This was posted 5 years 5 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[PS4] PS Plus October 2019 - The Last of Us Remastered + MLB The Show 19 @ PlayStation


Just announced on State of Play.

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  • +22

    Well that sucks for the 90% of us that must have by now either already owned and finished TLOU on PS3 or on PS4.

    And baseball? 😜

    • +54

      Or idiots like me that buy games they know they don't have time to play and have had it sitting in their back log untouched… haha.

      • +4

        Literally unsealed the disc and began playing it this weekend.

      • +2

        This is me!!

      • +2

        my TLOU remastered has been on my backlog since January, got it for 17 bucks thinking i got it for a steal…then i see OP and think to myself that i got duped lmao

      • +1

        .. you too?

        Now I don't feel so bad.

    • +29

      People complain when they give us trash. Now they still complain then giving amazing games.

      MBL only 5 months old.

      • +4

        Exactly. If its a good game like people want then they will complain they already own it. If its one they don't own then its usually because they weren't interested in buying it so it becomes a 'trash' game. Can't win Sony!

        Throwing a % of who must own it already out there is a bit silly. Im sure there is more then 10% of PS4 owners Aus wide that don't have it and are pumped to get it for free, im one of them.

          • +3

            @[Deactivated]: I know you're looking for that cake, but you can't have it and eat it too.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: I disagree with you thinking Tobey isn't the best Spider-Man, but you're dead on here, my dude.

          • +4

            @[Deactivated]: I negged you because ps game caters for the world not just aus. And baseball game is legit just because it isn't big in australia. Its massive in usa, japan, canada and more. These countries have many more the population than aus.

            • -2

              @Bryanalves: Take note cowardly neggers, this is how it should be done ^

              Grow some in future.

            • -1

              @Bryanalves: PS Plus caters for the biggest markets, not the world. Australia is a small market but it's still a developed one. As in Sony Playstation AU has a physical presence and a local hotline right here in this country. We also have local video game franchises for AFL, NRL, Union, Cricket and horse racing! Sony could've negotiated a deal with these publishers instead of just giving us baseball?

            • @Bryanalves: Legit question..

              Don't different regions PS+ get different games?

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: @bryanalves Soccers very popular too but it didn’t stop Americans pissing and moaning until PES got dumped.

            • +1

              @chasls123: Agreed, it's a very unpopular sport everywhere else in the world. Football/soccer is worldwide.

            • @chasls123: What happened?

              • @Bryanalves: @bryanalves

                PES2019 was announced as a Playstation Plus game a few months ago but after a bunch of complaints, Sony changed it at the last minute.

        • You just turned my 2 sentences into 2 paragraphs.

    • +1

      I could barely make it through one of the early levels in TLOU, haven't bother going back to the game since

      • +3

        It's worth persevering.

      • +2

        Definitely keep at it. Great game. I don't play many games but TLOU was one I definitely made sure to finish.

      • +2

        the early levels are harder than mid and late game.

        You get a baptism of fire in an area with something like 4 clickers and you barely have any weapons. Once you start upgrading things it gets easier and more fun.

        I really liked it at the time I played it, but it seemed like such a journey that I don't know if I'd want to play it again (even though I'd kept debating it with myself for years). I mean that in a good way though. I like a game that's good but you never need to play it again.

      • I'm the same. I got to an area where I was going past some busses. I thought they were clickers, so I was sneaking past them. I was wrong and got wiped out. I hate stealth games and had no idea this was one when I bought it.

        Sold it straight away for the same amount I picked it up for.

    • +1

      Then I am the 10%. New to PlayStation and have never played The Last Of Us.

      • +1

        Get in to it! TLOU II is imminent.
        The first game is probably my favourite ever ps4 game, at least for a single player campaign. An outstanding piece of work. Often still listen to the original sound track.

      • One of the best games I have played along with Bioshock Infinite. Amazing character development, so much that by the end of the game I felt like I knew them personally.

        I haven't owned a PS4 for years now but I'm going to buy another one for the release of the last of us 2 in February next year.

