Not completely sure why this has gone under the radar. This is by far the best price we've had on ozbargain, and much cheaper than the cheapest Ryzen 5 3600 while packing roughly the same clocks and more cores. It's not as good as the newer zen2 for gaming, but trumps a 3600 or 3600x any day when it comes to workstation loads.
AMD Ryzen 7 2700X CPU $239.20 + $15 Post ($0 eBay Plus) @ Computer Alliance eBay

Last edited 26/09/2019 - 15:27 by 1 other user
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Yeah that is technology for you.
Nonetheless this CPU is great for the price?Yeah great cpu for the price
same here.
WOW this is super cheap, used ones were going around $280 few weeks ago
Paid $450 for the 3700x. This is much better value.
How's the stock cooler? Can it handle overclocking?
Yes, but it will let you know about it.
Yeah, it's similar to the 3800X and 3900X like that. Needs a solid MB too. Will overclock better with a decent aftermarket cooler.
it has been proven overtime that 2700x auto-oc (pb2/pbo/xfr2) performs better than 99% of manual overclocking
This as well. 2nd and 3rd gen X models don't really benefit from manual overclocking unless you're moving into liquid nitrogen territory.
Best you can hope for is getting close to max boost on all cores, and that's a tricky prospect with 3rd gen.
my 3700x is stable at 4.4g with nh-d15.. don't need the liquid cooler
@pc6673: I've worded that confusingly: that's the best you can hope for without LN2.
Are you saying 4.4 GHz all cores? What board?
@jasswolf: my understanding is, you should have good luck to have one quality cpu , I heard some 3700x stuck at 4.3g haha. My mobo bios version is released on 18 SEP days ago.
@pc6673: You're using ABBA, that's part of why you're having a bit more success. Probably silicon lottery too, but there's been some teething issues with boost behaviour and the execution of that in firmware implementations to this point.
My setup is very similar to yours, but I'll keep things at stock and let XFR and PB do their magic. :)
For this price put some money on a noctua you will have 110% of it haha.
For the untech savvy like myself, how would this go for newer games like BL3, Modern Warfare etc? I inherited my sons old PC and the CPU is quite old and is struggling!
I'm not too certain on that topic, but from what I know the 2700X should be more than powerful enough to handle the computing components of the games. The issue will probably rely more on your graphics card, as well as possibly the amount of ram and whether you have an ssd installed. I had a look at both BL3 and CODMW, and the 2700X performs beyond both games recommended CPU.……
You'll likely suffer very low frames if you have an outdated gpu, or long loading times if you're still running a mechanical hard drive (assuming you don't have an optane module).
Thanks mate. Off memory it has 16GB of ram, a GTX1060 card and the OS and games are installed onto a Samsung SSD..
I'll have a look at the links provided and go from there.
It currently runs medium graphics at 2560 x 1440 and gets around 60/70 frames per second. It's not bad, but does lag and slow down in more intense scenes etc. Considering I got it for free I'm happy to upgrade and spend some $$ on it. It also came with a Acer Predator 27" Gsync monitor if that makes a difference?
That's your GPU holding you back it seems. CPU upgrade won't do a whole lot most likely.
this will handle all current and future games no problem
you need to check whether your son's old PC (motherboard) compatible with this CPU or not
Thanks mate. I;'m pretty sure it will need a new motherboard as well as it's an intel chip in it at the moment.
Any suggestions to go with this?
And will I have to format and reinstall the OS again etc/ if I swap boards?
Yes, definitely will need a reinstall with a new board
@[Deactivated]: wrong… win 10 is very forgiving… I got ssd straight from a lenovo laptop and it booted in my custom rig first try.
@cozmo: I had the opposite experience. Mine was an OEM install that came with the build, maybe something to do with that. It said that the mobo didn't match up.
There was one very good deal but it's gone now. (same seller MSI B450M Mortar @ $159-20% = $127)
Your best bet is go to your local MSY in-store before Sunday and get their MSI B450M Mortar MAX @ $159-10% = $143
The "MAX" is new stock with bigger bios chip.It's highly advisable to have fresh OS installed for new board swap.
Also check your old PC ram whether they're ddr3, or ddr4 which this one takes.
