• expired

Apple iPhone XR 64GB $1,049, iPhone XR 128GB $1,129 @ Apple Store


Since Apple's 'Special Event' (September Keynote) this morning, they’ve reduced the retail price of their now superseded iPhone XR 64GB and 128GB by $180 and $170 respectively.

64GB = Was $1,229, Now $1,049 (Save: $180)
128GB = Was $1,299, Now $1,129 (Save: $170)

This beats recent OzBargain deals for Grey Imports by $50: LINK

Hopefully we start seeing more attractive plans with the telco's soon.

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closed Comments

      • +3

        haha, read up, your warranty starts when its first activated with apple not when it's purchased wherever you buy it.

        • +1

          I'll accept your correction as far as Apple products, but my statement still applies in general. Other phone manufacturers don't begin their warranty when you activate them. In fact you could use the phone never going online, since they don't force you to connect to the internet just to get past the setup the way Apple does. If you buy one of those, your warranty begins the date of the invoice.

    • +1

      You just hope you don't get unlucky and end up buying a stolen phone given Apple store in WA was recently broken into as well.

      • +1

        lol, i am on other side of country and a 6 hour drive from a apple store, long drive for them to sell haha

    • I’m been looking at gumtree for a while now, everyone is selling XR 64GB at RRP price , some even selling it above RRP , even more than new iPhone 11 , that’s crazy

  • -4

    Meanwhile last year model Pixels are down to $600. No.

    • +2

      that's with the targeted promo code. Out of stock now

    • +9

      And that's a reason to neg?

      • +1

        Page negs are under-utilised. Whilst product depreciation isn’t really comparable, it’s easier to find the comment to see their PoV. Whether I agree or not, page negging shouldn’t be so tight. Why does it matter if a deal has some negs?!

    • -2


      • -2

        Poo poo poo

    • This deal isn't for Pixels

      • -4

        This deal isn't a deal.

        • +1

          Can't compare, different product.

        • +1

          That's like saying $5,000 off a Tesla isn't a deal because a Hyundai is cheaper.

  • What happened to the XS? It’s not on the Apple site anymore.

    • +1

      superseded by 11 pro

      plus it will cannibalize sales if they kept it but im interested to see what jb/ tgg/ hn do with thier stock

  • +4

    Wish the 2 year old iPhone 8 was more affordable, it's still $779. Great small phone that will easily last 3+ years if purchased today. Meanwhile it is only 329 USD+taxes in the US, so if you know someone visiting from there, it would be a great one to bring in (I don't know if they will be charged GST on entry)

    • just don't mention about the phone when they come back, no way they can monitor everyone bringing e.g. 1 iphone that was bought overseas and finding that they didn't declare it

      i was thinking of getting the iphone 8 but then maybe next year it will be discontinued .. lol

      • +3

        Even if it is discontinued, you'll get OS updates till 2022 (5 years from 2017 release). Meanwhile Android users rejoice when their phones are guaranteed 2 years of OS updates.

        PS. I use Android too and think it's shameful that even Pixels only promise 2 years of OS updates plus one year of security on top

        • +1

          serious so Samsung (andriod) only get 2 years of OS updates?
          So if i bought the Samsung s10 right now, i would only get 2 years of OS and then what happens after? I have to get another brand new Samsung (andriod) or accept that i won't get any OS updates?

          • +1

            @prankster: https://www.theverge.com/2018/10/24/18019356/android-securit…

            Google’s contract with Android partners stipulates that they must provide “at least four security updates” within one year of the phone’s launch. Security updates are mandated within the second year as well, though without a specified minimum number of releases.

            I personally only ever buy Android One phones (since I moved from iOS) so that updates are quicker, although they're always mid-range and not so great camera wise. See the page for example, states this fact up front:

            "Android One phones will receive at least two years of OS upgrades."

            However each manufacturer typically decides how often and how long they support a phone. I'm having trouble finding any web page from Samsung that clearly states how long they will provide OS and Security updates for any of their models! Would love to see it if someone finds this written down, not some forum post etc

          • @prankster: The s7 is still getting updates, the original pixel just got Android 10. Samsung flagship get two major android version updates plus 1-2 years of security updates. In the future security updates won’t matter to Android devices as much as they do today, any device that runs 10 or higher Google can push security updates to them. Based on how Google support older versions of Android, it wouldn’t surprise me to see devices like the original pixel still being updated with core improvements and security beyond 6+ years old. Also comparing os updates between the two os is like comparing apples with you know..

