Asking for a friend, but hypothetically if you were at work and bought a coffee / beverage of your choice and after consuming under 10% of it you accidentally knocked it over and spilled 80+ % what would your reaction be ?
Coffee Dilemma - Do You Buy a 2nd or Give up if You Spill Your First after Consuming under 10%

Last edited 26/09/2019 - 12:53 by 2 other users
Poll Options
- 38Go back and buy a 2nd coffee/ beverage
- 68Accept that the universe doesn't want you to consume the coffee/ beverage
- 7Pout about it all day but not make any decision one way or the other
- 2Have the epiphany that you need to leave your family & commit to the the god Covfefe
- 4Demand/ask for a replacement coffee
- 5Panic about how you are going to clean up the mess
wish i could give you more than one +.
I had considered that but my body isn't exactly beach ready…. I mean my friends body isn't.
then find someone with a good body and rip their shirt off dude simple
I do have a coworker who boxes often and plays sports a lot….
Better make sure it a guy
I'd also take my shirt off, but instead would spin it over my head while yelling "yee-haw!"
Idk who neg'd you but I fixed that.
Thanks Terry you are a great friend
Was expecting a "whoo, my mom!" muscle man reference, was disappointed.
the way people drink coffee, i wouldn't be surprised if they do
Bruv, you've got two socks for a reason. Just use one of your socks.
… oh dear not again
you accidentally knocked it over and spilled 80+ % what would your reaction be ?
How the fish i'll clean this mess.
true, luckily I only had a tonne of paperwork on my desk….
I just don't drink coffee
Tea, Juice or other ?
I am a juice man mostly, just never liked the taste of coffee
Tea if i am offered a hot drink at a friends place usually.
But yeah my on the way to work drink is usually a fresh squeezed juice (i do it at home)I am blown away by how much people spend in a year on coffee…. i am not judging just amazed at the cost.
Juice is great :D
personally though it seems to make my teeth more sensitive ( I know coffee isn't great for teeth either) but I still have it every now and then.Cost wise coffee bought out is ridiculous I completely agree with you there.
Why did I waste my time reading this thread..
a bit of light hearted fun instead of a super serious thread maybe ?
this is the sort of question you talk to your wife or husband or other boring significant other about. This isn't interesting
maybe we are boring significant others to OP?
I don't have a wife…. yet…
Got a gf though and told her about it just after it happened, then got curious what other people would do in my…. I mean my friends situation.
A lot of projecting going on here.
I think it's fantastic that as a progressive society we have problems such as these.
We are very lucky not going to lie, also thought it might be nice to have a less serious forum post :)
Can you put an option of demanding/asking for a replacement coffee on your poll:)
Hmm I tried to but it doesn't seem to be adding it when I press save, perhaps I am not doing it correctly
Edit: just read this "Do note that once a poll has been submitted, it cannot be changed. In order to change the poll (having mistakes, adding/removing an option, etc), please use the Report button to contact the moderators."
I would cry and the barista would feel sorry for me and give me another one for free.
Well that worked when my kid dropped his ice cream
hmm I normally don't feel like I could pull this off but my sleeve was half covered in the coffee… so maybe..
Who cares. The more important thing is
You mean WWjvD
jv would never buy coffee. They would demand management supply coffee for the office, then steal it to use at home.
bold-ed like a fking pro.
I think this is missing an option to do a chargeback on the coffee as the coffee was just purchased less than an hour ago.
Ohhh smart I didn't even think about this, put the blame on the cafe! /s
Where's the token MS Paint drawing, and blaming someone else for your coffee spilling, and threats of ACCC etc?
Cmon man!
I got you.
Green is phone ( was on phone call getting phished )
got frustrated once I realized it was happening and they hung up after getting a bit of info which will most likely be used to then call up and scam.
I then knocked over the blue cup of coffee ( couldn't find a brown color).
which spilled all over the desk and paperwork ( coffee spill shown in red).
Clearly it is all the scammers fault!!!
Am on phone with ACCC as I type ( waiting on hold) will make sure to yell so they know this is not a trifling matter /s
Any wonder you spilled it, standing up on a wheelie chair like that.
um…. ahh… the scammer made me ?
Nice drawing.
Can I say you might rather want to spend the time getting a wireless headset or better positioning your phone? It looked like it was a disaster waiting to happle with placement of green and blue.
True True, the bigger problem is more the paperwork on the desk, its covering almost every inch…
Probably go back to work and grab a tea or something, but then later I'd buy another coffee in the arvo.
I'd go back but I wouldn't demand it. I'd ask like it was a favor. Pretty sure they'd oblige.
If they didn't I'd definitely do the shirt wringing thing.
That first part is what I probably should have done tbh
I don't drink coffee but for whatever I'm drinking 10% is like a mouthful so no way I'm going to go without, I intended to drink it for a reason.
"Demand/ask for a replacement coffee"
Who are the three psychos who can't take responsibility for their own actions that chose this option?Drink the remaining 10%
I did that after the cleanup haha
The initial purchase was, presumably, satiating a deep seated need, a craving if you will, for that sweet, sweet taste of victory, and sensual, rich aromas of full bodied liquid ecstasy.
I’m concerned that anyone would even contemplate not purchasing a replacement beverage. Boldly, deeply, and richly concerned at that.
No worries mate, I bought a new one :)
i'd take my shirt off to mop the spilled coffee then wring it back to the cup till the last drop, or just lick the floor dry.