What do people think of the increase? $17.99 > $19.99 for the premium plan. It doesn't bother me too much because I am sharing with 5 people but if I was paying for it myself, it would feel more substantial. Especially since they increased prices not too long ago.
Netflix Price Increase Oct 2019

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Netflix Turkey also went up a whole 50c the other month!
How much is Netflix Turkey and do you need a vpn to use it or just to set it up and then after you set it up you don't need to use a vpn?
I am after the cheapest Netflix preferably something with HD or UHD.
Cancelled, partly because I got tired of seeing a missing last season in shows I knew had one more season.
Also, they did something different to detect VPN in iOS 13 which I couldn’t be bothered researching how to get around.
got tired of seeing a missing last season in shows I knew had one more season.
What gets me even more is where they only have part of a season (looking at you, Suits).
I could handle waiting for a new season, but when shows have season long arcs, it’s annoying waiting to watch the end.
Doesn't affect me as I'm only on Standard, not Premium. But regardless, I think this increase is a joke:
- Netflix Premium is already the most expensive streaming subscription here (other than Foxtel Now);
- Disney Plus is about to enter the competition, now at less than half the price of Premium but still with 4K and 4 simultaneous streams;
- Apple TV+ will follow shortly after, at an even lower price still;
- They haven't really given anything in return to justify the increase, (e.g. more locally produced content, especially when this increase is specific to Oz).
Looks like it's time to hoist the sails again! Arrhh!
Again? Matey I've been at sea the whole time. yaarrr
Shiver me seedbox!
Silly that they basically only make 4K TVs these days, but you have to pay $20 a month just to have the option for Netflix. Disney plus and Apple TV plus include 4K and 4 and 6 streams in their first and only cheap tier.
Aren't we all full of 1/2 price $20 Netflix cards so who really cares .
Flood of em still on Ebay lol .
Turkey pricing is about the same
Where are these $20 cards, can't see em
Your right , looks like the flood is over .
Mid Sept a lot sold for around $13 .
Netflix has got to stop dropping $150 mill on movies. They just dont get the return on it. Their sub base doesnt suddenly bump up becuase of a movie release. 90% of what they produce movie wise is crud. Even if people want to see one of their films, should it be deemed worthy, they will either jsut sub for a month(or get it for free) or just use a friends account.
Well… I just watched Castlevania and it was effing awesome. Castlevania is Netflix originals.
Trevor Belmont: "Eat s**t and die"
Alucard: "Yeah, F**k you."
Dont think that cost 150 mill. Im talking about things like the Irishman, 6 Underground. They need to stop dropping so much cash on these movies. I just dont see them getting any real return on investment.
best thing I did was sign up to netflix while travelling in Turkey!
So many Aussie tourists there!
It is every patriotic Australian's solemn duty to pay homage to Gallipoli.
Just upgraded to premium about 2 weeks ago since I now have a 4K TV and NBN. Think I'll drop back down to HD, now - the 4K isn't worth an extra $6 a month.
Where'd you see this? Mine still seems to be $17.99 and haven't received any emails saying it's going up.
Takes effect on new customers from today and existing customers on next monthly rollover i guess. They made sure to spring that one on us..lol
I pay via iTunes so 20% off, might drop to HD though now.
I had to change to Aust Netflix as I bought the Netflix gc when there was a Flybuys promo only to realise it had to be an Aust account. I still can get US Netflix on my TV and laptops so $20pm for 2 households (mine and parents) is still pretty worth it for me.
Netflix increasing their fees and optus dropping the data-free iheartradio… Looks like the forum section of ozb is soon going to become my sole source of entertainment.
I live to entertain and serve.
I take PayPal or Bank Deposit.
Hope you're feeling better. You sounded quite stressed the other day.
Thanks I think my expectations of that post was unreasonable so I paid for it.
I know now ozbargain is not the place for car and automotive content so have to find maybe another bastion more suited towards that as a lot of the responses were in the dark and as clueless as to what I wanted or was trying to ask as me so gonna have to find a car specialist website and ask there instead.
