Boiling Frog is where you put the frog in water and increase the temperature slowly so that it doesn't notice. Compare with boiling water where it will jump out ASAP. Well, I think eBay has been boiling us for a while now. Remember back when 10% and 15% coupons used to be COMPLETELY unrestricted and truly site-wide? But gradually they've been putting in restrictions until our beloved coupons are unrecognizable:
1) Increasing minimum spend ($30 -> $70 -> $100 etc)
2) Decreasing the % off (20% -> 15% -> 10% -> 3%)
3) Decreasing total max discount
4) Increasing category restrictions (can't use on gift cards, car parts etc)
5) Coupon only works on 10 items per transaction instead of unlimited
6) Big retailers only (or a bunch of sus small ones)
7) Can no longer use Australian coupons on eBay USA
8) Can no longer use American etc coupons on eBay Australia
9) eBay Plus users only
10) "Eligible items" only
11) I'm probably forgetting more.
I think "Eligible items" is the worst thing they introduced. Of course, you also got the usual eBay BS like pulling coupons off early, daylight savings affecting coupon use, and the price ejackulations. You realise what this is? Inflation. You basically indirectly lost some of your income. I wouldn't be surprised if they introduce more restrictions in the future:
- Minimum spend: $10,000
- 1% off
- Max $10 discount
- Coupons for women only
- Coupons for boomers only
- Coupons that only work on Chinese sellers
- Confirmed OzBargainers banned from using eBay coupons
BTW, so about them frogs - boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew? Yeah or nah?
Only buy from a platform when it suits you - best price, other benefits, etc.
Otherwise just ignore. Life's too short to get your knickers in a knot.