Cheap as asus router via amazon us inc delivery T-Mobile branded
Price in title includes tax & delivery.
Cheap as asus router via amazon us inc delivery T-Mobile branded
Price in title includes tax & delivery.
You can flash firmware but that still means you have zero support and warranty. Would rather spend a lil more for proper local version.
Flash baby flash
Is it using US power adapter?
These routers come with a switching power supply.
Can be flashed with OpenWRT or DD-WRT:
GSM is mobile phone network meaning it presumably has a SIM slot and you can use mobile carrier if you like.
It has nothing to do with using it as a LAN routers.
Some devices are able to be unlocked to use all mobile networks but I suspect this one will not be able to.
It's an Ethernet router with wifi. There is no modem in this. It's just branded t-mobile.
I've got an exact same one flashed with Merlin and it works like a dream.
That one is refurb
Does the refurb come with a 90 days Amazon warranty that the other doesnt?
Ebay is cheaper.
Doesn't the .com website refuse to sell to Australia?
That's been my experience last three times I tried. OP can you confirm ships to Oz all the way through the checkout process?
Just tried and surprisingly I can checkout (went through the last step)
However shipping and weak $AUD kills the deal
Why not pay $7 for Prime and get it shipped for free? Most stuff from gets free shipping with Prime.
Yes it works all the way
i have one. been going strong for 2 years. looked new to me.
what OS did you flash it with?
didn't, its still running as tm-ac1900 (Firmware Version:
@mudguppy1: You in Australia?
Description states: Prodcut Comaptibilty: This Product is locked to the T-Mobile GSM network. It will NOT work with ANY OTHER carrier besides T-Mobile.
@Wally: yep, just plugged it into my lan and changed the ssid and passwords. i actually have 2, one flashed to a RT-68U but i have never used it. (they were $60 each delivered) just google Hack TM-AC1900 to ASUS RT-AC68U. this a router not a modem so carrier has zip to do with it. it could be that the newer firmware may cripple it as far as flashing is concerned. so do a bit of checking.
@Wally: In most cases, you can flash the firmware. Most people go for merlin firmware. Some newer Asus firmwares (with Ai-Mesh) won't work - unless you really flash the ROM to trick it into thinking it is RT-AC68U. That said, Merlin official state that router is not supported.
My experience with it wasn't good. Router was used (had to do a 30-30 full reset), power adapter is US version. A lot of extra steps in an effort to make it like RT-AC68U.
Sure, people like mudguppy1 had good experience, but I think it doesn't hurt to hear the not so good experience. If you used custom firmware on your router in the past, and willing to spend the extra troubles, it can be cost effective.
@netsurfer: I got one too but was cheaper than this at a time when the cheapest ac68u was >$200. Quite a fiddle flashing resetting etc, doing various obscure things from memory… Been going strong for ~few years now though. YMMV ;)
It's luck of the draw. Mine wasn't brand new for sure. One of the antenna socket was slightly bent. Mine didn't even get a full reset so I had to do the full hard reset (because the router password definitely got changed, so were the wifi settings).
The power adapter is also the US version.
Any benefit to upgrading my RT-N66U?
I have this router. bought it for 60 odd bucks from amazon from one of the previous deal. Works like a charm. I dont remember tinkering with it much.
I did the same but ended up flashing Merlin, only took like 10 minutes, and now it's a AC68U mesh enabled, couldn't be happier except that one network port doesn't work.
Merlin will be a good idea. May be I should do that.
If your happy with yours don't bother, apart from a little bit better performance you don't get much, i don't did it because i want an upgrade path.
Aussiebroadband HFC compatible?
Edit: This Product is locked to the T-Mobile GSM network. It will NOT work with ANY OTHER carrier besides T-Mobile.
So…useless in Australia?