Hi guys
I was just checking my medicare online account through mygov and noticed my doctor charged Medicare for "ATTENDANCE BY A MEDICAL PRACTITIONER for the PREPARATION of a GP MANAGEMENT PLAN (GPMP)"
This was never done, I never received a GP Management Plan during my checkup.
Any ideas what's going on here, simple mistake? Common practice? Potential fraud? Have other people seen that their doctor has been billing medicare for odd things?
I obviously have nothing to gain from investigating this btw, nothing came out of my pocket, it was covered by medicare. (But I am paying tax dollars!!!)
Edit: I did go see the GP for a wrist injury that could potentially have a GPMP plan made, but it wasn't covered by as a chronic disease, and the GPMP was never made.
Its a chronic disease management item, detailed here http://www9.health.gov.au/mbs/fullDisplay.cfm?type=item&qt=I…
If you aren't being treated for this kind of illness maybe the wrong code was entered by the surgery. Best to check with them.