This was posted 5 years 5 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Somersby Cider 10pk $15 & Receive a $10/$20 Ticketek/Airtasker/General Pants Voucher (First 2300 Customers) @ BWS


SOMERSBY LOWER CARB, CLOUDY APPLE, APPLE, OR PEAR CIDER at an equally refreshing price of $15 for 10pack. While stocks last.

PLUS if you're one of the first 2,300 people to complete their purchase in-store you'll receive a voucher for Ticketek, Airtasker, or General Pants Co*!

*Gifts will be awarded randomly. Claimants do not get to choose their Gift type preference. Gift available to first 2,300 who redeem coupon in-store.

AU residents (excl. NT) 18+ only. Starts 18/9/19, ends 11:59pm AEDT 08/10/19 (Promo Period). Claims for a gift close at 11:59pm AEDT on 14/10/2019, or once 2,300 valid claims have been received, whichever occurs first. During Promo Period, visit to get a single-use digital coupon allowing you to buy a 10pk of Somersby Cider at a BWS store (excl. NT) for $15, then before 11:59pm AEDT 14/10/19 redeem the coupon by showing BWS staff at the time of purchase to receive the discount. Coupon cannot be printed & must be redeemed via a mobile/tablet device via data connection. Cannot redeem coupon for purchases made on BWS online store. The first 2,300 to redeem their coupon in BWS will receive a gift of either a $10 Ticketek e-Voucher, $20 Airtasker e-Voucher or a $10 General Pants Co e-Voucher. Gifts awarded randomly; claimants do not get to choose e-Voucher type. Successful claimants notified by email. Max one (1) coupon & one (1) e-Voucher per person only. Total prize pool up to $30,700. Full T&Cs: CLICK HERE. Promoter: Asahi Premium Beverages Pty Ltd (ABN 49 077 568 480) 58 Queens Bridge St, Southbank Vic 3006. HELPLINE: 1800 244 054. Permits: NSW LTPS/19/37069, ACT TP19/03967 & SA T19/1340.

Related Stores
BWS - Beer Wine Spirits
BWS - Beer Wine Spirits
General Pants
General Pants

closed Comments

  • +3

    Is anyone else getting the 'i'm not a robot' message?

    • +1

      Try on desktop. I had the problem when I was on mobile.

    • -7

      Got a $100 coles voucher and a $50 ticketek!

  • +9

    Vouchers are a bit crap.

  • Thanks op, picking up a pack now

  • +13

    It appears like the last promo, you don't actually need to buy It (I did anyway) just press through and it says you've redeemed without any confirmation.

    Edit: it Sends instantly too.. silly somersby

    • +3

      can rate this, got $10 tickettek voucher

    • Genius.

  • +1

    Also anyone want to swap $10 ticketek for $20 airtasker? I don't even know what airtasker is

    • +3

      Pay people to do stuff for you. Be your own boss.

      • Wouldn't that make you someone else's boss? :-)

        • No

          • @muncan: Then you're doing it wrong, because bosses pay people to do stuff for them. ;-)

    • Make that a $20 airtasker and a $10 pantsco for tickettec, I can't be bothered making emails to redo it

  • +1

    What mL are the cans? Is it like the happy sock promotion where you could get the bigger cans too?

    • +2

      I'd assume so, I was going to try it but felt shameful enough using the coupon for the normal size lol

      • +2

        I have no shame :P

      • +3

        Why would you feel shameful using a coupon. They made the promo so it can be used. And you're on ozbargain of all places lol.

        • In case it got rejected mainly

          • +2

            @Wilder94: I did it, the guy serving was like jesus that was cheap where did you get that haha. Worst case you put them back and get the 375ml

    • +1

      Got the 440ml cans from the voucher…were on special in store at $25 so $15 is great…

  • Damn both mine are airtasker, anyone want to swap?

    • +1

      Ha ha… You lose…

  • This is my drink of choice, great offer. Thank you.

  • Collecting general pants co vouchers if anyone has any to swap
    Edit: swapped

  • Did you guys receive the gc immediately?
    If you were one of the first 2,300 people to redeem this offer, you'll receive an email with more information on how to claim your Gift.
    I only got this msg and haven't received any email yet. Is that still first 2300?

    • +1

      It's almost instantly, but yea still codes left

      • +1

        Thanks mate got a$10 ticketek voucher

        • -1

          Lucky, out of like 20 I got 2 for them lol

          Edit: I gave them all away except the ticketec ones

    • Once you redeem your offer Instore you will get an email if you were first 2300

  • +3



  • +8

    Worked on the 440mL packs despite the redemption email saying it was just valid for 375mL packs!

    • +1

      Thats the equivalent of getting another one and three quarters of a can.

  • +4

    You can get 2 packs of Somersby Low Carb Apple for $24 at Woolies (25% off 2 cases) here

    • None in stock anywhere near me in Brisbane.

      • Can't buy alcohol at Woolies in Qld..

