My recent electricity bill from Origin was for ~$1K for a 3 bedroom apartment (on a promotional tariff with pay-on-time discounts, I'm savvy). That got me looking for a better electricity deal, again.
Today I've stumbled upon Amber Electric, who claim to be passing wholesales electricity prices to consumers for a flat fee like $10/month.
This sounds too good to be true, almost like Robin Hood of the retail energy market. Any ozbargainers out there already using them? Can you share your experience? There must be a catch I suppose.
I know this may look like a promo post, but I'm not affiliated with them in any way. I've stumbled upon them in my Twitter stream as a promoted post, I suppose Twitter/Google/etc analytics AI is aware I'm looking to change my energy provider.
Updated, in their FAQ they claim they won't charge more than the Default Market Offer (DMO).This is how they claim to be protecting consumers from the wholesale energy price spikes. DMO is essentially a government-set safety net for consumers. For NSW, it's currently ~2K p.a. (source) I don't know how Amber Electric are going to deliver on that, but given that I'd willing to give a try if my meter is compatible.
There prices seem slightly higher than what I'm paying at Tango Energy for what it's worth.
Which means they are probably good rates, but not the best out there… So make sure you shop around.
EDIT: Also they haven't launched in VIC yet.