• expired

YouTube to MP3 Converter $12.99 (Was $24.99) @ FreeGrabApp


Have you ever been looking for a YouTube converter that will be working flawlessly? It's actually not that easy to find a YouTube to mp3 program that will convert YouTube music fast and for free. But now you have finally found it! Our YouTube to mp3 converter is super fast and converts any type of music to any preferable format such as mp3 and mp4!

Download the music you love!

Download free music to listen to offline on all your devices. Grab fresh and rare tunes, favorite ASMR sounds, YouTube trending music. Get the original stream with the highest audio bitrate (up to 320 kbps). onvert YouTube to MP3 keeping the best possible quality

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closed Comments

  • +21

    but you can do that online for free?

      • +24

        This is some Yoda level speech here mate.

      • +1

        So your app produces higher quality 128kbps MP3s?

        • Yes, 128.5kbps

  • +5

    Why would you pay for this?

    • -2

      The application has many free features.

      • +15

        Many free features that cost money to purchase?

        • +3

          App of the free, and home of the scam.

        • The application is free all the time, but some functionality is paid.

          • +1

            @Jom Ronald: You are literally advertising it for $12.99. You might wanna plan out your next foray into OzB a little better.

  • You can always use JDownloader2 to grab music from youtube and convert it to MP3, it also gives you the option to choose the bitrate and its for free

  • +8

    I am using youtube-dl.

    opensource and free.

    • -2

      Not everyone can run it.

      • +3

        Your app only works on windows, not everyone can run it.

        More people can run JDownloader2 than your app.

        Free online websites do the same thing (deturl/pwnyoutube).

    • My personal favourite:
      youtube-dl -f bestaudio[acodec=opus]/bestaudio/best --extract-audio --write-thumbnail --add-metadata -o "%(title)s.f%(format_id)s.%(acodec)s.%(ext)s" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abcde12345

      • I am using Linux, add following to bashrc file and type
        youtube2video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abcde12345 for video and
        youtube2audio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abcde12345 for audio.

        youtube2video() { youtube-dl -ciw -f bestvideo+bestaudio —merge-output-format mkv —add-metadata -o "~/media/Downloads/%(title)s.%(ext)s" $@ ;}

        youtube2audio() { youtube-dl -ciw -x -f bestaudio -f m4a —add-metadata —embed-thumbnail -o "~/media/Downloads/%(title)s.%(ext)s" $@ ;}


    • Paid only part of the functionality.

  • +3

    Youtube-dl + ffmpeg is free and always has been. No deal.

    • Not everyone can use it, there is a certain specificity.

      • there is a certain specificity.

        Is that you Kevin Rudd ???

  • +7

    Enjoy your short-lived time on OzB.

  • +9

    A paid Youtube Audio converter in 2019 ? bruh….

    • +1

      Aimed at people who pay for Qantas Frequent Flyer program

  • +2


  • +3

    Bruh is this a joke?

  • ffmpeg ftw :D

  • Android app . Dentex YouTube Downloader is free on github, easy to use, does 256k (cbr) mp3

  • It's actually not that easy to find a YouTube to mp3 program that will convert YouTube music fast and for free. But now you have finally found it!

    I have finally found it? Where is it?

  • Google "Youtube Download video" and you will more than likely show a dozen results, trying to ask for $13 for something that can already be found on the internet for free, especially posting this on a BARGAIN site, is not a bargain.

  • No need to pay to do this….as per above comment….Scam & Spam by op?

  • I need something that can set the start and end time of the clip for conversion.
    Onlinevideoconverter used to be able to do it, can this app do it??

    Or anyone knows of any?


  • Why would anyone pay for this? There are many free tools to download YouTube to MP3, many of which also preserve the quality (which isn't that high to begin with.)

    As for the Netflix downloader, I highly doubt that would work on HD downloads since Netflix encrypt their streams with Widevine, so unless you've got some connections with top-tier crackers in the scene, it will be under 720p or you're screen-capping and the 1080p it merely the desktop resolution.

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