            For instance lot core functionality and apps such as the browser or even the app store needs an OS update in iOS, where in Android these updates can be pushed to the device through the playstore. Once iOS devices stop receiving os updates it’s all pretty much all over for that device in terms of support where this isn’t the case in Android. Apple may push out the occasional security updates to devices stuck on older os versions but that’s it. With Android google they are still supporting older Android version. Android devices running 4.1 are still seeing core improvements today.

            • -1


              Once iOS devices stop receiving os updates it’s all pretty much all over for that device in terms of support where this isn’t the case in Android.

              Lmao, yeah, after 6+ years that's the case. What a ridiculous addition to your incorrect observations.

              • @ThithLord: How is my statement incorrect? Expand on your counter argument please.

                Not many iPhones have got OS updates for 6 years. Like the iPhone 6 just lost support and it’s a 5 year old device. 5 years of updates is fantastic still but not the 6+ years.

    • I have one and its a great phone, paid $900 for it Mobilecity about 2 years ago, think ill hang onto it for another year

    • +2

      I am actually considering switching from Android and get the iPhone 8 Plus since I am a notch hater. Really glad that apple still make LCD flagship phones.

    • I have one as work phone and I would love to know why you think it's such a great phone. I can't find anything good about it. Battery life is average at best, screen is rubbish in terms of both resolution and colour, it doesn't feel nice in the hand without a case, design looks very outdated with massive bezels on top and bottom, storage space is ridiculously low unless you pay more and get one with larger storage, and last but not least, it's severely overpriced.

      • I used to use an iPhone 5 (2012-2017) and this would have been a slightly larger drop in replacement and can be used one-handed. The issues you mention (screen quality, colours) don't bother me. Design is dated, this is known already. Bezels are fine with me in phones and I don't endlessly scroll the socials on it either. In short, it's fine for me and I totally accept that others may not like it as much

  • +2

    This is a particularly garbage price. It should be $899 max. The specs of 7mp camera, 64gb, lcd display. It’s a “good” phone. But $1000+ is flagship level. The 8 for $779…… maybe $649 for the 8 and that would be worth it.

    • +6

      You have to understand that Apple products operate in a different segment and don't follow traditional market forces.

      If they're still selling, then they're not overpriced, irrespective of what you actually get inside.

      • +1

        I just got an iPhone 7 brand new and so did another family member. Brand new for $440-480 after discount on eBay because we aren’t going to pay $1249 at the time for the XR. It’s not worth it.

        • +1

          I agree, but what is and isn't "worth" it differs from person to person, especially for Apple products. These will sell at this price. They're willing to pay. To them it's very much worth it.

          • +3

            @lostn: People buy iPhones for iOS, not specs. The prices are getting out of hand though. $1999 for 256GB iPhone 11 PRO is a joke.

  • +2

    lol, if people were going to buy this phone, they were not waiting for it to become $50 cheaper so they could bounce.

  • Get the 11 if you were considering this.

    It will cost $150 more, but will have higher resale value which makes up for it and a year more of support. The upgraded specs are a free bonus.

  • +3

    sad to see AUD depreciating year by year.
    2018, USD 749 (+tax) phone costs AUD 1229
    2019, USD 699 (+tax) phone costs AUD 1199

    • +1

      Manufacturers like well rounded numbers.

      So if the actual conversion ends up being 1182 or 1191, they will round it up to 1199 because everyone likes prices ending in 9.

  • +2

    According to the news today isint it to be A$870 for the iPhone XR 64GB ?


    • yeah wtf is up with that

      • They probably just converted the US price to AUS

  • +6

    It’s normal price.

  • -2

    iOS users, I'd try Android. You might be pleasantly surprised. It's kind of a no brainer if you can get the Samsung EPP price, too.

    If you hate it, put up with it for a year, then you can get the features from Android that you actually liked on the 2020 phone.

      • +7

        LOL, or they're the kinds who don't want to dick around with a phone and expect it to just work for years and have the OS updated far longer than Android users will experience. I've moved to Android now mainly due to the cost of iPhones but all iphone users aren't technically inept.

        • -6

          Don't want to dick around -> not tech savy.

          • +2

            @[Deactivated]: Not true at all. I'm very tech savvy and go from Android to iOS, alternating each year. iOS is limited but it's SOLID. I've used android from v1.5 and it's pretty good today but still not as solid as iOS.

          • +2


            Don't want to dick around

            have other more interesting ways to spend time. A phone is a phone not a lifestyle…at least for me

            • @slipperypete: For me dick around mean like, I'm not happy with text message sent immediately, I want to have 5 sec delay, or more possibilities with ifttt.

              I guess maybe those tech savvy people on iPhone just never tried Android.