Always trying to expect the best instead of the worst has gotten me in a lot of problems before I need to learn from that but it is hard to shake the gambler punter feeling.
I'm feeling better now thanks for asking.
But yeah it sucks yesterday went the way it did.
One bad moment can ruin a string of many future more.
It's still a few bucks cheaper than US pricing. Same with Google Play Movies. Strange days.
I cancelled mine after being with them since day 1 in Oz. The market is shifting to 4k for $9 a month, look at Disney and Amazon prime as examples. Lots of content in 4k with HDR these two services will have enough to keep me , the missus and the kids happy for a long time. So same price as Netflix premium, I get Amazon and Disney. No brainer. Netflix cancelled with a note saying why.
The more people who cancel and say why then more realistic Netflix will be with it pricing.
I am looking for the best price for Netflix atm will probably team up with some others in a family account because paying for Netflix solo is ridiculous.
I just received an email advising me to add a new payment method as Google Play is not accepted anymore.
I know they removed GP for new members but didn’t expected to be removed for us who grandfathered Google Play as our payment method.
Interesting. I'm also on a grandfathered Google Play method (signed up via Hong Kong). Haven't received an e-mail yet
My Netflix subscription renews on the 5th of every month and the email I received said I should add a new payment method by 5/12/2019 to continue enjoying the movies & TV shows.
When is your usual monthly renewal date? I suspect you’ll receive it soon.
The 7th i.e. tomorrow
@kerfuffle: I have sub $100 GP credit that I will struggle to use because I have no Android device.
The only reason I started paying for my Netflix subscription through Google Play was when Telstra credit allowed it and when that stopped I realised Netflix raised their prices so I thought better stay on the same payment method but seems that is ending now as well.
@HardQuiz: Mine still says $17.99 for my monthly payment.
And yeah, I'll be having a chunk of Google Play credit left over too … Wonder what happens if I don't update the payment method …
@kerfuffle: My membership is on hold and they sent me another email asking me to add another payment method.
@HardQuiz: I got an e-mail from Google Play saying my subscription was going to be cancelled tomorrow.
Including the nag e-mails from Netflix, think I got six e-mails about this
I'm thinking of cancelling.
Most of the content is crap and I don't have a lot of time to watch anyways.Currently paying for Netflix via Google Play and on the premium UltraHD plan.
Still paying $14.99 p/m for it but in my account profile i'm unable to downgrade the plan, I just have the option to cancel subscription.No email so far about any changes, will wait and see what happens.
I got the email to upgrade my payment method other than google play.
Just talked to their live chat about being on the grandfathered $14.99 plan. I stated that I read that new and existing subscribers are expecting a price increase ($17.99 - $19.99) and asked how will that affect my current plan. They responded that they currently don't have any notes on this. So pretty much they don't know.
Using my remaining $100 google balance with disney+. If the netflix increases I'll cancel. If disney+ is any good then I'll just keep that.
I'm on the $17.99 plan; haven't noticed any price increases yet
From the news article above "Existing premium subscribers will see the price increase come through on their bills in the coming weeks but the change will take effect on all new sign-ups from today."
Yeah but that was in October. It's been eight weeks since that article; I'm still at $17.99
Good to know if I can keep it at $14.99. But any actual source that says it'll stay that way.
Just got another notification on screen that my monthly cost is being increased to $19.99 from 20th February.
Still currently paying $14.99 for Premium plan using Netflix gift cards. Now for the wait and see if anything happens this time.I also got the e-mail as well as a notification on my Netflix Windows app, however was paying $17.99/month
No email notification regarding the increase and Netflix is currently being watched by the kids but the notification popped up on another TV while the wife was watching.
My account still says I'm fully paid up till June with Netflix cards so will see what happensMy account is now showing $19.99 as the plan cost.
Next payment due 27th so i think that's my run over on the Premium Ultra HD plan @ $14.99 :-(
Currently using Netflix Turkey so doesnt affect me that much (other than exchange rate)