    • +1

      I have waited for it to be free for the last 7 years haha

  • +12

    Excellent can complete the 1st before the hype of the 2nd releasing in Feb.

    I'm the 10%

    • +4

      Gameplay is good, very good at times. And oh my god it can get tense with those damn clickers! The story, however, is what makes this one of my top 5 of all time.

      • +1

        The clickers are easy if you lure them all to one spot by throwing a bottle there, then throw a molotov at them and burn them all in one molotov. Very efficient since they die if you set them on fire. They're dumb enough that one guy on the floor is on fire, the rest then gather around him and get lit up also. It's hilarious to watch.

  • +4

    Excited for MLB.

    Will also fire up some tlou mp.

  • +26

    Everyday I mull over quitting my job so I can clear my gaming backlog.

    • +6


    • +3

      If we both do it then move into a small share house we can save on costs and have longer to clear the backlog before we run out of money.

    • Not helped by AAA studios making nothing but open world slog fests. Ubisoft just announced that the only things they will make now are giant open world games.

      • Probably because that's where they are going to make the extra money longer lifespan of game. less ned torpidly push out more AAA titles as the ones they do last longer.

        Dev goes into adding new content / maps / worlds etc

        Easy money from the people who don't have the skill or time to grind levels.

        The open world games I play I enjoy you can loose the idiots and it's a good escape with a great lifespan rather than finishing it in a week

        I currently have The crew 2, and Steep running for a good 8 months or so either are slog fests if I read your comment correctly

        You can also just play technically offline, and beat all the single player tasks that way

        • It seems games these days are being made for poor people who want to buy one game and play it for months because they have more time than money. I like short games. I would finish more of them. And I'd give them more money in doing so. And I'm fine with that because quantity rarely goes hand in hand with quality.

      • +1

        That helps me tremendously, personally. Absolutely zero interest in open world games. I think I've completed maybe 2 or 3 since GTA IV. Ubisoft games are horrendously overrated, I don't know how they continue to sell so well. The only AAA studio games I bother with now are developers like Naughty Dog, Sony Santa Monica, and if they count as AAA, From Software. Everything else is just good indie shit.

        But nothing against those who enjoy those games. I can see the appeal in a grindfest game like Assassin's Creed or Far Cry but they are are big nope for me.

  • +1

    Well this is great for those who haven't played TLOU. But anyone that wanted to kinda already has haven't they?

    • +1

      I've started and stopped playing that game and restarted about 3 times over the years. It's just in my backlog of games I need to finish but never seem to get anywhere with. Sucks.

    • I have it on PS3.

      Might get this just to have it on PS4, but I don't expect to play it. I liked it but it felt like a harrowing journey for those characters and not sure if I can go through that again.

      • The PS4 version comes with the extra "Left Behind" add on story. It's worth playing if you haven't played that part.

        • Played that also.

          This one was actually harder than the main game.

          • @lostn: Yeah that last chapter on Left Behind in grounded mode is intense.

  • +2

    This just makes me want to replay TLoU. One of my top games for sure.

  • +4

    Great for me. It's always been on my list of 'must plays' over the years but I've never come around to buying it. Hoping i enjoy it as much as everyone else has. Wouldn't mind having a go on baseball either.

    Overall, pretty good month for a filthy casual like myself.

  • +3

    Good time to visit TLOU multiplayer if you haven't tried it. It's really good.

  • +5

    I've bought TLOU at least 3 times now. Amazing game.

  • Definitely keen for my 3rd play through of TLOU before 2 comes out.

    Also, finally get to try this baseball game.

  • +15

    I've been playing video games for almost 40 years. I've loved a lot of them, but The Last Of Us is my favourite of the whole damn lot. Absolutely superb.

  • +5

    TLoU is in my all time top 5 games, but for those playing it for the first time, please remember that it is a 6 year old game. Don't expect Uncharted 4 visuals and gameplay. However, do expect to tear up 20 minutes into the game.

