This was posted 13 years 7 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Wallabies Rugby Supporter Jersey $10 Posted


Tooheys New promotion for an official Wallabies supporter jersey for $10 (inc postage). Just enter the un-unique code from any Tooheys slab. Seems to be KooGa brand.

Pic from base of Tooheys New block:…

Mod: Added new code and edited URL thanks to andwae

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Thanks Tom. Will enjoy wearing my new jumper to cheer on the Wallabies in the upcoming World Cup.

    • +2

      Jumper? Looks like a polo shirt to me…

      • +6

        Polo shirt? Looks like free advertising to me…

  • pretty good deal!

  • How many times can a code be used? I suggest it might only work once?

    • +1

      Same code as found on all 30pks of cans that I checked

      • +3

        Small oversight on their part ;-)

  • +1

    worked ok for me
    1 order per credit card per day
    shame about robinson

  • +3

    I used the code - It will be OZBargained! good deal for $10!

  • Thanks OP! Works perfectly

  • Entered code and ordered, seemed to go ok!
    Go Wallabies!

  • NICE ONE… Thanks to the OP. Worked a treat.

  • -2

    Good deal BUT the page that you put your credit card details is not secure… Decided to not put them in for that reason..

    • it came up as secure when i went in …

      • +27

        That's what she said.

        • +16

          Not too often by the sound of it.

        • +2

          Stay On Target!

    • Parts of the page were not secure for me either.
      FF v5.

    • -

  • Anyone buy a slab but don't want to use the coupon? If so they should post the code on here so a ozbargainer can use it since they might not validate the other one if too many people use it.

    • +1


      • That worked for me (up to payment stage), decided to bail though after I saw what it looked like, I already have to many jerseys in any case.

        • +2

          weird, i think it looks good, but then im a afl fan, and tend to think rugby tops are horrible in general

      • Thanks. Worked for me.

    • +2

      Or if you bought a slab just for the code, and don't want the beers………

  • nice find and good excuse to drink up! :D

  • thanks OP, worked fine

  • Thanks, good deal. :)

  • +1

    not usually interested in rugby gear, even dirt cheap, but cant pass this up, cheers op

  • code still working, nice find!

  • done!

  • +1

    Great find op. Just ordered.

    The Tooheys New Wallabies Supporters Jersey is valued at AUD $89.99 RRP. RRP of total prize pool = $823,408.50. All taxes (excluding GST) which may be payable as a consequence of redeeming a jersey are the sole responsibility of the consumer.

    823408.50 / 89.99 = 9150 possible jerseys available.

    • Was just about to post that. Wonder how many are left?

      • approximately 1500 have been ordered as of just right now. they give you an order number when you buy one.

    • +1

      9150/5 = 1830 possible jerseys for each size. lol.

  • hey i cant seem to get through…it says please check oyur details?…i cant seem to enter State and also cannot see the sizes.

    • Hit refresh, the first time I loaded the page only 3/4 came up, after refresh it was all there

    • I have the same problem and refreshing doesn't help

      Will try from home tonight

      • Me three.

  • +1

    Bought! Not for me, but for hubby.

    Order Reference: ord0001016 - maybe 1016 so far have been sold perhaps??

    • Yeah i reckon your right!

    • I just got mine, order ord0001203, sounds like you're spot on.

      • You've just identified yourself to them by publishing your order number.

        • lol - i think i will be right, there isn't anything 'scary' about that.

      • +2

        oh shit! they know your order number, they gonna hunt you down and kill you now

        • Yep, Arnie style! :)

        • I'll be back…of the lineout

  • Damn you ozbargain for making me buy things i dont need haha

    • I know, right!! I have also passed it around the office and everyone is keen for it now, hehe

  • +2

    I find it amazing that companies that run these promotions still use generic code!

    Either way, I drink Tooheys new and I support the Wallabies, so I deserve this shirt! :P

  • Bring on this time tomorrow, i want to buy one for myself now (damn not having 2 credit cards now!)

  • Just placed an order and had no probs at all. Thanks again ozbargain : )

  • Im tempted, but never going to wear it so will let this one go

  • FFS, work firewall blocked me, site is "Alcohol/Tobacco". WTF?

    • +6

      nanny state..

    • Beer = alcohol
      Tooheys new ≠ beer

      I would have thought you'd be safe on that one?

  • Awesome!

