Anyone get fault free Logitech Z520's from sale.

The first set of Z520's i (finally) received had a constant buzz buzz buzz noise coming from the LHS speaker even when it wasn't connected to a computer. Sent them back @ cost of $18.30 and received another set with the same problem. :( I would like to know if any of you guys received a problem free set of Z520's as i have been offered another replacement pair or a refund. What to do? I would hate for all this stuffing around to just result in a refund and i would be super pissed off to receive more faulty speakers to send back
Logitech Customer Support and the Logitechshop have been great to deal with btw.


  • Might be the speakers then

    Go try to go to your nearest JB Hi-Fi store and test out this speaker (that is, if they have it there)
    and see if there is any buzzing from those speakers

    Doing a quick google search came up with no results(that have a problem like yours) but I'm pretty sure your's might be fault

  • Maybe try your speakers at a friend's house and use a different source eg. iPod. It could be interference from your AC supply or audio source considering you've had similar issues with 2 units now.

    • As i stated in my OP the buzzing occurred even when it was not connected to an audio source. I gave the guy at Logitech support a listen too and he heard it. : ) I plugged them into a different circuit as well. My 40+ years working as a Sparky tells me they are faulty.

      Did anyone receive a good set?

  • I wish i never bought these speakers..Lol

  • why are you having to pay return shipping if the product is faulty? i can understand if you changed your mind, but if they have verified them as faulty why do you have to cover the bill? Given that the second set is producing the same sound, might be worth checking them at someone elses house, if its the same issue i would push for a refund (including shipping costs you've paid.

  • +1

    Are you sure they didn't just send you back the ones your returned originally? :) - that would explain it :P

    And as someone mentioned, why are you paying for returning faulty goods? - they should supply you with a reply paid address as part of the RMA.

    • or you tell them how much you paid and they will refund you the amount :D

  • +1

    Thanks for your replies guys. I let the Logitech shop know it cost me $18 to send the last lot back but there was no offer to reimburse me. They said i could send the latest lot back COD postage and get a refund or a new set.
    If i was a suspicious type i might think that Logitech has a load of faulty Z520 speakers they tried to get rid of by reducing the price and hoping that not too many people would bother to return them at that price.

    Anyways i am going to send this lot back and ask if they can test a new set before they send them. I can't see why they wouldn't after all the stuffing around i have had to do. Thanks again guys. : )

    • GL mate, hope it works out for you! Push for the postage fees though, even if they didn't offer!

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