Bing Lee iTunes Card Sales

Hey have anyone received their itunes cards? 2 for $20? recently from that promo
Haven't received mine been 2 weeks lol


  • According to their facebook page they've had trouble with the machine that activates the cards.

    There was a post here from someone who'd gotten theirs on July 1

  • I received mine on Thursday by registered post. I used paypal and was one of the people who had an error, and no confirmation that the order had been received from Bing Lee. However I did get a confirmation from paypal. I contacted BL to ask if it had gone through and a couple of days later they confirmed. It may have been due to my persuasively worded email though ;-)

    • Well if they took money out of your paypal account, doesn't that warrant a contract?

      • I agree. However their first email response was:

        "Thank you for your enquiry. Our admin team will looking into your order on Monday. If the purchase was unsuccessful, you'll be contacted for further instruction"

        When I heard nothing further for a couple of days I emailed again and said that I considered the transaction had gone through etc. I got the feeling though that perhaps they weren't going to respond unless I pushed it, and it took almost 2 weeks to arrive.

  • Got mine fine - came pretty quickly via registered post envelope.

  • Haven't seen mine, realised I don't have email confirmation of the order either.

    Charge on my credit card though.

  • I got mine last Friday via registered post.

  • Yes, mine also arrived on Friday (8th July) by registered post.

  • Mine came yesterday.

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