This was posted 5 years 5 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[PS4] Ni No Kuni 2 (9/10 Polygon) $19.98 @ EB Games


Good game cheap $19.98 ni no ku ni 2 EB Games

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EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

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  • Was actually looking waiting for this to go on sale for a while now thanks op :)

  • +5

    Now wait for Amazon price match

  • Is it the steelbook case version?

    • Nope - that's a JB exclusive

      • is it just me or wasn't it listed for $25 a few days ago, it's now $29

      • Actually Eb had their own steelbook but it came separately along with the normal case whereas the JB one I believe has different art on the steelbook and came on its own.

  • +2

    Still spewing I missed the King's Edition!

    • This is why we have Ebay.

      • I'm on OzBargain, I not gonna buy it for too much dough.

        • Could be money worth spending, if it saves you having to clean up all your spew.

          I can see one Ebay listing where the price is cheaper than the King's Edition launch price of $220. And that's brand new and sealed.

  • Would I need to play the first one to play this?

    • Nope

    • They did remaster it 👌

    • +1

      I just finished this and rate it a lot higher than the first one. It still ended up dragging a bit towards the end once the novelty of the kingdom building had worn off but a solid 3 and half stars from me.

      Perfectly fine to play this one without playing the first, the only benefit is that you recognise a couple of place names/know how to get around one of the cities (if you remember!)

      • +3

        FYI the general consensus was #2 was inferior. IIRC #2 was apparently a very confused game regarding what it wanted to be.

        • The first one has 86 on metacritic vs 84 for the second one so pretty even there. Combat is much more fun in the second one I thought, more variety in what you are doing too. Though still about 3000 too many fetch quests!

          • @Birdseye: Actually I think the meta score has shot up quite a bit. I'm sure it was low 70's before.

  • +9

    I like how you put 9/10 from Polygon as if anyone takes them seriously.

    • +1

      Who do you trust with reviews? What's wrong with Polygon?

  • Great game this one! But I still prefer the first one, absolute magic!

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