David Jones Price Promise and Gift Card Joke

I tried to price promise an online order via their customer service phone team today and pay with gift cards/e gift cards. The price match (with Big W) was authorised but then they wouldn't accept payment with my DJ'S gift cards and was told they don't accept gift card payment via phone. I was advised to go to my local store and request a price match/price promise. My local store is small and didn't have the products i wanted to purchase so I phoned another store within my state approx 30mins away. They had the products in stock i wanted to purchase although declined to price match and said they can only price match with the closest BIG W to them. I asked the sales person that their price promise doesnt mention local stores only so the sales person checked with their floor manager who then confirmed what the sales person had told me was correct. By this time i had flames coming out of my ears. I then called another store within the state and they said the same, can only price match with a local store, they would have to call to confirm the price and stock and couldn't price match over the phone and told me i would have to come into the store to do a price match. I then took this up with DAVID JONES FB team and I was initially advised that instore has different price promise conditions than their online store price promise policy. I asked for the policy of DAVID JONES PRICE PROMISE. They then corrected themself and said the price promise policy is the same for instore and online. This didn't help me though as i could only do the price promise via the phone and they wouldn't accept gift card payment. So after spending a few hours dealing with David Jones staff whom don't know their own companies policies I purchased my goods elsewhere and am left with a bad taste of DAVID JONES. So much for their slogans touting 'ease of shopping'.

Does anyone know of any conditions re: payment of goods via the phone with gift cards?


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David Jones
David Jones


  • It's a thing. It's to try and prevent fraud. Pretty stupid rule when your customers can't use gift cards to buy items over the phone that you personally issued yourself (I worked in a department that involved a lot of gift cards and a lot of phone orders)

    Source: ex-staff

    • and the problem with a PRICE PROMISE/PRICE MATCH is you need to do it now, not in 48hrs via their snail email service when the price matched item will be out of stock

      • Can't you ring to confirm they'll price match, then ask them to hold while you make your way down there that day or day after?

        • YES I did phone and was told that they could only price match with a local store (incorrect PRICE PROMISE information given). My local DJ'S store didn't have the item and I couldn't get into another store further away for a few days when the item i was price matching would no longer have been on sale hence online shopping is the best

    • I think when they had the 'new' website and backend, nearly every one of my orders was on hold pending a call from customer service to verify my credit card. At least they have stopped that!

      • Were your orders pricey? e.g. vacuum cleaner worth $800

        • +1

          Max was a pair of shoes. About $400

  • +4

    1. Got item pricematch authorized by DJs online. Payment with gift card declined.
    2. Followed advice to do pricematch and purchase in-store. Was told pricematch only valid for nearest store if in stock. Pricematch refused.
    3. Inconsistent staff response re pricematch policy.

  • -3

    Does anyone know of any conditions re: payment of goods via the phone with gift cards? I have checked DAVID JONES gift cards TERMS and CONDITIONS and can't find anything.

    Literally the first line in your linked document says the cards "can be used instore and online", which would logically exclude payment over the phone.

    • Phone calls travel on a line from your phone to the DJ call center location. Therefor all payment over the phone=online.


  • Do they sell it online? If yes, email for price match approval and go from there.

    • +1

      yes they do sell online. I was price matching my online order and the only way to pay an online price match is over the phone. Also it takes approx 48hrs to get an email response.

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