              • @[Deactivated]: I use both everyday of the week and I can't see how iOS is any simpler to use than Android. I can understand people using iPhones already not wanting to switch and are are happy to continue using what their familiar with. A lot things in iOS that aren't as simple to do as on Android, even basic stuff like changing the homescreen wallpaper is harder on iOS or even just accessing the settings menu or connecting a Bluetooth device. The homescreen design is terrible too, don't make it easy to hide app icons or easy to sort them into alphabetical order or however the user prefers to have them sorted. There's no easy fast way to access the settings either. I think the UI on both platforms are dated and could be improved.

              • @[Deactivated]: I tried it for 9 months and couldn't get close to the integration I had with apple. (I haved apple laptop and ipad so that adds to it) I HATE apple as a company so wanted out!! Could never get ifttt to work properly and everything just felt clunky and bundled together.
                I ended up selling my Android and getting an iphone x….which i felt better but HATE the face recognition. Keep having to enter password sometime multiple times a day. It catch glances of face several times then decides it is not recognised so asks for pass.
                Def think most android phones look better and better value but had enough of messing around and back with apple….horses for courses. I'm also tech savvy

      • +1

        I know alot that are complete opposite of what you just said. Better operating system and locked into Apple ecosystem is the biggest reason not to switch to Android. Android phones are nice, the OS isnt.

        • this is just what I observe. From my observations the ios owners have these characteristics. I haven't yet encounter one that is young nerdy tech-savy man loving ios.

          • @[Deactivated]: Then you havnet met me or my mates. Maybe you work mostly with women?

            • +1

              @UberIsCool: seriously, what are you gonna talk about with your mates if you are tech-savvy?

              A:Hey new iphone is out!
              B:Yeah? What's new?
              A:It has a different shape!

              • @[Deactivated]: Yeah i know, the latest announcement was Meh but thats ok, I think im happy with where phones have gotten too tech wise. Im more interested in VR now days, ie headsets. At least they didnt release a 'folding' phone that breaks on first use!

          • @[Deactivated]:

            I haven't yet encounter one that is young nerdy tech-savy man loving ios.

            You are right, IOS users aren't nerds. They're cool good looking people who rely on nerds to sort out their nerdy stuff whilst they go out and have fun ;))

      • +1

        goose alert! samsung troll

      • Agreed, obviously haven't heard of getting the "best bang for your buck"

      • +1

        I find exactly opposite- most tech savvy people using apple products. I think I am eligible to be called tech savvy user being a computer engineer and worked in software industry.

        I find people not using apple for two primary reasons: mostly initial price and sometimes choice.

      • I work in I.T. and the split is definitely around 50/50. Your ridiculous anecdotal take is inferior to mine, cos I actually work in the I.T. field.

        • In that case must be because they have not tried one yet.

          • @[Deactivated]: Lmao. Clutching at straws, boyo. My current phone is my first iPhone.

            Bear in mind, I hold onto my phones for as long as possible, but:

            Started with a Samsung Galaxy (the original) as my first 'smart' phone
            then Samsung Galaxy S3
            then a Sony Xperia Z3 Compact (fantastic phone, if I had to go back to Android I'd hope I'd get something similar to this phone's performance)
            then an iPhone SE late 2016 - which I'm currently still using as it performs impeccably, still receives OS and security updates on day 0 of release, and is still an extremely competent phone. I had an issue with the battery 2 and a half years after my original purchase - went in to Apple to purchase a replacement battery and they replaced the phone, free of charge, on the spot. Signed into my iCloud on the new phone and viola, phone was about 98% exactly like it was on the phone they replaced.

            Try that with a Sammy, Sony, Huawei, LG, Lenovo, 1+, whatever other phone manufacturers there are.

            Edit to add: my B, I misread your comment as saying that I haven't tried Android.

            It's fricken I.T., bruv. Everyone's tried Android. We all work with Android in our business.

            • @ThithLord: I don't get it, why use such low end phones?

              • @[Deactivated]: Pardon? I bought those when they were first released - they were high end smart phones at the time

                • @ThithLord: Except galaxy s and s3, the others are not flagships or just scaled down version of the higher end.

                  I have always bought the highest end. I don't want to be limited by any processing power if at all. I have the old o2 PDAs, before iphone 3G, then 3gs, then galaxy s, galaxy note, galaxy s3, note 4, s6, note7, which is replaced by s7 edge, s8 plus, mate20 pro, s10 plus.

                  I guess maybe tech savvy is wrong, maybe tech nerd is more like it.

                  I am a nerd, and I like it. I can remote desktop to my nas at home and absolutely confident I got all the security holes covered. I automated almost everything at home, at the phone. As long as my money allow, I will automate it. I pity those that manually do things.

                  • @[Deactivated]: My mistake, that was a misunderstanding.

