Appliance Central appears to have relisted the 55" LG C9 for $2420 + postage with a new code (POUNCE20) for 20% off up to $500.
Update 13/10 - new relisting same price. Link updated. (Thanks Smogul for the heads up)
Appliance Central appears to have relisted the 55" LG C9 for $2420 + postage with a new code (POUNCE20) for 20% off up to $500.
Update 13/10 - new relisting same price. Link updated. (Thanks Smogul for the heads up)
Depends on what you want to achieve.
OLED is #1 for contrast hands down. If you don't want OLED, the then the next option is the Sony Z9…but hey, it's not $2k.
For me, inky blacks are pretty high on the "must have" list in terms of TV features.
not being able to watch ABC News 24 without being paranoid made me stick to the X93E
is that all you watch all day?
@onlinepred: People forget that phones have static content such as notification icons and soft-keys on basically hours a day on OLED screens. My phones have always generally been fine.
Unless you're going to watch the same static image 24 hours a day for a few days in a row, then you will run into issues with an OLED TV. But who does that? Lol
@lasterato: Very different, most OLED phones move pixels around to avoid burn in. Although yes, generally it takes a fair bit to get burn in, some basic precautions will prevent this.
@onlinepred: LG OLEDs have "pixel shift" for this same purpose. Doing this doesn't make much difference, your battery icon doesn't move to a completely different area does it?
@lasterato: not sure why you were negged you're right the LG does have a pixel shift feature to help with oled burn in
@onlinepred: The static TV logos aren't there during ad breaks, are off when the TV is off and are more often than not slightly transparent.
Phone icons are in the same place more often than most people have a TV show on showing a static logo. No idea why people are disagreeing with me…oh well.
@lasterato: My old man left his 55" b8 on channel 7 for 6 hours every week day. After 3 months there were massive burn in in three main areas, the presenter area, logo and news scroller section. He had all the burn in protection settings on.
It's not static content, but brightness. Lg tv is set default to be very bright. Phone nav/icons/status bar gets inverted through various apps. Since when do you use it static image for 6 hours a day? I average 2 hrs sot a day, and never static. TV is entirely different.
Just letting you know there is many class actions in various countries against the b8 series.
I am going to buy c9, but can't deny the properties of OLED panels.
@onlinepred: Sounds like your old man falls into the category I mentioned above "Unless you're going to watch the same static image 24 hours a day for a few days in a row, then you will run into issues with an OLED TV.", and you're aware of how this application will affect the panel. You're also aware that this is more likely to happen with the B series.
Out of interest, did your old man run the Pixel Refresher that takes at least an hour to go through? Did it help?
@lasterato: Oh yea but he only did max 6 hours a day. No the pixel refresher did nothing.
C series says it does not too prevent this, but it's not tested.
All I'm saying is the key factor to burn in is bright areas on the display. Android gets around this by inverting the colours, LG OLED doesn't do this, and can only use pixel shifting techniques which is much less effective.
We have a 10 year plasma and no burn in as yet …
I had this selection problem and went with size. I love my 65 inch 9500g. Altered Carbon in Dolby Vision on Netflix really highlighted the wow factor of its brightness. Depends on what you want?
Yep, if you watch movies/tv shows/gaming then LG, if you watch sport then 9500G
When will the 65" be this price?!
$2600-$2800 is probably the best you can hope for, late cycle (Nov-Feb).
Not anytime soon unless you want to grab one of the hisense ones.
65" B series will go under $2500, 65" C series has been low 3K's already, should go under 3K with black Friday + xmas but wouldn't expect to see much below that.
What's the main complaints with the 65px? I want the dumbest TV I can get. I have my own htpc setup
Best to hit up the whirlpool thread on hisense oleds, not too many reviews out there.
No delivery to the NT
If you're interested I'd say buy. This is cheaper than last years Xmas record for the C8
Cheapest ever for the 55"
55 C series maybe. B series was as low as $1,700 IIRC
Maybe but the B series is a year older, isn't it?
That's not how TV model numbers work!
@Whisper Quiet: I didn't mean that the B series was older…the current B series is '8', whereas the C series is '9'. The B8 came out much before the C9 did. There hasn't been a B9 yet! The B is always going to be cheaper (even if it's the same model year) than the C series as the processor is different.
There seems to be a B9 TV in the USA but not here, where it's still the B8
I didn't downvote.
B C E or W indicate where it sits in the range (cheapest to most expensive) the number indicates the last digit of the model year.
B has a cheaper processor AFAIK whereas the other models have the same (better) processor but different aesthetics.
I thought the B series got below $1500
I thought LG was supposed to be pumping up production of 65 and 77 inch OLEDs this year to bring prices down?
Lol the 77 is $12299 RRP. They'd have to up the production by a huge amount to get it to an affordable level for most people
Is this true HDR, 1k Nits?
Is your current screen 0 Nits to the point you can't use Google?
I've got to be crazy not to get this over the qled q80r or something with respect to gaming right? new qleds have support for 120hz at 1440p I've heard. not so much pc but consoles next year and beyond.
Correct. You'd be crazy not to get this.
The C9 is actually better for gaming due to the support of HDMI2.1 and variable refresh rate.
Boom, impulse purchased the last one.
Thanks Smogul.
I have updated the link in the post and taken the post off expired.
It annoys me that none of these ship to Tasmania.
Any C9 65" deals coming? hmmmmmm
Can someone who has both Samsung and LG OLED comment on this, Samsung 55” seems to be priced lower
If people got the visa card from last deal, then this deal should able to get 5 yrs total warranty on the tv?…
priced increased to $2090 with pounce20…dammn :(
With a budget of $2k, would you go this or the Sony 65 inch 9500G?