  • +18

    an oldie but a goodie….

    Wiremu, a New Zealander, was in Australia to watch the upcoming Rugby World Cup and was not feeling well,
    so he decided to see a doctor.

    "Hey doc, I dun't feel so good, ey," said Wiremu.

    The doctor gave him a thorough examination and informed Wiremu that he had long existing and advanced prostate problems and the only cure was testicular removal.

    "No way, doc!" replied Wiremu. "I'm gitting a sicond opinion ey!"

    The second Aussie doctor gave Wiremu the same diagnosis and also advised him that testicular removal was the only cure. Not surprisingly, Wiremu refused the treatment.

    Wiremu was devastated, but with the Rugby World Cup just around the corner, he found an expat Kiwi doctor and decided to get one last opinion from someone he could trust.

    The Kiwi doctor examined him and said, "Wiremu Cuzzy Bro, you huv prostate suckness ey."

    "What's the cure thin, doc?" asked Wiremu, hoping for a different answer.

    "Wull, Wiremu," said the Kiwi doctor, "Wi're gonna huv to cut off your balls."

    "Phew, thunk god for thut!" said Wiremu. "Those Aussie b * s wanted to take my test tickets off me!"

    • Lol!

  • +30

    from the html
    // test the entered value against the valid promo codes
    if($(this).val().toLowerCase()=="z3xy5qr7lm" || $(this).val().toLowerCase()=="a9cd5ut6nx") {
    } else {

    in english the valid codes are :
    z3xy5qr7lm / a9cd5ut6nx

    • +1

      Hahaha nice spotting!

      That coder sucks badly.

      Just got mine, thanks for the deal guys!

    • +17

      LOL only an Aussie would name their classes 'allgood' & 'notallgood' instead of like 'valid' or 'invalid'. Classic

  • +1

    My order number was 1155. Looks like this 4 digit number shows how many have been claimed. If thats the case can people occasionally post their order number to give others an idea exactly how many are left. As posted earlier there are 9150 available to be claimed.

  • nice find
    gettin a large, hope i fit it :P

  • Legend! Love my sports gear and for $10, a steal! Thanks OP!

  • Order Number 1285

  • O/N 1293

  • +1

    1311, is this supporters jersey diff from the one they sell in shops (i.e. the qantas one)? otherwise, this is just a clever marketing ploy to get you to advertise their product

    • I'm sure Qantas would think the same thing for the official jerseys :P

  • Haha they're getting us to pay for THEIR advertising!

  • .

  • What is the maximum jersey size - XXL?

    • Yes still in stock just got 1

      • +1

        That is a pity - XXL won't fit around my beer belly.

        Have to start drinking lo carb :)

  • Order 1377. Just ordered! Thanks! :D:D

  • +6

    The shirt is just a polo shirt not the actual rugby jersey =/

    • I wear medium tees and large jerseys usually fit me quite well (NRL, AFL, Cricket, EPL jerseys). Just an indication for ya.

    • Probably depends on what size you usually are? :P

      I often order a size larger with stuff I can't try on… if it's too big I can probably shrink it in the dryer. If it's something I like it'll usually shrink, just small enough that I can't wear it anymore. :(

    • yep, I would have bought one if it was a jersey instead. But polo shirts such as this usually go for 30 bucks+, so still a deal.

  • +1

    hey guys this is a polo shirt, not a jersey…

    • Better be a bloody good ($89.95 RRP) polo shirt.

      • +1

        rrp is for fools

  • Order 1410 here. Awesome buy!

  • Thanks heaps! Just placed my order and got a confirmation email.

  • order ord0001472 :D thanks tom112 !

  • It says "Please check your details are correct"… Is it just me or sold out?

    • you must have made a typo all good still hehehehehehe

    • are they correct as I just tried to do a dummy order and it went though ok

      • +1

        And you just wasted a polo

        • Thanks for the replies…
          Got it through… Must be internet explorer at work. Worked fine with Chrome….

  • ord0001642 stil going good

  • order 1641 just now…


  • +3

    Credit card type: Visa / Mastercard / Bankcard

    Anyone see anything wrong…??

    • ?? Whats wrong about it? If you mean the bankcard part, to my knowledge it is a form of credit card from years back?

  • nice, done deal. will be a good gym shirt :D

  • still working boys! Thanks :)

  • I really didn't need one but couldn't resist! No-1755

  • still working

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