Has anyone ever entertained the thought that by frequenting OzBargain you are actually spending more money?

What I mean is that by following OzBargain you are essentially exposed to all these "bargain" deals, most items of which had never even entered into your mind about buying or thinking you needed until you saw it on this site.

Obviously if it is an everyday consumable item like toilet paper for example then getting a bargain is 100% to your benefit. I am not talking about those types of things.

It is just interesting to think that maybe overall you would actually save more money by not looking at all these deals and buying things for the sake that they are "cheap" but not actually needing or wanting them before seeing them on this site.


  • +20


  • +12

    I don’t need to entertain the thought. It's a certain fact.

  • +3

    Well, yes. Part of the charm is finding new things here to spend money on, albeit getting a deal doing so.

  • +2

    For me not really. I'm normally too late to get the really good bargains for stuff that I didn't know I needed. Most of the stuff that I do buy I was already thinking of buying anyway.

  • +1

    Hell yeah.

    On the bright side I bought 3 watches, realised I didn't have 3 arms and sold 2 at a profit.

    And I love the 75" TV I bought

    I don't like the DeLonghi coffee maker I bought.

  • +5

    Can you put "Looks at 8 unopened scanner printers" as a poll option.

  • +1



    (Ps. Bargain =/= thrifty).

  • +2

    Please hand in your membership card.

  • +1

    I only buy things I want/need. It's nice getting them at a reduced price.

    I wouldn't buy a shower drain for 90% off. But I would buy a nice watch for 20% off.

  • -6

    Nope. The only people who would suffer from this issue are the ones who are already wealthy enough that they don't need bargains in the first place. Which is clearly the majority of users here considering how many obviously rich, white, out of touch old men there are.

  • +2

    You'll spend more, but you'll spend better.

  • +1
    1. buys high yield investment cars
    2. ?
    3. Profit
  • +6

    I am confused, are you saying my toilet paper bunker is a good or bad investment?

    • +1

      Only if owner occupied.

  • -1

    Have you ever entertained the thought that this question has been asked numerous times before in forums? Feel free to do a search to find your answers.

  • +3

    It is just interesting to think that maybe overall you would actually save more money by not looking at all these deals and buying things

    You can look at these things and still not buy them. Little thing called self control.

    • +1

      bit dry mate

  • Actually I find the opposite, I engage in discussion relating to product categories I am interested in, and also l spend a lot of time researching & contemplating purchases.
    It could help that I am a hard person to please. I am quite obsessive and only make purchase when I have weighed out all the alternatives & other big factors (cost over X years of ownership, product quality / longevity, seller / store, price relative to predicted amount of use etc).

    So in conclusion I find being on ozbargain itself addictive, but regarding ‘spending more money’ by being here I would say I actually probably have been able to spend a bit less overall (I can count the number of things I have actually bought from ozbargain deals on one hand / also discovered Cashrewards here).
    Please keep in mind I am notoriously picky when it comes to products, and I spend a lot of time researching products and most times I end up just moving on to researching another product rather than making a purchase.

    • Of course the goal of the site more hits transfers to more sales .

      On the site it has best described as some top talented bargain hunters providing huge amount of deals that sometimes I get pissed off when something I’m quietly attacking gets Ozbargained .

      Sure with the site beginning with 5% off Ebay cards became 10 % and then 18.6% I’m going to overspend but for me better than bank interest rates :)

      Site seem to have the most up-to-date info on Ebay codes and the most important Domino's codes .

    • I hope Marge on some of the crazy no brainer deals your not doing too much research as they are gone in sec’s lol.

  • +1

    OP is new member from 2018. Good he realise that fact now not after 8 years becoming member.

    • I think they are contemplating the possibility, I myself early-on had the same thought (when first joining).

    • -1

      Thanks for rubbing it in to the rest of us.

  • If youre that type of person. All the stuff advertised at a discount that i dont need tends to be tech related and generally still pricey so I don't buy it.

  • I think about this often, too. I sometimes check the front page but never buy anything, I mainly use the site as a resource for checking if there's a deal for the type of product I'm looking for. I don't know if everyone else does that, otherwise it's a sure fire way to waste money.

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