Chiq Fridges review

hi guys, looking at a new fridge and saw on appliances online a brand ChiQ that gives good warranty and looks good value. anyone has much thoughts on it? any reviews on ChiQ? TIA!

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  • They are an offshoot of ChangHong, a Chinese company that made it's name selling TV's.

    Hard to say how reliable they are since they only started selling fridges in late 2017.

  • I was told that ChangHong changed to Chiq for the Australian market to avoid the 'asian' stigma.

    I have a Chiq tv and it's a good performer, but I agree that there really isn't much lifespan to judge Chiq

    • +1

      Doesn't Chiq still sound like a Chinese brand?

      • +1

        Depends how you pronounce it.
        Chi-Q sounds Asian
        Chic sounds French
        Chick sounds English
        Maybe pronounce it Chook? for the australian market

  • I'd go with Mitsubishi as they have the best warranty and customer satisfaction ratings.

  • So you enjoy all your perishables being thrown away when your fridge fails? I'd personally stick with a known brand for something that stores things I like to eat.

  • Changhong is actually an old brand in China, older than Hisense, TCL etc.

  • -1

    Seems to be yet another post looking for comments to disparage a Chinese brand ??

    Prove me wrong

  • Had a ChiQ 212L fridge as a second fridge for about 3 1/2 years. Ran fine, was quiet, did what it was supposed to do. Recently sold it and it was still running perfectly.

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