Usually $99 , all other comparable manuka honey are $99 or more this is a great price
It is UMF 16+ certified which means it is the same quality as any other UMF 16+ Nz government certified product but at much cheaper price!
Usually $99 , all other comparable manuka honey are $99 or more this is a great price
It is UMF 16+ certified which means it is the same quality as any other UMF 16+ Nz government certified product but at much cheaper price!
'I dont want your love, honey. I want your money'
But it's from NZ! The bees are as magical as the a2 cows.
I think you are on to something. Manuka plus A2. ManukA2moo. Genius!
I'll split the business 50/50 with you.
I'll do all the logistics and partnerships with chemists, and get some Chinese connections.
You have to deal with new Zealanders, and that accent I'm not fond of…
Ok ok, 60/40 your favor
Can anyone tell me what is the benefits of this UMF?
It's making big money for someone…
You have to feel a lot better regardless of the reasons for buying it, otherwise you'll find it hard to live with yourself for paying $70 for a small jar of what was once the bog-standard N.Z. default honey before some really clever marketing.
Google manuka umf benefits tons of healing properties, you want at least 16+ for medicinal properties
Does it make me younger? I mean aging is a disease.
chlorella makes you younger. it regenerates and repairs cells. try that instead.
Basically it's good as a topical treatment for wounds but not confirmed to help with much else:…
Even on wounds newer better studies are being done that are suggesting it's possibly not even that useful. A great marketing scam all around most likely.
I was told the same that it needs to be UMF16+ to be of some medical benefit.
I bought the one from Costco at MGO 850+ (UMF 20+) and giving them to my kids when they were coughing (and myself for sore throat and coughing), it did reduce my coughing and my throat (and the kids' told me they felt better) did feel better with it.
I used to buy the other one that Costco sells (same brand but much lower MGO) and cost $55 and that didn't work at all.
I agree the scientific studies around these medicinal benefit properties were limited or non-conclusive but people in this forum should be open to views from those who have used them and shared their experience (which I am assuming Bargaingeek did otherwise he/she wouldn't know it needs to be at least UMF16+ as those numbers were told to me by…. my doctor)
Wow ! $120 a kilo…what a steal !
It's actually $140.
That is why Tsapena need to buy this honey 😁
Good point. I've ordered 6 jars….
$139.98 to be precise.
Go and buy a litre on its own with cash, and let us all know how much you actually had to give them for it. Was it $140 or $139.98?
Don’t forget shopback.
You can slap whatever price you want, someone somewhere in the world who has too much money will definitely buy it..
I prefer to spend my money on Powersauce Bars.. did you know they contain 6 different kinds of Apple?!
And Chinese newspaper
….. hay, deng xiaoping died.
Are you asking if the 500g for $69 is better value than 250g for $49?
If that is the case, then the answer is yes.
Thanks OP, good value for genuine certified UMF16+ Honey, Mum routinely uses the Swiss UMF20+ Which has helped dramatically with her hernia/GORD symptoms, but it sure hurts my pocket alright , nearly double in price for a 250gm jar :( , just don’t waste your money on anything less then UMF15+. (First comment, so b***h be cool)
How is her hernia and GORD related? Unless she has a sliding hiatal hernia… in which case how would she deliniate which is which?
Studies have shown that manuka honey is incredible. Even shown to cure cancer.
I lather it on my face, so ants can eat the dead skin cells and keep me looking great!
The hernia itself can play a role in the development of both acid reflux and a chronic form of acid reflux called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Point of my comment is that high strength UMF Manuka has helped her immensely, and that not all honey is equal, take the positives from my comment without sounding like such a b****h.
You asked to not be replied sounding like a b****h, yet you sounded like you just did.
Good for your mum
You should swap out the honey with some similar coloured regular 'non magical' honey one week without telling her..
See if her symptoms or benefits change without her knowledge of magic v non magic honey being consumed
You can either
- perform a blind test and prove most scientific journals wrong (though sample size of one, but it's a start)
- save your mum a heap of money
Im betting on #2 ;)
No doubt, the hernia plays a role in the development and propagation of the severity of GERD, you stipulate, that the honey helps with the hiatal hernia. Which if true, would be revolutionary, as currently fundoplication is gold (hah get it gold…) standard.
If you are that confident in the properties of UMF manuka honey, i suggest you get your mother to ?use? normal honey vs. manuka honey in a double blinded manner and see if she improves only on the UMF honey :)
It's fine to do what you like, it's a free world, just don't waste your hard earned money on baseless placebo pseudo-ailments.
Hi mate, manuka cured my severe GERD after years of battling it via medication and antibiotics and countless tests, it got so bad that i couldn’t sleep for one year straight until I discovered Manuka honey. Using UMF 16 for 3 months completely cured me and reversed all damage I got from GERD. Doctors couldn’t bielieve it, Now I take it occasionally just for general gastro health :) there is a lot of hate around manuka due to very high cost and ignorance of its benefits
due to very high cost
and complete lack of scientific proof of any relevant health benefits
(there, fixed it for you)
Can you unequivocally prove it was the honey that helped you ? Not the h.pylori eradication therapy ( 2 antibiotics + proton pump inhibitor )
You mentioned it reversed all the damage caused by GORD, I’m guessing you mean gastric erosion ? Which you’d only know if you had a gastroscope before and after Manuka honey.
Not trying to call you out, but perhaps it wasn’t the honey but rather the medications which do take around 2 to 4 weeks to be completely effective…
I am not trying to defend Bargaingeek, but maybe people should try it first just for once and see how people go.
It is very expensive I have to say and I notice the price exponentially goes up past UMF 16+
Did you take the honey of your deal to cure your GERD?
What was the damage from GERD?
How often and how much did you take during the 3 months of "treatment"?
You only get "be kind" for your first post, if you're lucky and don't ask for it. You don't get beach be cool for your first comment.
I remember Manuka honey cost 20$ for a kilo years back.
With the great demand, the bloody dealer act!
it possesses some antimicrobial properties.. can it replace antibiotics? no, can it replace antimycotics? no
You can use it on an open cut to prevent infection but for $140 a kilo I prefer to use a bandaid.
If you are following the instruction 'Go Healthy' you wouldn't want to consume this glucose and fructose syrup that is lacking in fiber
Plastic bottle, woolies honey, some Chinese made labels…
I think I just found my retirement plan.
I grabbed a $50 250ml manuka honey once. It tasted awful 😫. Tried it for a cold, but honestly it didn't seem to mix well with the lemon juice and didn't really coat my throat well.
For a cough, I recommend normal honey over this, though it's probably not it's purpose anyway
But my girlfriend's family loves it enough. Along with kangaroo essence and 30 other bogus medications you can buy for extortion.
I'm shocked white people have fallen for this though 😬
its just honey people