This was posted 5 years 5 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Tyrrells Variety Chips $2 Each or 3 for $5 @ Reject Shop


I personally love these chips .. at Coles and Wollies they are over $2.5 each when on special/ half price.

At Reject shop you can buy any 3 varieties for 5 or $2 each.. Expiry at Highpoint was March 2020 and heaps of stock.……………

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The Reject Shop
The Reject Shop

closed Comments

  • +20

    Is it just me or does the product image look like a bag of potting mix?

    • +2

      They can be used instead of Dynamic Lifter in your veggie patch.

      • +4

        The aftermath can be used as fertiliser.

  • +5

    I love these chips. They are my fav ahead of red rock and kettle.

    Personal favs: BBQ and S&V.

    Looks like reject shop are selling flavours which are no longer made.

    • -3

      If they are no longer made, how did they get them?

      • You know what they mean jv, they have decided to cut that line after stock was made and clearing existing stock :-)

        • -1

          they have decided to cut that line

          Is that confirmed?

          • @jv: No, not confirmed and I really hope not as I love the 3 flavors I tried listed below.

            I was just going by what "stoodamire" said ( even thought that Might be the case myself, but not sure ),

            and was just following on from there IF He is right.

            • @ozhunter68: Lots of stuff selling at the Reject shop is not end of line…

              • @jv: True. You know what they say about assuming.

                My old boss told me that years ago, I will never forget it.

                Make an ASS out of U & ME haha.

                • @ozhunter68: Was your bosses name Felix ?

                  • @jv: No. Not sure what you mean, I don't get it?

                    • @ozhunter68:

                      No. Not sure what you mean, I don't get it?

                      Before Seinfeld, there was Felix and Oscar….

                      • @jv: Haha, funny. I am old enough to being able to see that on tv I think, but never saw it, or at least can't remember it.

                        When was it on tv and on which channel in melbourne or Victoria as I used to live in Melb and in Ballarat.

                        • +1

                          @ozhunter68: 1970-1975

                          with lots of re-runs later…

                          • @jv: That explains why. I am old enough, but was still living in Belgium back then and only

                            came out here in September 1979 just in time for the last few years of The Sullivans

                            and just in time for Kingswood Country.

                            • +1


                              just in time for Kingswood Country.

                              Leave your money on the fridge…

      • reject shop have in the past been selling food near or past the best before dates. given chips usually are sold with bbd 1-2yrs ahead, that means they were stockpiled 2yrs ago, or someone found it cleaning out a cupboard…

        • Or it could also mean that the reject shop are stocking the chips as a normal line.

      • +2

        Chip market speculation.

        • Aha the chip market conspiracies run deeper than I thought. I've been investigating some suspect behaviour between Woolies and Smiths:

          I have theories that:
          1) Smiths do a production run with 1/10 of the flavour for the Woolies 1/2 price sales; and

          2) Woolies stock a token level of Samboys to pretend they don't have an anticompetitive deal with Smiths, but price them with a ridiculous markup to ensure no serious competition.

          sorry for going off topic. I've seen Tyrells, but they are at the premium end of the shelf with Red Rock and Kettle and Pringles, where I don't shop.
          I plan to clear some space in the pantry then pay the reject shop a visit :)

  • +2

    Really wanted to try the Tomato flavor from this deal earlier this month ( special been advertised and running for few weeks

    already ), but no dice as out of stock. Lucky for me I like various flavor potato chips and as I love

    tyrells thought I try a few new ones for this great deal. Ended up getting Worchester/Sweet Chilly/Curry

    flavors and all three were really good, Curry first as it's bit unusual ( and best curry snack for me ever ),

    Sweet Chilly close second and surprisingly worchester sauce ( I use the real sauce often ) as it was not

    sweet like many barbecue flavored chips for me. I also love plain and S & V ( they use the nicest vinegar

    for all chips I tried ), sd well as cheddar but that can be a bit too salty if I eat over half a packet lol.

  • +1

    Can anyone comment on the Tomato Salsa if any good?

