Buying from Retailer Vs Online?

So i went to goodguys to buy a cake mixer, no salesperson approached me even though i was ther for 15min and not many customers were there. I found a cheap one for $45.
I heard one of the other salespeople speaking to an elderly woman, saying yes kitchen aid is better brand because it's more expensive. No further explanation why.
Saw my product onlie for $25 so bought it online (from australia)

I guess it's clear ppl buy online mainly because it's cheaper, but would you buy online if a nice salesperson helped you a lot to explain the product? (i would if the price wasn't too dear <30% difference)

Poll Options

  • 1
  • 12
  • 6
    Yes but only if >30% saving
  • 4
    None- skip the middle man and buy from bikies.


  • +2

    who cares

    • +2

      goku did always.

      • +2

        only if over 9000

  • +3

    personally i feel it's better to do your own research before entering the store.

    just dont trust any salespeople sorry, they always going to say good things about the product.

    • what about a specialised store like Jaycar etc

      • jaycar i would think differently about, there are certain "specialty stores" where staff are of a technical background.

        but still do your own research before entering the store.

  • -3

    i would go to a retailer if i was old and couldn't use a computer to research myself and had no one to explain things to me.

    • +2

      I suggest you remove the "…was old and…" from that sentence.

      There are a lot of 'old' people who are extremely computer literate (some of them invented the internet).
      And there are plenty of not-so-old people who are not computer literate.

      • -3

        Cool story bro, any dragons and chit? I never said old people are computer illiterate. I said if I was old AND can't use a computer to do my own research than I will go to a salesperson.

    • Well you really are Mr/Ms Congeniality aren’t you? Maybe you should look for a job with Boris Johnson or Trump. The advantage of Bricks and Mortar are you get it right now, rather than “maybe” online and if there is an issue you have someone to bitch to rather than being ignored by an online store. I do my own research, in fact if I’m standing in a store I’m Googling the product online, but I prefer B&M all things being equal because of what I’ve said. If you do a bit of searching on this site you will see that buying online can be a pain.

  • +4

    back in the day before internet, people relied on salespeople to give you sound advice about the products.

    now everyday customers a far more informed and know more about certain products than the people that work in these places,

    these days most are now retail assistance and not sales people.

  • The job of a sales person is to do one thing: make the sale. Say anything at all as long as you don't break the law (and someone can prove it). It doesn't matter whether the statement is true or not. Looking at a particular product? Of course the sales person has one of these at home and they're the best! I don't know how people expect a sales person to be an expert on every product when some stores have thousands of lines.

  • +1

    I have a super power … I kill electrical appliances …

    Due to the returns policy and general ease of in store returns, I would much rather purchase in store for minor electrical products …

    $45 vs $25, use the hell out of it for 6 months, kill it, return it and get a free replacement, you're already $5 ahead (not including postage and all of the cakes you've made and eaten)

    • could your house have a problem with power fluctuations?

  • I found the question difficult to understand, but I use retail stores as a handy place to see a range of products next to each other and compare the prices and features between each item.
    Most sales assistants are pretty helpful and provide plenty of info which can assist in the decision making.

    Then I consider how quickly I can find the item I have selected, do a quick online search for a price comparison, and decide from there where to purchase from.

  • +4

    would you buy online if a nice salesperson helped you a lot to explain the product?

    Nope. Google exists. If I'm buying something, I want to go in, grab it, pay for it, get out.

  • Nice salesperson = salesperson looking for nice commission.

    No friends in business.

  • +1

    These days most people will suck the salesperson dry for all of the free info. they can get, and then go and buy online.
    The same situation is only going to get worse.

  • Some stores have better warranty policies than if you had to deal with manufacturer warranty if you purchased online.
    Small purchases I get from store instead of waiting for post.
    Medium prices purchases I'll get online if there's a fair saving.
    Large purchases I'll evaluate, if the manufacturer has good warranty, then I'll get it online for savings.
    If the warranty is known to be average, I'll see if a store I know that has a good warranty process has the item first.

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