crisis,
Emergency: 000
LifeLine Phone: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue:


World Mental Health Day
What will you accomplish with 1 free month of counseling?
In honor of World Mental Health Day, we want you to find out. Sign up and get matched with a licensed counselor to start your FREE month of online counseling.
*Limited to the first 5,000 individuals. One redemption per user.

I've not gone further than the linked page as it says limited to the first 5000 individuals. I don't know if there is any catch, credit card etc. involved. Just sharing in case it helps anyone.
Have a nice day!

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closed Comments

  • -7

    They aren't real counsellors and do some research into this scam

    • They look to have real quals (albeit US-based) and there's a who's who list with qualifications, pictures etc for all their counsellors. Not saying it's not, but what makes you think it's a scam?

  • -3

    Thanks, OP, for shedding light on such a taboo topic, but kinda sucks how you won't get free counseling unless it's world mental health day. Counseling should be available every day of the year for free not just one day. Also, i might recommend a counsellor to a friend of mine who is going through yearly exams and is having a tough time getting off youtube and ozbargain.

    • +4

      Counseling should be available every day of the year for free not just one day.

      Indeed, and it is FREE.

      3 steps:
      1 - go to GP and ask for a care plan.
      2 - GP refers for six FREE sessions.
      3 - Go to mental health practitioner 6 times.

      If more help is required, go back to step 1.

      • +5

        (Apart from its the tax payer who pays…)

        The choice is between user pays services (like this @$90/wk) & tax payer or private health insurance funded services at around $120++/session.

        If you need help - see your GP!

        Mental Health Care Plans are only for patients with a defined mental health disorder. Many seeking / needing counselling do not qualify for a Care Plan.

        There are other services available. After the death of a family member, I was offered 6 sessions of free grief counselling as his Carer. It was helpful just to talk & share.

        There is a big difference between counselling (eg assistance through a short term crisis) vs treatment for a mental health disorder (often debilitating long term issues like depression, anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, etc)!

        Online help may be of use to support a person through a minor issue, but generally is not great for those with major mental health disorders.
        Online CBT for depression & anxiety disorders seems to be beneficial & keep costs down. These are being trialled.

        Face to face sessions can bring out clues to underlying issues than may be hidden behind a keyboard - filling out self report questions etc. It is too easy to avoid the real issues & lie online.

        But if a person's issue is simple & can be discussed from behind a keyboard - it may help. Just remember to cancel within the month. (They send a reminder.)

      • +2

        If more help is required, go back to step 1.

        Except that there is a maximum annual limit of 10 sessions, and this ten session limit is an absolute joke.

        The idea that someone will be cured of something like depression or PTSD, after 10 sessions is ridiculous.

        • +1

          Yes limit is 10/yr. With long term mental health disorders, that will not be enough.

          CBT for anxiety & depression could help some in a small number of sessions.

          But some will not even qualify for a Mental Health Care Plan.

          • @Salmando: Oh boy!
            Mental Disorders (long-term & possibly life threatening) are very different to having a shit time (transitory).

            Mental Health Care Plans are for Mental Health treatment of Mental Disorders!

            Next you'll be demanding people treat themselves after car crashes etc… (sorry you have to pay after 6 stitches or fix yourself)
            That will save those poor taxpayers!!

            Limited free access in most cases should be enough

            Well, Mental Health Care Plans are for people with serious, defined long term mental health disorders that would benefit from treatment.

            It's NOT counselling! And not for having a shit time as you claim!

            Best you understand this very serious problem that is killing thousands of Australians each year, before you spout off.

        • The idea that someone will be cured of something like depression or PTSD, after 10 sessions is ridiculous.

          Many individuals with major depressive disorder or PTSD will in fact have substantial improvement in symptoms or no longer meet criteria for the disorder after 10 sessions of an evidence-based therapy.

      • +1

        Free? That's a joke right? I've done this plenty. Therapist charges 170-190 and you get back only half thru Medicare. So still out of pocket 80 or 90 per session.

        • Some bulk bill. Ask your GP.
          Depends on the type of professional you are seeing.
          Also depends on availability - are there any who bulk bill in your area or when you want to see them. There may be a long wait & may be means tested by the professional.

          But quality of treatment, plus experience & suitability for your issue will vary! (Some may be recently trained & may lack experience with your issue.) Most patients are guided by their GP.

          The Mental Health Care Plans just provides a referral to a suitable specialist to treat your issue. Theoretically you can negotiate the fee with the specialist… Best to first discuss likely costs with the GP.

    • -2

      And who do you expect to pay for three counseling? Tax payers?

      • Ah, three counselling - is that like 3G - too slow & being phased out😉

        The voice of sympathy & understanding, on a topic you don't understand!

        Well in this Deal, the user pays after the first month… Where's you're upvote for this user pays Deal?