    • I played it recently and they still look pretty good on my Pro.

  • -6

    One of these games is a masterpiece that a lot of us here have already played back in 2012/2013.

    The other one is a lame ass American sport that probably just does a palette swap of each team to justify its annual iterations on consoles.

    • +3

      While I'm certainly no fan of baseball as a sport, some of the most fun I've had in years was with Super Mega Baseball, so I'll give The Show a try. The palette swap / annual iteration thing isn't really a problem if you don't already own any other iteration of the game :P

      I find my enjoyment of a sports video game has absolutely no correlation whatsoever to my enjoyment of video game adaptations of those sports. I love AFL, but I hate every video game adaptation of it that I've ever tried. Meanwhile, I've had a lot of fun with sports games of things like baseball, tennis and golf (I ****ING LOVE the Everybody's Golf series), even though I can't stand the real life sports. Then there's soccer, which I'm a bit ambivalent about the real game - I can watch it, but I don't really follow any particular team or competition. But I will happily pour a couple hundred hours into PES every couple of years.

    • +1

      exactly, considering they listened to Americans and took out PES. They should listen to Europeans and take out Baseball and give something else.

      • +1

        We have local video game franchises for NRL, AFL, Union, Cricket and Horse Racing? And yet they give us baseball….

        • Are those games actually any good? MLB The Show 19 is sitting on 86 on Metacritic, so it seems fair to say that it's a good game.

        • -1

          I would have loved Don Bradman 17.

  • +3

    If you're like me and always forget to redeem them

    Here's last month:

  • which one is better? TLOU of RE2 Remake?

    • +3

      TLOU. Like someone said above, a top 5 of all time for many of us.

      • nice time to get a psplus then

    • +1

      That's like picking a favorite child.

      The answer is, play both of them.

      In terms of story though, TLOU. The RE games have always had ridiculous logic.

  • awesome month… will give me an excuse to replay TLOU again and have always wanted to try the MLB games but been too much of an scrooge to pay cash for it…..

  • +2

    Always good to get a digital copy of Last of US. My lazy arse can just load it up without moving.
    Also, Baseball is the greatest sport in the world! in my eyes :) I held off buying this year because I never have time to dive too deep into the game. Now I can play as much as I want.
    Go D'Backs!

    • Still +1'd you because baseball is awesome and The Show is one of my favourite PS4 series, but the D-Backs? C'mon, Dodgers all the way…

      • +1

        Bellinger is a beast!
        But no way I hate the Dodgers. As you would hate D'Backs as we're rivals.
        But too many bandwagoners jump on the dodger train.
        Even if they know nothing about baseball, Oh yeah they're Dodgers fans. Most likely never watched a game in their life.'t
        Not saying this applies to you vans, as I don't know you. But the ones I do know. most of them don't know shit about Baseball. Just like NFL randoms are Patriot fans. Makes me sick.
        But yeah stayed home today and watch the Longest D'Backs game in History.
        6hrs 53mins 19innings and beat the Cardinals 3-2

        Considering D'Backs are in rebuild mode and we almost still almost made the playoffs is crazy. when we gave up 4 of our best players. because we just couldn't afford them.
        Dodgers signed one of our players this year AJ Pollock
        Goldy went to Cards, Corbin went to the Nationals and Grenke went to Astros.

        Be interesting Postseason for sure.
        Braves are playing out of their minds, Cardinals looking good, Brewers looking to make playoffs but with Christian Yelich out for the season, they're not as fun to watch. Going to be hard for dodgers. Don't get me wrong, dodgers are super strong as well. But going by Dodgers luck in the playoffs. its going to be a hard one this year. Ryu and Buehler and Kershaw not on the top of their game. It's going to be interesting

        • Yeah, definitely see mostly Dodgers/Yankees caps here in Australia, but I guess that's just the nature of bigger-market teams. I actually started following baseball/supporting the Dodgers the year after they played the opening series against the D-Backs in Sydney, which I'm bummed to have missed, in hindsight. Luckily I've been to a few games over in the US now though.

