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Kitchen Bargains this week - Mortar and Pestle $9.95 @Woolworths


Woolworths have a mortar and pestle for less than $10 this week. Doesn't give any indication of size etc in brochure but seems like good value. 7.2L Tramotina Pressure Cooker for $69 and 5 piece Creme Brulee Set for $14.95 sound pretty good too.

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closed Comments

  • -1

    fantastic deal!

  • -3

    I went to Marion store and found out they dont stock all the specials!!! The only reason I went there was to check out the Mortar and Pestle. Whats the point they put it in the catalouge if those specials are not available at every store? Its a good deal if you can buy!

    • Does the Marion store come up in the catalogue exclusion list?

    • +1

      Your experience is sad but not a reflection on the bargain posted. Please don't neg a deal just because you weren't able to buy it at your local store…

      • If its a catalog special that applies to all stores then its reasonable to neg. Marion is a big store and this is day one of the catalog. Poor deal from woolies.

        • Size of the store is irrelevant, there are always certain exclusions on catalogue

  • Looking at the Woolies catalogue right now, it does have symbols next to the item- no rainchecks and may not be available in all stores. Strange if Marion doesnt have it, since its like one of the busiest/biggest/main Woollies in SA. Did you ask one of the staff?
    Also, its $9.99 in SA, we have to pay an extra 4cent :(

  • The mortar and pestle was pretty mediocre anyway chacha. You didn't miss much. I got one at Kmart recently for $12 that is far superior - also granite, and larger. I would actually question whether the Woolies one is in fact granite, in spite of the claim that it is.

  • None at Modbury either,my local very large store. Sounds like it was crap compared to others

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