It would be interesting to hear some opinions on the topic.
What do you think should be done in the grand scheme, nationwide? Legalise or not? Medical or recreational? Commercialised or personal only? Limits/restrictions?
Seems a bit silly that our laws can be so contradictory in how that it is legal, but it's also not…
Some older discussion on the topic
Key points:
- Under laws passed today, adults in the ACT will be able to grow two cannabis plants each
- The laws say the plants cannot be grown in public or be accessible to children
- They conflict with Commonwealth law, which does not allow personal cannabis use
- The laws passed the ACT Legislative Assembly this afternoon, allowing possession of up to 50 grams per person and a maximum of four plants per household.
The ACT has become the first Australian jurisdiction to legalise the possession, use and cultivation of small amounts of cannabis.
They will come into effect from January 31, 2020.
The legislation conflicts with Commonwealth laws prohibiting the possession of cannabis.
And cannabis users have been warned there are still serious legal risks, including potential jail time, when growing or smoking cannabis in the ACT.
Cannabis remains a prohibited substance under Commonwealth law, and police officers in the ACT will retain the power to arrest and charge anyone with cannabis under those laws.
It will also be possible for the Commonwealth to overrule the ACT, and seek to have the laws struck out as inconsistent with its own legislation.…
420 blaze it