So I was checking out Costco the other day and saw this Cocoon 5.8ghz sender transmitter and receiver $69.99.
I thought it might have been a reasonable price but wanted to check it out at other stores because I thought maybe these things had dropped in price across the board.
Well, I didnt follow it up right away but today I see a DSE advertising flyer (11-18th July Knox City VIC)has them as on sale for $99.00 ($50 off).
DSE online price is $149.00 and possibly stores other than Knox are also that price.
I'm just telling you what I have seen for myself.
They are at least $120 at some of the other stores I've come across so the Costco price for members is pretty good.
In fact extra receivers for these retail for about $100 on their own so if you wanted 1x Sender and 2x Receiver plus the $60 Costco membership(refundable) you would still be better off.
$140 for the 2x Sender/Receiver
$60 Costco Membership
Total $200
Which is the same price as buying two of them at DSE except you can cancel your Costco membership and get $60 back.
Either way, if you are a Costco member already or if you are not, the deal could be a good one for either if you are looking for one(or two) of these.