What is the most economical airport transfer option for Canberra?
Cheapest Option for Airport Transfers in Canberra

Just 1… what is the bus service like?
Takes you to the city centre and comes every 15. If you're not arriving in normal hours it might be difficult. You can always see if you can to where you want using the public transport option on Google maps
I’ve used the bus and it’s great if you are looking for a low-cost option, particularly if you are staying and working in the city. On weekdays it runs every 15 minutes to the city (30 minutes on weekends), where you can connect to other hubs around Canberra.
Fares are $3.22 in peak for an adult using a myway card (like Opal, Myki), and you get a 90 minute transfer with your fare if going to other locations. After the first 40 rides of the month it’s free. https://www.transport.act.gov.au/tickets-and-myway/fares. Purchase options for a MyWay card https://www.transport.act.gov.au/tickets-and-myway/get-myway
This might be useful http://www.canberrayourfuture.com.au/ - has a lot of useful links in one place. The-RiotACT.com is also good.
Hope you enjoy Canberra. I came for a short time and have stayed for years! It’s not too big, not too small.
Thanks, appreciate your comments.
Never taken the bus, always taken Uber; but there is a bus. Check the site for schedule.
Depends how long you're staying get a low km hire car 150kms. Canberra is quite small.
Commuting weekly for a couple of months, on my own dime… Looking for the best accommodation and transport options! Saving $100/trip over the time adds up to a great saving.
I recommend finding someone to rent a room from and buy a 1k to 2k car to sell when u leave. Or drive your car there and bus and use friends at home for a bit while renting a room.
Yes, will be looking for a room to rent, thanks for the idea but I won't get a cheap car..
Walk :)
Uber probably. Can get uber xl now in Canberra too. How many people?