Alternative to NBN in Western Sydney (near Parramatta Area)

Hi there everyone~

Just wondering if anyone knows what alternatives to NBN do I have as someone who lives in Western Sydney. For your information, my area is not covered by Optus/Telstra cable as well.

Currently, I'm already with W3Networks Airfiber basic 60 ($80/month) but it only gives me a maximum speed of 30 ish Mbps down/5-7 Mbps up but it can go down to a maximum of 19-20 ish Mbps down during peak hours.

I've also tried using Optus 4G/Spintel 4G (High speed 4G option) with Huawei B525 modem and it gives me a speed of around 50-70 Mbps down/7-8Mbps up but honestly I don't know if the 500GB data cap is good enough for 2 people (me and someone else in my apartment). I would definitely consider it if they offer 1TB data cap per month but 500GB…. I don't know if that's going to be enough because we're both pretty heavy users.

I don't have much knowledge about other services and hence why I'm turning to fellow ozbargainers to see if anyone knows of any other service other than these 3 :)

Thank you in advance!!


  • Your speeds sound fine to me both on NBN and on 4G
    In fact they are excellent!

    And 500GBs is more than enough for 2 people.

    Consider a movie uses about 4GB so 125 movies per month or 4 per day.
    And you only need about 4 Mbps for streaming or slightly more for 4K streaming.
    I really dont see any issue here

    So whats your problem????

    And to answer your question - Yes you have exhausted your choices.

    • Hi there mate, right right so there might not be other options for Western Sydney region yeah?

      "And 500GBs is more than enough for 2 people."

      Well it really depends right? Like I said, we're both pretty heavy users and each of us can easily use more than 250GB in less than a month so the Optus/Spintel 4G is not exactly the ideal options even though they offer better speed compared to W3Networks.

      "I really dont see any issue here. So whats your problem????"

      Whoa relax mate, I just would like to know if there's a better option out there for people in Western Sydney region. I know I don't have cable/NBN in my area but what I'm trying to say is; suppose there's an internet provider out there I don't know about in West of Sydney that offers 100 Mbps/unlimited data for around $80 per month then why not change to that one instead of just settling with my W3Networks 19-20 ish Mbps?

      That's all really :) Thanks for the reply mate!


    It sounds like it will narrow down which providers service your area, after you input your address

    Below is a list of all providers offering plans or you can check your address to find out which ones will be servicing your area.

  • What happens to your old phone wall socket when you switch to NBN? Do they swap the socket from the phone plug to a new NBN plug, or do they leave the old plug in place and install a new socket somewhere else in the house?

    • Leave old phone socket and install new nbn socket. Old phone socket won't work once nbn service is activated.

  • Quick question with that, can I game & stream with your current speeds? Just moved, no NBN and ADSL2 speeds are crap. Looking for alternatives as well.

    • @monchee

      Hi there, yes you absolutely can game even with 7Mbps. The thing is, with gaming, it's more about latency and W3Networks latency is all over the place. I play rocket league during the weekends quite a bit and I can tell that I'm getting these micro lags because the latency jumps from 15 ms to 31 ms and then back down to 17ms, and then to 26 ms, etc. This, however, does not happen with the Optus 4G. The latency on Optus 4G is very stable, somewhere around 23-26 ms all the time when playing Rocket League.

      As for streaming, yup 19-20 Mbps is enough to watch Netflix Full HD/youtube 1080p but nothing beyond that I reckon. The Optus/Spintel 4G can reach up to 70 Mbps and is a lot better for gaming (because its latency is stable) and streaming (it can play youtube video 1440p 60 FPS with no loading) BUT it has the dreaded 500GB data cap T_T

      • Thanks for the reply! The thing that I'm worried about is that I play with a lot of friends across the SEA region and the stability of the ping is what matters most to me. I watch a lot of twitch so the cap does sound like a worry.
        I also want to try to broadcast to an audience live instead of uploading to YouTube as well as manage a lot of files across the internet.

        I might just wait and suffer until I get NBN I guess. *sigh

        Thanks again!

        • Yeah it the latency really sucks and while the Optus 4G is a lot better (for my area at least), the 500GB data cap is just not enough if you have more than one person in the house.

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