If you are renting and the Agent tells you that the Owners want to inspect their Unit. What would you do? Would you prefer to be present or not?
Do You Attend Inspection by Owners?

Wouldnt think the Agent would be impressed?
Who cares what the agent thinks.
Exactly. I live there, I will be there when people wonder through it.
Attend if possible. I live by myself so no choice but to leave them to it normally, not worth taking the time off work for a 5min walkaround.
Always be there.
If you are renting and the Agent tells you that the Owners want to inspect their Unit. What would you do? Would you prefer to be present or not?
When I rented, I preferred to be present because I could have a chat to the owners and get to know them. This meant that when I had issues or when the owner had issues, we could always work it out amicably and quickly, not escalate it into a bigger and bigger problem. We respected each other, had each other's numbers and were more than happy to communicate directly with each other. We eventually became good enough friends that instead of having formal "inspections", the owner would just come round to have a beer and a chat and just walk around to make sure everything was okay. The owner was great - he would always make sure to ask me if there were any issues every time he came around.
We both appreciated each other - it's tough to find good tenants and it's tough to find good landlords.
From seeing all of my mates who rented when we were young, I think the biggest problem is a lack of communication between owners and renters, leading each side to misunderstand and not appreciate the other side and eventually, leading to important issues not being able to be resolved. Both owners and renters will be unhappier this way.
Was there an Agent?
I wouldn't want to be present because I like to let people in, get my stuff stolen and concerns/issues to be left unheard. Got to live the life! /s
The owner wanted to inspect the house I was in, when I actually met him he fessed up that he was looking to sell. Pretty much have had people walking through the house weekly ever since. Very annoying.
This. We only ever look at our investment properties when looking at a big repair (ie. carpet/painting) or considering selling.
Never let them come unattended - often a minor issue is inflated by agent if you are not there (ie a smudge of oil of the floor of the kitchen turns into "kitchen is cess pool from hell - consider this your first warning".
If you are there you can just "nah that's bullshit" or "ok let me get the spray and wipe right now".
I don't but someone else in my will be present.
always be there. We had been reporting an issue the the agent for months, he kept saying the owner wasn't responding. At the inspection, the owner started to get annoyed that we hadn't told them about the issue, I showed him all the emails I'd sent and the responses from the agent. I also got the chance to show the owner all the little odd jobs that we'd done to the place - nothing big, but tbh I think it's sometimes easier to just fix the little things. He left me his email and told me to report anything direct to him. Agent was replaced :)
Always be present. Mainly because we don't like strangers perusing our house, secondly because it's easier to explain issues to them.