          That game yesterday was absolutely insane. Good on you for sticking through it, and I'm sure you were pleased with the result lol

          Pollock has been solid for us this year, so I'm pretty happy we grabbed him. Rough offseason for you guys for sure though. I'm looking forward to the postseason, but like you said it's gonna be tough for the Dodgers. I can't see us winning it all, and I really don't wanna lose the World Series three years straight. My bet is the Astros winning again, but I think there are a couple of other teams with an outside chance. Kinda hoping the Yankees can knock off the Astros…

          Benefit of this deal is that I can always rewrite history if it doesn't go my way ;)

  • I got real close to the end of TLOU on PS3 and my game got corrupt, I wish I had the time as an adult to play a game more then once

    • Did the game get corrupt or your save got corrupt? If you backed it up to the cloud try restoring an older save.

      I'm with you on the more than once thing.

  • Purchased mlb and never played…damn.

  • +2

    Playing The Last of Us on Hard difficulty with Listen Mode off is the best way to experience the game for the first time. Incredibly intense.

    • +2

      Grounded difficulty (which unlocks after you finish the game, so you can only do it on a second or subsequent play through) even more so.

      Although it probably doubles your runtime playing this way, since no listen mode and very scarce supplies mean you spend a lot more time hiding and watching and waiting (and dying :P).

  • +2

    For those of you who haven't tried road to the show game mode its definitely worth a go. Skips the boring bits of baseball

  • +2

    as much disappointment as there is, im super keen for MLB. definitely worth the price of admission

  • Yay, was going to buy TLOU, knew it will be plus soon, held out, boom!

    • -2

      what else do you 'know' will be Plus soon?

      • +2

        Don't take my advice. I purchased WipeOut on sale then 5 days later went on Plus haha! But, all older AAA games will be Plus soon, so Uncharted 4 is a good bet next. All the Player Hit titles. I had a feeling with this one and BOOM!

        • +1

          It seems to me they are strategic. If a sequel to some game is releasing soon, they put the original on Plus a few months before it to get people into the series and hopefully increase sales of the upcoming game.

          • +1

            @lostn: And MLB because post season is coming up so it makes sense.

        • Nah, we are not up to Uncharted 4 yet. Killzone Shadow Fall and The Order: 1886 need to be on the PS Plus list first. With no sign of Uncharted 5, there is no marketing incentive to offer Uncharted 4 free yet. If anything, offering Uncharted Lost Legacy free first might be a possibility (think about Infamous first light being offered before second son).

          With TLOU2 release date announced and the new video released, it makes sense for TLOU to be put on PS Plus. MLB, with postseason coming, the game will only be appealing for another month… Might as well ride the postseason wave.

          • @netsurfer: I would have thought they would have released it closer to TLOU 2 date? Or are they giving people time to finish the story?

            • +2

              @RocketSwitch: Well, more people will notice the release date for TLOU 2 and maybe that will help pre-order. Considered I bought the game for $9USD 2 years ago, this game isn't really worth much nowadays.

              It might have something to do with stop angering PS Plus customers. After no more PS3 free games, the Plus free games were lacklustre for a few months. Honestly, TLOU is a game which people won't complain (due to the huge fan base). However, it is not really a current gen title.

              Probably a minor shot at XBox One (as Gears 5 is out)… basically remind people about Sony exclusives even though the current gen consoles are making way for next gen next year. Anyway, competition is good for consumers.

        • Nah, uncharted 4 is the last of the series, don't think it'll come to ps+ anytime soon. TLOU is to advertise the new one. Btw 1v1 wipeout?

          • @HangryCakeStore: Technically the one with Chloe (Lost Legacy?) is the last since it's a stand alone game.

  • +1

    hopefully there is alot more factions players around soon then :)

  • +1

    TLOU is absolutely must-play if you have a ps4 and haven't already got it for some reason

  • Perfect timing for a refresh for number 2

    • that will be the reason behind it lol
      try to push those pre-orders and get people back into the franchise

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