I have this exact same CPU and currently playing BL3 on it - runs more than fine. The limitation at 1440p is really the GPU and not so much the CPU from my experiences. The random slowdown/stutters in BL3 are due to poor optimisation for PC - DX12 was broken on release
tl;dr - this will run just fine for the next 2 years, you may want to upgrade the GTX 1060 at some point though
Which gpu are you using?
If you can't think of a specific use case where you get a multithreaded benefit from the 2700X over the 3600, just get the 3600.
3600 costs 25% more though.. definitely won't get 25% more performance, and in some cases as you've acknowledged, the 3600 performs worse
Edit: 3600 actually cheaper than I thought with sales, still more expensive but like 10-15%..
It's $25, and at that point, you should be reaching for the single core and/or gaming performance.
For gaming paired up with a 5700 XT which is better, this CPU or a 3200?
As in a 3200G?
Easily this, the 3200G and the 3400G are essentially Zen+ cores, same as this.
Yes and thanks. Purchased this. I'll pick up a 5700 XT in the next week or two. Now to do my homework on a mobo and ram. I'm buying it to replace my PS4 Pro on my racing simulator.
Finally a reasonable price for one of these. Same price point as the i5 9400F which performs similarly in games and other single, dual and 4 core loads with the additional advantage of absolutely decimating it in 8+ core loads.
Anyone recommend a good mobo to go with this?
Cheapest recommendation would be the MSI B450-A Pro, currently in the same sale @ $120.
Argh! Bought last week from amazon for $322. Bloody amazing deal, it’s one hell of a cpu.
EDIT The MSI X470 board I have is doing me well as per the above questionvery tempted but I’m not sure whether it is worth it to upgrade from 2600 to this one :(
I upgraded from the 1700, it’s NOTICEABLE
I’m not sure if they’re equivalent though since they’re different gens
Good point. But the unlocked clock IS pretty awesome. The 1700 only 3.0 ghz max
for 239 the difference isnt worth it
Yea I feel the same. Though I probably put the 2600 up on gumtree to get some cash back.
Great price!
I'm currently running an i7 4770 and 1060 with 16gb of DDR3 - anyone think it's worthwhile upgrading if I'm planning to run Cyberpunk and the next future of games? I'm tempted to buy a 2070 super over christmas…
2070 super might be bottlenecked by 4770?
get this, ~$100 b450 mobo, ~$100 16GB ddr4 3000mhz ram and navi rx 5700 for ~$400 (or gtx) and you're good to go for next few years.That's pretty much the build I'm looking at. 5700xt, just bought this cpu and was thinking b450 max. For racing simulators such as Asseto Corsa and iRacing would this be good. I'm looking for a noticeable upgrade from PS4 Pro.
Any ram recommendations with this CPU?
=( hesitated for too long, out of stock now
tempting, time to hesitate some more lol. Thanks for your help though!
LOL 2 (profanity) bought 8 units each
Core count please or not interested.
Woah 16 threads for $240 not bad, my 4930k 12 threads was $730 in 2014 but the clock speeds probably nothing compared to the new threadripper it's got Intel badazzled unless they can release a graphine based CPU that can not only pass mores law but be able to achieve 5gh in a multicore count, then amd are ffff, well anyways.
is this english?
woah i remember buying this for $450 last year around this time if i remember correctly
Arrived today, I just need everything else now lol
just curious - for people who bought this or any other AMD CPU before the 30th of September, if you have redeemed the coupon code from Computer Alliance for the XBOX Game Pass - did it also give you the Borderlands 3 or The Outer Worlds game as well?
I havent redeemed mine yet but I'm hoping to get it. I will report back tonight if no one else does. I dont remember Borderlands being offered with a CPU purchase when I purchased mine a week ago but it seems to be now!
yeah I'm hoping the coupons aren't coded so as to when they were created, so we're eligible for the free games as well as the xbox pc game pass. I've got all my parts but haven't had time to assemble yet and I noted when I went through the redemption process from AMD there is a program which you need to download which validates that you have the eligible CPU - so you can't redeem the code until you have the system with the eligible CPU running in it.
These depreciated faster than a car. Here I was thinking of selling my old one to get a new one…