No plus required
Cheapest delivered price $55.20
Lowest historical from recent memory was ~$58 Amazon select and 2 for $102 ebay deal
Shopback extra $3
No plus required
Cheapest delivered price $55.20
Lowest historical from recent memory was ~$58 Amazon select and 2 for $102 ebay deal
Shopback extra $3
Maybe, but it dispatches from AU. I'll get someone else on the forum to confirm.
CC price protection?
The answer with all technology is wait until year 3000 for the best value. I paid $1500 for a Matrox Impression Plus with the faster RAMDAC back in 1995, and $1000 for a Sony Trinitron 15 inch CRT monitor and about the same for a three speed SCSI caddy CD-ROM. I should have waited.
HAHA! Love this comment :)
Shopback extra $3 — expired
Don't need it but pretty cheap so might buy…. Or wait?
Wait. It'll just keep getting cheaper.
Thanks OP. Ordered for my new dashcam :)
Don't you need Endurance type models for dashcams (i.e. due to heat/write counts)? Not sure, just remember reading that lots around here.
I've only ever used whatever SD card I've got around, but I have found anything less than Class 10 plays up e.g. intermittently 'crashes' the cam and I have to power off/on.
That might simply be buffer overrun.
Only if you use a small sd card. With a big SD card the utilization is much lower so should last a lot longer. If recording 1080p and driving an hour a day should be good for a few years of use. Still, I don't think you should use Sandisk Ultra.
Time till tell
any 512 GB??
Does this work fine with Gopro Hero 7 Black?
Did my research, it works with the GoPro Hero 7 Black.
So many good deals for micro sd cards lately.
Bought a 128GB class 10 Sandisk from Amazon for $25 yesterday.
plus delivery if you don't have ebay plus
They are basically paying you to get plus :)
Sign up for $39…
Buy $99 groceries for $50
damn, i bought this in 2018 for $144….
is this au stock?