        • Ahh of course. Thought it was through BWS but that makes sense. Good to know for future I won’t bother checking any Woolies grog deals, cheers.

  • Happy to swap Airtasker for General Pants and Co :)

  • Hey guys has anyone managed to redeem a General Pants Co. Code? My one seems to be redeemed or invalid

    • +1

      I got that message as well! I am assuming that the codes have not been activated yet. Similar to a previous deal where Mastercard gave out gift cards but were not activated yet.

  • I have Airtasker, Anyone wanna swap for Ticketek?

  • I have a general pants voucher to swap if anyone's interested.

    • will swap you airtasker one if you're keen. PM me. thanks

    • Swap with Ticketek?

  • +2

    Can confirm if they don't check, you can get the 10x440mls cans. Got two packs and 2 vouchers. Time to get some pants and watch some show.

  • +15

    Bugger: $10 general pants voucher. I was looking for specific pants.

  • Plain Cider..

  • $20 airtasker :(

    • Mine went to junk mail. Try that

  • $20 Airtasker voucher here. oh well….

  • I have an Airtasker if anyone would like to swap?

  • -1

    Not available in the NT.😠

  • BWS generally close at 10pm. So if anyone is redeeming without purchasing, probably best to do it within hours of operation… (avoid being too suspicious)

    • Na still works after hours. Just did it. The first 2299 people will be ozbargain haxers.

      • As in, yes it should still work. But if they look through the redemption times tomorrow morning and find the promo being abused, it may ruin it for everybody.

        • dont forget the perth time difference so till 11pm fine

  • How does Cloudy Apple taste?

    • Like apples.

      • How do you like them apples?

      • Compared to the original?

  • Air Tasker Code: JG6YHCTVYK

  • Just used the Airtasker code WoO!

    • Can we use multiple codes?

  • Could someone give me an airtasker code? Please pm me. I need it.
    edit: thank you. it is sorted.

  • I got a $10 ticketek voucher. Looking to swap for an airtasker one - pm!

  • I got 20 airtasker look to swap, pm.

  • Hi have air tasker want to swap for general pants

  • I have Airtasker, looking to swap for ticketek

  • I have two airtaskers. Keen to swap with either.
    Figured I'll throw my hat in the ring also.

  • Trading Airtasker for anything else. PM

  • I’ve 2 Airtaskers to trade for 1 of the others if anyone’s interested.

  • Has anyone redeemed the general pants codes I have two both same code just different PIN numbers

    Both are coming up invalid ?

    • Mine don't work as well

  • ill have an airtasker for a general pants

  • +1

    2300 quota reached? I’m not getting any code

    • Same here so I’ll assume so. Sucks because clearly some above have abused this by signing up with all of their various email accounts…..

      I actually was going to go to bws today to buy some and still might - they need to come up with a better system to actually reward those that buy their product in these deals.

      • -3

        This is Ozbargain not Ozwhinge…

      • +1

        If you’ve verified you didn’t get a code then you were abusing it too as you haven’t gone to BWS yet
        And if you’re still going then you will need to sign up with various emails

        • -6

          I tried verifying to see if I’d missed out or not since everybody else was. Doubt my intentions if you want.

          I’ve got 4 emails and signed up with two because I was actually going to go to my local supermarket (which has a BWS store and a separate drive thru) to buy two 10 packs…

          • +2

            @sarahbrisbane: Still abusing it lol cos I'm pretty sure their intent was one per person thus one time voucher

            • -3

              @jwsc: So much criticism and downvoting for wanting to buy two when so many others have done so much worse.

              Yes I was going to buy two, one pack for me and one for my husband. The second email was actually technically a joint email of ours from our wedding. Next time I will do the right thing and send him the link to redeem himself so we can achieve the same outcome…

              • +1

                @sarahbrisbane: for the record, i didnt down vote you.
                nor was i critising you, merely pointed out that you were an abuser like the rest of us.

                • -2

                  @jwsc: I think actually redeeming two cartons as a household is frowned upon at best - I was more referring to the people that signed up with their multiple emails just to get the free vouchers who likely have no intention of actually making a purchase. I think I saw someone with like 20 vouchers they were trying to swap…

                  • +1

                    @sarahbrisbane: Well obviously you would think it's okay.
                    If the system allowed it, then it's a suggestion to get the cider "at best".
                    You can say it was for the household but as far as bws's go it was purchased by one customer in multiple transactions. And don't go saying you used a joint card or whatever. Still the same person at the counter.
                    I'm merely saying don't be so quick to judge others when you're actions are also in a grey zone. It's not wrong definitely less wrong than the guy getting 20 but still grey.

  • Has anyone been able to successfully apply the general pants co voucher?

    • No , as above tried again this morning no luck

    • -2

      Yep, and I want an Airtasker (I think, never used it, but got a few jobs I want done).

      Happy to swap my GP voucher.

      • Have airtasker and am looking to swap for GP.

        PM me

        • Seems like no one's GP voucher is working…

    • It seems to be working now. I've tried a code and it works!

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