Gigabyte nVidia GeForce GTX 1660 Gaming OC 6GB Graphics Card $335.20 Delivered @ Futu Online

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Tbh looking at Ebay prices I'd rather have this with a warranty and no stress for a bit more
Yep, exact same card from same company for less. Only real reason to go ebay deal is if you live somewhere where shipping costs will make it higher. For me it's still $5.45 cheaper after shipping than the original deal.
I play with a widescreen monitor 1080p with 60fps and a GTX 970.
Happy to keep this resolution. But to get ready for cyberpunk , I'm keen to upgrade my gfx card. Is 1660 or rtx 2060 sufficient?
Playing assassin's Creed odyssey, I've had to downgrade the graphics and details to have a steady 60fps.
Assuming you're GPU limited, the 1660 should be around on average 20% faster than a 1060 6GB, which itself should be around 5-10% faster than a 970, so in theory it should be around a 25-30% increase in performance but again, that assumes that the 1660 would still be the limiting factor for your PC. That being said, it is very much game specific, with some games only having a small increase, whilst others will be upwards of 50%.
AC:O is a pretty horrible game for comparison as it's one of the most poorly optimised games out there and very taxing, so consider it a worst case scenario (apart from Crysis).
If you can get a 1660ti or 2060 for a good bargain, I would lean towards them a little more but for almost all games, the 1660 should be enough for 60fps.
If it helps, I use an Intel i5 6600k and 8gb RAM @2400mhz (but thinking of also increasing to 2x8gb ram when a good deal pops up)
So depending on the game, you might get CPU/RAM limited from time to time, mainly on games that like to use more than 4 threads like Battlefield V. Use something like MSI afterburner in games to see what % of GPU is being used and if it's always 95-100% then the GPU upgrade will have benefits. 16GB of RAM is certainly a good shout these days, the Crucial Ballistix deal at the moment is really nice. Micron E-die chips so they should overclock really well if you're into that.
Tough sell when you can get a new RX 570 + the AMD game promotion for <$200
Not comparable performance, this is like 40% faster.
You'd be suprised. Updates brought the performance to pretty similar tiers.…
I'm pretty out of touch with gaming but since I heard Red Dead is coming to PC soon I'm looking at upgrading my pc.
I've currently got a Sapphire Radeon R9 290 4 GB Tri-X and an Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4 GHz.
Does anyone know how much of an upgrade this 1660 GTX is? And more importantly will I be able to crank up the settings on Red Dead 2?
I think you might be better off getting a 1060, could find one cheaper used too.