      • +1

        Thanks jv, tonight "your on fire" with the vids. Never thought to check youtube for food reviews, although that guy

        has no idea. I think he must be drunk as he's words are bit slurred and he can't even say the simple non exotic word

        "korma" lol.

        P.S. When your drunk, most chips taste really good haha.

        • +1

          although that guy has no idea.


          (now you know why…)

      • +1

        He chews with his mouth open, that was gross

        • +3

          That's so you can see how the chip breaks down in the mouth. It's an important part of food science.

      • +1

        Another grab-bag of mispronunciation from an exceptional individual.

  • +5

    I love the artwork on their bags. Some of them are wonderfully bizzare

  • +3

    What a shame they are discontinuing the curry flavour. This flavour was for me, one of the best flavours I have had in a crisp packet. Tastes like a potato curry. In the best was that it could apply to a packet of chips.

    • +1

      These have been at the Reject Shop for a while, not necessarily being deleted anytime soon.

      • +1

        They've stopped selling them at Coles and Woolies, and they no longer list them on Tyrell's website. Pretty safe to assume they've been discontinued.

        • We'll have to wait and see. These flavours they sell at the Reject Shop are different to what is sold at Coles and Woolies, I am pretty sure they are making them just for the Reject Shop.

          • @[Deactivated]: I don’t think so. The one time I got the curry crisps it was on special from Woolworths. I think I may be the reject ship it buying the remaining stock of flavours that didn’t sell as well.
            Shelf life is to March 2020 which is fine but chips normally last a bit longer so my best guess is that reject shop is clearing remaining stock.

            • @che_97: I'm not sure about Korma flavour specifically, but these have been in Reject Shop for at least 6 months, they are definitely making some of these flavours just for Reject Shop.

    • "che_97" Could not agree more,….but then I love a good curry haha

  • +1

    Omg, I paid $3 a bag at Aldi just the other day. Bought two bags for $6, coulda gotten 3 with change at reject shop, sigh.

    • Me too. These chips are so good I feel like i would pay even more though. Damn Heroin chips.

  • +1

    Love the Texas BBQ flavour, bought 3 packs from Woolies today (no Reject Shop near me sadly)

  • +4

    their plain old sea salt is probably the 'healthiest' chip you can find on shelf - got the lowest amount of sodium from what i've tried

    • +1

      Just salt? What about fat and addictives?

      • +2


        You're right, it is addictive ;)

      • +1

        fat, yes. but apparently no additives.

        Check out the ingredients on the back:

        Potatoes (76%), Sunflower Oil, Sea Salt (<1%)

        See if you can beat that :)

  • -4

    As usual, the name is spelled wrong.

  • +1

    Upvoting based on these chips being the best. Thanks OP!

  • +1

    Lannisters would have been a better name

  • Is this chip endorsed by Olenna Tyrell?

  • +2

    Tyrrells (blue bags) (lightly salted normal potato chip) has the LOWEST sodium content of all chips sold at Woolies (has half compared to most other brands) which means it's the better alternative for those with elevated/high blood pressure.. But I notice it's not in this deal :(

    "In 2017-18, just over one in five (22.8% or 4.3 million people) Australians aged 18 years and over had a measured high blood pressure reading.
    Heart disease killed 17,533 Australians in 2018 — or about 48 every day and is the leading cause of death for Australians. - ABS stats

    Remember every health conscious decision you make leads to a huge difference long term, not just for you but your family. If you're gonna eat junk food, might as well make it quality junk :)

  • +2

    Got 12 packets of chips. Best $20 spent. Not to mention the free saturated fat that comes with it :P

    • The fat in these is actually mostly (like 85% or something) unsaturated fat rather than saturated lol.

  • +1

    Are these imported from the UK?
    When first in Australia they were but think made localy now and don't think they are as good

    • Made in Australia.

  • Half price ($2.45) at Woollies at the moment for those seeking the smoky Texas BBQ flavour and any others they sell.

  • Does anyone know if $5 for 3 is still valid?

    • +1

      Nope, it's back to $2 a packet. Still a pretty good price though.

      • Thanks mate. Tried Korma flavour and it’s mind blowing

  • Those that visited Highpoint do they have any salt and vinegar? Honestly best chips I've ever eaten.

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