In 2005, a legend was born on the PlayStation 2 – the legend of Kazuma Kiryu, the Dragon of Dojima, in his video game debut with Yakuza. Now, 11 years after that release, a new generation of players will be able to experience the incomparable action and drama of the Yakuza series with the rebuilt-from-scratch HD remake exclusive to PlayStation 4, Yakuza Kiwami.
[PS4] Yakuza Kiwami Steelbook Edition $24 @ JB Hi-Fi

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So good
I bought zero but couldn't quite get on it's wave length.I played yakuza at launch on the ps2 and after gta Andreas, didn't want a sandbox for again
A year after trying zero, I played it again and fell in love!
One of the best all time.
Now I'm into no 2 and ready for 3-6 & judgement!dead souls was a great spin off.
Is it?
I downloaded it for ps3 cause my mate has a modded one.
I'll get to it one day.I actually bought yakuza 4&5 - ps3 cause they were cheap and I was going to. Borrow a ps3.
Of course, three days later it's announced for the ps4.
No refund from Sony either :/
@iamhurtin: plays like deadrising without the crazy weapons/cars.
threes a scene where you go to a club and the hostess that serves. has been concealed with make up and chains that she's actually a zombie.
Dead Soul was awful.
Steelbook looks awesome, shame the Koi imagery is on the back and not on the front.
I want a bath robe that is either the koi or dragon tattoo design!
It's $13.95 on PSN now. I paid $17.95 each for both Zero and this. Still half way through Zero.…