Hi all,
In March 2019, while I was parked an incompetent driver reversed into the front of my vehicle. Neither car was damaged or even scratched.
At the time of the incident, the driver of the other car cried, apologised and immediately accepted fault.
Several days later I received a letter from NRMA (insurers for both parties) advising the other driver made a claim against me saying I drove into the rear of her vehicle.
We immediately actioned the claim with Nrma, provided a comprehensive statement of facts and evidence, photos, offer to provide stat dec and reference to CCTV camera that captured the event. I've even provided nrma the ref and details of the body holding the footage. We also advised this is a fraudulent claim and to conduct an investigation.
Eight months later, nrma has sent me a demand letter requesting payment of excess as we were at fault.
Nrma has clearly sat on the claim and has not investigated anything. Furthermore, I have not even received written decision.
I would appreciate feedback. In principle I can't pay excess in support of a fraudster.
Trying to contact the ombudsman has been fruitless as they no longer answer calls or provide specific advice.
Thanks in advance
I would call NRMA to see if it is a simple misunderstanding or oversight, and perhaps then failing that to ask a legal professional for advice to draft a formal letter to respond to their demand letter. I am not a lawyer by any stretch, but surely in the worst case if they take you to court for non-payment of the letter of demand, if you have the evidence you would win that easily?