Hey fellow ozbargainers,
After some advice. My soon to be 10yo son is desperate for a ps4 for his birthday. I am leaning more towards a switch, but he is adamant. He currently has a ps3. The games he usually plays are fifa and NBA. And obviously wants the latest fifa2k and nba2k games as well.
I feel that the switch would be better as it is more portable, can plug into tv and still play with friends when they come over.
He doesn't play online with friends, but says he is used to the playstation controllers.
Can someone provide me with the pro's and cons of either and help me make a decision.
He is also willing to put $200 towards the playstation.
PS4 or Switch for 9yo

Last edited 09/10/2019 - 09:22
Poll Options
- 69PS4
- 15Nintendo switch
- 6He should be happy with whatever he gets
Thanks. But I'm sure he will find something else to complain about.
If portable gaming isn't a requirement. If first party Nintendo games isn't a requirement.
Then PS4 is a superior console, not to mention that's what he wants. Even if he changes his mind later, you can make it an excellent opportunity to teach him about decision making and responsibilities.
Both are good consoles, but with the Switch being portable and all, he might want to take it to school so more chance of it getting stolen.
If he didn't already have a strong preference I would say Switch as they have strong age appropriate titles + portability. But if he is into sports games primarily then go the PS4. I don't think there is a wrong answer, let him choose otherwise he will be filthy
Also, FIFA is not the same on Switch, its like a lighter version and not as many players online as ps4, if he ever does decide to play online that is.
Previous threads about this question about which console to buy, have essentially come down to which console has the games he is most likely to play and is interested in, and secondly which console does his/ her friends have or which console they are most likely to buy. From the games you mention in your post e.g. Fifa etc. My vote is for a PS4.
he wants a ps4, this is an easy one
PC master race.
I was happy to see I did not have to scroll far for the real answer.
I'm a vegan
got our back chap!
If I was to buy a console for a 10 year old I'd buy a switch but he's specifically asked for a PS4 so 100% get him a PS4
He is also willing to put $200 towards the playstation.
Your kid is cashed up.
He earns it by emptying the dishwasher every day.
Happy to buy big items like this if they are happy to contribute. Gotta learn that things aren't cheap.
mobile phone games are enough
Not really. There aren't that many quality games on the mobile. Most follow a freemium model that just don't allow you to enjoy the game. Not to mention OP's son wants to play FIFA and NBA which aren't available on mobile platforms.
Other practical thing to consider: small screen at a close distance, potentially bad for the eyes.
FIFA and NBA which aren't available on mobile platforms.
have you checked it yourself?
Most follow a freemium model that just don't allow you to enjoy the game
oh sure you can enjoy.
There aren't that many quality games on the mobile
again have you checked lately?
have you checked it yourself?
I checked for FIFA 20 and it isn't available on Android at least. NBA 2k20 appears to be available but the graphics looks like a PS2 game.
oh sure you can enjoy.
Many people hate it. Not just speaking for myself.
again have you checked lately?
I have an Asus ROG Phone II (look it up if necessary) and I can assure you that even the best gaming experience on a mobile phone is still rubbish compared to playing properly on a console.
He's 9. Therefore does not have a phone. He's definitely doesn't get everything he wants.
"He is also willing to put $200 towards the playstation. "
Your 9yo will go far in life. Total boss.
He's earned it. Hopefully I've taught him enough that he goes farther in life than me.
i have an idea. get him both.
Agree and a Xbox as well comes in handy for cheap a$$ games :)
Haha. Are you paying???
He's a dope. Switch is way better
Seriously though, does he have his own TV? The major benefit of a switch over a PS4 is that it doesn't hog up the TV, but if there's a spare or he has his own, maybe just get the PS4
Xbox, backwards compatibility means hundreds of cheap older games. Besides, I wouldn't wish the torture of using a PS controller on my child.
Still hurting about Xbox one sales, huh?
Get him nothing, he will never defy you again.
Woolies seedling kit.
Then make a seedling box and write on it “GrowthStation - for the growers” on the side of the box.
Any sports games = PS4
If he wants a PS4 I would probably go that way - also, being non-portable it's less likely to be dropped or stolen.
If the kid wants the PS4 you should just get that for him otherwise he might not touch the Switch if he isn't interested in it to start with…. unless it's the parent themselves who is wanting to play the Switch which is why this question came up…?
Get him a used PS4, cheaper the better. Ps5 is coming in 2020, then get him that.
Thanks for the heads up. Was looking at the EB games refurbished ones anyway.
If he primarily plays FIFA and NBA, and third party games in general then PS4 without question. The Switch is good, but if you're not into Switch specific games, or primary play third party titles, then there's not much reason to have a Switch.
The Switch for realistic sports games is absolute crap. Basically PS3/Xbox 360 ports with updated rosters.
Get the PS4.The NBA ports are great on Switch. Went my whole life wanting a portable NBA game, and the Switch versions have met that expectation. The issue is FIFA and the download sizes required by the NBA games even if you buy physical
Overall: PS4
not only for sports games, ALL GAMES become cheaper on Ps4 after a few months or at least a year, on Switch they don't come down in price too often.
As a Switch fanboy, I'll always recommend a Switch, except in this situation.
Get a cheap PS4 and the games he wants. As he gets older it's almost certain his tastes will change from just FIFA and NBA games. Switch has the two titles, but the FIFA titles are garbage and the 2K titles unfortunately require a lot of Space to download which you won't have unless you get a microSD card (another additional cost).
Go for the PS4 (not the Pro) and see how that goes for him.
That title, lol
PS5 is coming out next year (Juneish) so a switch would be better
I'd stick to the PS4 since it is your son's preference so he won't have any grounds to complain.