Hi, if an ebay seller is only offering bank deposit or credit card, which is safer? It makes sense that cards have credit card protection, but can the seller also misuse the card? And how long has ebay allowed people not to offer paypal?
Can an eBay seller now choose not to offer PayPal? What is the safe way to pay then?

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You don't need to buy from a specific seller if you do not trust them. PayPal isn't a great payment option because of the fees incurred. They amount to around 4% of the purchase price. It's great for the buyer however so choose the seller you can trust.
As long as they offer a Credit Card option then they don't have to offer PayPal.
I joined ebay years ago and I remember the outcry when they made paypal compulsory, but it also meant ebay buyer protection did nothing. Thanks for your advice.
cash in hand then
Direct deposit - easy and most secure of all. Most secure because you're not relying on the honesty of a 3rd party with your card details. You deposit the money in their account. Somebody has to pay when paypal is used - it's a business.
buy from another seller
Some ebay sellers have a text saying if you pay by paypal or other means u will not get the item. Not sure how they get away with it, but I guess it works for a small seller. I'm sure if someone did complain they would get removed.
Credit card