Just wondering if someone can tell me if mooncakes at Eastwood have gone on sale yet? What's the discount like? Thanks.
Mooncakes on Sale Yet?

skimp on 23/09/2019 - 18:47
what's a moon cake?
Bits of the moon fall down to Earth, explorers hunt it like treasure, gets melted and baked in pastry. Believed to give you superpowers.
It has its own emoji!
🥮 🥮
Bert Newton in a cake.
Most of the places I've seen sold out, even last weekend :(
Even last year, after the day I went to the Asian groceries hopefully to find some on sale, but most of the ones I like (standard bean paste with yoke) all gone. Only ones left are the ones ppl don't like so much like flavoured ones (taro, etc)
Thanks. Oh well, as the canto saying goes, hand quick have, hand slow none.
Taro's the best
Prob too late now. I went the Saturday after mid autumn (9 days ago) and they were already half price and people were buying fast.
Not at Eastwood though but I'd imagine similar thing would happen there.