This was posted 5 years 5 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

½ Price Heinz Tomato Sauce Ketchup 500ml $1.60 @ Woolworths


Good price on Heinz Tomato Sauce Ketchup at 50% off. Enjoy!

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closed Comments

  • +6

    GREAT !! the only sauce I buy !

    • -6

      it’s ketchup not sauce.

  • Darn I just bought bucket of fountain tomato sauce last week half price

  • +4
  • +1

    And this one, anyone know what the difference is? It doesn't have a picture of the back of the bottle or any description. Only difference I can see is that it looks like the label printer had a brain fart

    • IIRC it's just some Ed Sheeran promo thing.

    • Ed Sheeran has teamed up with Heinz to create his own brand of its famous tomato ketchup, dubbed “Edchup”. The partnership is a celebration of the British food giant's 150th anniversary – and Sheeran's self-professed lifelong love of ketchup

      • +2

        Wow, thanks for that
        Username checks out xD

      • Say what?! British food giant? I think not. Heinz are American.

    • +1

      Edchup definitely taste better.

  • +5


    • Melbourne?

    • Best tomato sauce/ketchup hands down. No one believes me.

  • +2

    These bottles make my nephews giggle.

  • Why would you buy this over the homebrand one?

    • +18


    • Because the home brand sauce tastes like sh%t!

      • -1

        It tastes like tomato sauce :/

        • Yes they both taste like tomato sauce, but if you purchase the Heinz ketchup at this price. I think you will find that the improvement in taste, worth the extra 10 cents in price.

          • @Stone Monkey: This is a conspiracy by big sauce isn't it

            • @Scantu: Hb sauce is like a cheap olive oil, itll do but if you care you will buy the nicer one.

              • +1

                @Seedy seed: Don't know if that analogy works for me either haha olive oil is olive oil

                • @Scantu: And as a chef ill tell you its worked perfectly.

                  • @Seedy seed: for you not for me though

                    • +2

                      @Scantu: Lol. It kinda does, you dont buy the expensive versions because your happy with the basic version.

    • -1

      Probably because home brand products like the Aldi one are made in Australia using Australian tomatoes supporting our farmers and manufacturing whereas this is made overseas using zero Australian ingredients so it makes much more sense to purchase this otherwise people might have to stop complaining about the lack of support given to our farmers and factories much better to support multinational conglomerations and then complain about the lack of jobs

  • +3

    This is ketchup not tomato sauce. For uneducated people (uneducated includes the ones with degrees) there is a difference.

    • +1

      need to ketchup with your humour lol

      • you two probably need to ketchup

    • -1

      Ketchup has vinegar in it, tomato sauce doesn't.

  • +3

    Heinz or Masterfood ketchup? I find Heinz has more watery 'pre-cum'.

    • +1

      Shake it baby.

    • +1

      Shake it

    • Heinz

    • Masterfoods for me please.

    • Where are the Burns-O's?

  • That's cool. I'll check them out

  • I'm more of a fan of Catsup

  • +3

    Not made in Australia anymore since they closed the factory in 2012. Buy something Australian made instead.

    • Nothing is as good though.

  • This used to be great sauce up until they changed the recipe. Now it tastes like vinegary trash

  • Can I confirm that most ozbarginers would rather save $0.10 than support our own farmers.
    We will be drinking powdered milk in 10 years because of this ignorant mentality.

  • Always love Heinz's chilli flavored "Fiery Chilli" Ketchup,
    but sadly it seems Woolies & Coles are not selling them anymore.

  • Man I tell you what, if you’re a T sauce fan, head down the international aisle and pick up some Watties Tomato sauce. It’s not the cheapest, but never had anything better. May be slightly biased since I’m a Kiwi haha!

  • Wtf is a ketchup?

  • This is actually really good and home-made:…

  • Is that gluten free?

  • I almost rushed to nearest Woolworth to buy 10 of these. Luckily I did not, Costco STANDARD price for 2x1lit pack is $6.2 which is 20c cheaper than 4 of this…

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