    • Also, i might recommend a counsellor to a friend of mine who is going through yearly exams and is having a tough time getting off youtube and ozbargain.

      Tough love… That's what you your friend needs😉

      OzBargain, YouTube, etc are distractions. Focus on the task & limit distractions.

      The usual advice. .
      Chat with people you know (they may have good advice, & you just may enjoy the break), go for walks & exercise, relax & enjoy yourself.
      Eat good nutritious food & limit stimulants.
      Get good rest & sleep.

      A bit of basic CBT can help (challenging thoughts & behaviours that are not beneficial).

      See if your education institution has a counselling service or exam stress help. They know what students go through at this time of year😉

  • +2

    I've had good experiences with MindSpot:

    It's a free program funded by the government and delivered by Macquarie Uni that provides online therapy courses for a range of mild to moderate mental health issues.

    The courses are are evidence-based and guided by weekly calls from a therapist. You start by completing an online assessment and a therapist then gets in touch with you to discuss the options.

  • Expired… Ozbargained?
    5000 Ozbargainers complaining about missing a Deal?

    Since the therapists seem to be based in USA, time difference may be a problem scheduling a session.

    The first stage is you give a brief outline of your issue & a therapist is assigned.

    You can choose a male or female therapist, & select options for their orientation eg Religious, ok with different sexual orientation, etc.

    But you can't choose not to have those orientations. So if you don't want to discuss problems with a person with strong religious or other beliefs you don't hold with, there is no available option than to reject the therapist & request another.

    Happy Therapy😉

  • this company did get caught allowing unlicensed counselors on their site in the past.

    • Well in Australia… that wouldn't be a problem!

      There is no law in Australia that requires a person who provides a counselling service to have either qualifications or experience.…

      Good advice there about what to expect from a counsellor & counselling sessions.

  • +1

    The ignorance in these comments is outstanding. And people complaining that our tax dollars go towards mental health services for people. Seriously, do you want to be America where nobody can afford health care? I have got to remind myself not to read the comment section.

    • Pretty usual type of ignorant comments found on social media - of my taxes shouldn't pay for this.

      There are some useful comments as well.

      But there is reason for some scepticism…

      • +1

        Great comment. I finally saw my GP after years of trying to deal on my own and being put on a mental health care plan was one of the best things that could happen. So grateful to live in a country where we don't have to pay thousands upon thousands for needed health care!

        • +1

          Great to read you are getting the treatment you need. There is an unnecessary stigma around mental health, despite so many people being affected. It was a great improvement in mental health care when care plans became available.

          Despite my comments below, I signed up. I decided to deal with a fairly simple issue (given the time constraint of this Deal). It also needed to be one that did not disclose a lot of personal information or secrets.

          The issue - sorting through a dead family member's things - deciding what to keep, what to pass on to charities & what to dump. (Some may see a simple solution - dump it all. But there are important family documents & photos in the huge pile.)

          Grief is difficult. My procrastinating due to it is not helpful. This type of issue is suited to a short therapy process (4 weeks). Not dealing with the issue can be debilitating, whereas successfully dealing with it can be life enhancing.

          The therapist assigned to me was in my opinion inappropriate (conservative southern Baptist seminary trained). The religious messages were more than I wanted. It would play well with many Christians from USA. But not for this Infidel😉

          So I selected my own therapist from a long list. She has been very quick to respond, established a good rapport, gave accurate feedback summarising my presenting issues, and suggested setting goals for therapy.

          Even before our first video session, in a few messages over 24hr it has helped me understand the problems, prioritise my issues, set up a plan to get on with the task, be aware of emotional issues that may arise & develop a strategy to deal with that objectively. She suggested seeking help from a friend to help me in the task. All good advice, delivered with compassion.

          I've already cleared 2 boxes tonight, with most destined for charity. I have done nothing in 4 months with boxes everywhere. Clothes have sat in the boot of my car for 2 months! None of that is helping with the grief.

          So a simple problem can be helped online quickly with help from a therapist on this service. I was surprised👍

          But I remain skeptical about the assistance possible to a person with a mental health disorder.

  • +1

    A basic requirement of counselling is client confidentiality. Online, this can't be assured. Much is revealed in therapy sessions. Can this service be trusted with our darkest secrets??

    The service in this deal would not be a good place to start for someone with a mental health disorder. (It may be useful for someone with basic issues needing a good chat.)

    As it is based in USA, there would be a lack of knowledge of services in Australia & so referrals would be unavailable to those needing more help. That's vital in any support service like this.

    Having to explain local conditions (laws, income support, etc) to a person based overseas could be frustrating, consume much contact time, & likely lead to misunderstanding & poor advice.

    And people may become reliant on the support of this user pays service. At $90/wk (even if you don't use the service), it may prey on the vulnerable, causing further financial & other problems.

    Best place to start is a chat with your GP - as suggested in the comments😉
    OP provided local emergency contacts for those in need👍

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