Time to stock up!
Btw anyone resold it to China?
Here should be more than 10 words.
Time to stock up!
Btw anyone resold it to China?
Here should be more than 10 words.
If… You need such a large amount
Do you pour straight from tin or decant into the bottles?
I do, just a funnel and done.
Why decant..?
I used to decant but too messy so prefer the 1/2 price bottles.
Others probably have better hand/eye coordination.
Why decant it
So.. the same price per litre? I'd prefer the little bottles and not lug around the huge 3L tin.
Also, shelf life is an issue. So yes, smaller make sense (unless you'll get through 3L quickly).
Nonetheless, good to know about the alternative for those it suits.
Also, shelf life is an issue
18-24 months is a long time
Laughs in Mediterranean
1 cent a ml, is that a good price for Cobram.
Thought the 1L bottles were $16 & not long ago half price at $8.
Yeah, that's fine if you rip through it. Otherwise it will just oxidise and you lose the benefit of paying extra for a quality olive oil.
The best olive oil?
From Kalamata ;)
Excellent as a shaving oil too, particularly if you get the basil infused one.
Wait huh?
Thanks OP
These sell out quickly at my local, especially the extra virgin.
get a rain check for the next week ….6 bottles max per rain check.
What about outright limit if in stock?
Thanks OP great on the rocks
Not necessary now….Cobram has a special supply pathway 2 China now, they increased pruduction
Protip: The manufacturers (company that owns the Cobram Estate brand) sell the exact same thing to Coles/Woolies which is "de-branded" ie. the home brand ones you see are the same thing.
Sauce: I visited the factory.
But just because they come from the same factory doesn't mean that they are the same product.
How sure are you? Because he has a point ^
You would need to test two samples to see if they were actually the same.
Protip denied
cobra do light medium and robust ….coles don’t have 3 strengths so must be blended to a std, i usually get the robust flavour.
not quite…
they maybe be from the same factory but it could be 3rd/ 4th/ 10th press for all we know..
unless it's raw product, such as salt/ steel cut oats etc… any white label product could be manufactured to be a little cheaper due to the price point provided by coles/ woolies, their quality does not necessary match the proper branded ones…
that said, value for money could be also be better as premium brand does get jacked up a little for the brand….
Gf is in the FMCG realm including ex-brand manager at Meadow Lea fats & oils. "Once the contract is signed for supply of a home brand product the manufacturer will do their utmost to maximise profit within the parameters of the contract". She doesn't buy home brand of anything.
Well that's a bit silly. Sugar, flour, oats, etc. - it's pretty hard to downgrade them. If the sugar wasn't just as white or sweet because it had something extra in there that more expensive ones don't, then it wouldn't sell. Same if flour didn't work just the same (more like better, without any extra 'consistency', 'taste' or 'fortifying' additives), etc. Same with lots of products. Milk powder, canned fish, soda water…
@GregMonarch: Flour differs in quality (gluten structure, whether it needs to be bleached, quality of wheat to be milled. I use different flour to make Gnocchi than I do for bread), same with fish (cheaper stuff falls to bits), milk powder (just ask the Chinese how to make milk powder cheaper); there are definitely differences in quality between homebrand oats and the more expensive ones (quality of the oat used and the processing method. eg rolled or cut).
Do you actually cook?
@brad1-8tsi: Anyone other than someone trolling for an argument would realise I'm referring to plain white bleached flour milled in stainless steel rollers - as it's the most popular/biggest seller, and the one with as few added ingredients as possible (which I already said anyway) - just as all the other basically 'raw' products I mentioned are.
If it's because I said IT was silly, I didn't say SHE or YOU were silly - the stand itself is, if it's literally 100% of plain-brand items. Because (for just one example) you can bet 99% of even fine-dining restaurants aren't fussing about which plain white sugar (not Demerara, for the pedantics who will also attempt to start another argument over that) and plain flour they use out back, in the kitchen.
We're also not in China - in fact - they buy it here, ours has such a good reputation - and the point is nonsensical, because who knows if they were adding melamine to 'home brand' or 'brand name' powder. The point is, milk powder is milk powder - short of added sugar, etc. So this was another sharp-stick-poke trying to kick off an argument.
Finally, who cares how oats are 'cut'. The point here is, oats are still oats. They're not going to add anything like sugar because it would increase the cost. And they can't remove anything either, because it's just - oats.
Do you actually read before starting arguments?
@GregMonarch: Greg,
I was explaining how even a basic product can be downgraded and the potential differences in quality between a homebrand product and "branded" product.
Do you think all milk powders sold in Australia are made in Australia?
opens a bag of popcorn wait..has the quality been tampered with?
rarely the same though. Would be a different blend. Look at the fat and saturated fat content unless they intentionally just put a different label on it - would have based the nutrition facts on slightly different batches.
From a manufacturing perspective though much easier just to make the one formulation. I would think though they would reserve better 'tasting' batches for the cobram one.
Wasn’t it 1lt last time?
Any good for beards?
Of course. Ever heard one complain?
will use my $5 voucher to get this
Are the light medium and robust versions the same quality?
My understanding is that the medium has won lots of awards and tests, what about the other 2?
Tell me too
Why does this say best to consume within 4 weeks whilst others say 3 months?
They want you to consume quickly and keep buying.
Resell to China, is that a thing?!
Every time I have gone into Woolworths I have bought another two bottles!
Got 10 bottles at home and 2 at work…
…This sale works!
You can currently get a 3L can for $30 at WW.