                    I got the Z3 Compact because I like a smaller phone - it had the same chipset as the Z3.

                    The iPhone SE wasn't a high end, you're right - but when released, it had the internals of a iPhone 6S in the iPhone 5/5S chassis. Same chipset/camera/RAM etc. It was a year behind the iPhone 6S. My first foray into iPhones and I've very much appreciated the phone ever since.

                    • @ThithLord: I see, I didn't know all that. I guess you are smarter with money than me.

                      • @[Deactivated]: I didn't realise we were deciding who is smarter with their money, but I'm gonna take your comment as sarcasm anyway.

                        • +1

                          @ThithLord: It isn't. But whatever.

  • +6

    This is a Regular price. Not a bargain!

  • Have to love Apple pricing bs, it’s 2019/2020 models & the a-holes are still releasing 64gb models, the minimum should be 128gb but they know for majority that’s would be big enough, only they can get away that to many sheep just keep paying top $, & not even future proof with no 5g smh

    Happy with my iPhone 7 till it blows up

    • -3

      you heard of iCloud ;) will be years before 5g will be worth it and you wanna pay $15 extra for it lol. get a grip.

      • +4

        Awesome pay monthly cost for iCloud when they could just delete the 64gb models & offer 128gb as starting.. smh Typical Apple fanboy reply lol, $1759 for pro 11 64gb & your defending that 🤦‍♂️

        • +4

          typical goose who doesn't know what they are talking about, well we back up 3 iPhones iPads and over 120gb photos/videos, cheaper than buying big storage on every device lol. Also another saved back up option.

          • @[Deactivated]: Oh did I get you angry lol

            • @RogueWolf: nope just setting you straight :) i am no apple fan boy either, sold my xr/xs max, apw4 while there was some value and using a $50 SE i got off gumtree, sick of their overpriced big arse phones. I do like my 27" iMac and iPad pro 11 though.

              • @[Deactivated]: Then what are we arguing about let’s be Apple hater friends lol
                as for setting me straight far from it, my point was still releasing 64gb models is bs & should be minimum 128gb now, it’s just sales tactic to push most from 64gb pro to 256gb

                • @RogueWolf: of course such a company would set this spec, this encourages the sales of middle range 128gb products since it acts like a reference point. and it is not only apple who is employing these tactics and exploiting people being stupid (behaviour economics)

    • +1

      I use OneDrive and before that GoogleDrive, so really don't use much storage on the phone at all.
      5G I hear you, but I can use my phone as a HotSpot and stream FULL HD NetFlix over 3G.
      Sure I notice 4G is faster, and it will no doubt be fast enough for me until the phone dies.
      4G is faster than most peoples NBN\Home Internet.
      Range on 5G is also shithouse, so big deal.

  • Wondering what happens to iPhone XS Max price as couldn’t see any mention on lowering its price as yet

    • its gooooone

  • Tbh the new iPhone XI is very similar in looks to the xr. I would still prefer to get the newer one if I didn’t have already the xr, as the price difference it’s small.
    I bought my xr 10 months ago and it will stay with me for at least 5 years. I’m sick of these companies trying to squeeze our money out, for very little improvements.
    my husband upgraded his 6 plus for a 7 plus because he wasn’t prepared to pay over a $1000.

    • +1

      They are not trying to squeeze your money; they are just providing new model as a choice for people with older models to upgrade. iphone 11 is not an upgrade from iphone XR. You can keep using it for years (atleast 4) before it loses software upgrades.

      You just need to control yourself from upgrading a perfectly working phone, just for the sake of upgrade.

      • +1

        control, what is that..

  • It should be $800 dollars

  • +1

    iPhone 11 siMilar price

  • This still cannot be considered as a bargain.

    Specs wise it's not on par with any other phones at same price range.

    If you are buying an iPhone saying you got a bargain simply not true.

    It's a rip off

    • +3

      A12 chip is still better than any current Qualcomm chip though.

      • Only the chip is better.

        • +1

          Only the categorically major indicator of a phones superior performance/speed/processing power, the chipset, is better.

          Wow, VinayAU. You're impressive.

  • +1

    Normal price is not a deal.

  • +1

    Any bargains on iPhone Xs?

    • Would the XS be better than this new entry 11?

      • Not too sure. OLED screen and smaller bezel are an advantage for the XS.

        Maybe 11 would be the way to go tho…

        • I assume cameras and processor on 11 would be the only thing better with the XS

          • @reece8: lcd for some people would be better than oled due to pwm

  • -1

    For everyone who are reading this. Please don't put iPhone 11 pre order with normal price in the near future as a deal, its not a deal.

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