Looking to try Lite n' Easy for the first time. It will be for myself only to start with as I need to loose the most weight asap for health reasons (about 15kg).
I have read reviews etc for the various food delivery companies and TBH they all have about the same good/bad feedback ratio and very similar comments. So I just picked Lite n' Easy to begin with. I want to try it for 2 weeks.
I am wondering if there are any current working discount codes or promos for new customers like myself? I have tried a few from various websites but none work, some just take me to the Lite n' Easy website (no code is given) :(
I am just a bit wary of paying the full price of $300 for 2 weeks frozen meals on the gamble it will be good value.
SPR19 is supposed to be 15% off until the 18th Oct