Request to Delete Account/Contact Details

New ozbargainer here so apologies if i do anything wrong.

I've been receiving emails and calls from an online company that I did not give my details to. It's been about 4 calls over the past fortnight and about 5 or 6 calls. I have emailed them stating that I do not wish to use their services and requesting that they delete all my information and contact details.

However, as expected it's been about 4 days, no reply and I just received another call from them.

Before you say anything, yes i have blocked their numbers locally on my phone but they manage to reach me using different numbers each time. But just for privacy reasons, I do want them to delete all my information.

Just wondering if there's any Australian law or regulatory body (like the ACCC) that can help me out in this situation because I dont think they'll stop unless I threaten them with something like that. I appreciate any help or feedback.


  • +2

    If it's an Australian company and you do not have a relationship with them you can register on the Do Not Call register.

    If it's not Australian based or it's a charity or political type call etc., there's little or nothing you can do about it.

    Eventually they may lose interest, replying to their emails or answering their calls only confirms your number is live and they'll sell it to other spammers.

    Final and desperate option is change your email and phone numbers.

  • What is the company selling?

  • Yeh what company is this?

  • +8

    Uh oh, you'd emailed em, rookie mistake. Now they know your email & phone number are active, they will starts spamming you to oblivion.

  • +4

    I do not wish to use their services and requesting that they delete all my information and contact details

    I think people have a misconception when it comes to "my information". The possessive in that term denotes a relationship, kind of like "my country" or "my hobby" - it's not actually denoting possession or ownership. If someone knows your contact details, they know your contact details.

  • +1

    I do not wish to use their services

    Are you sure? Their next phone call might blow your mind.

  • Is this an Australian company? If so, the ACMA might be applicable. ACMA business obligations

  • However, as expected it's been about 4 days, no reply and I just received another call from them.

    Normally this is said in jest, but serious question, what did they say on the phone when you said "don't call me again" and "please remove my details from your marketing list"?

  • If they are sending unsolicited emails or SMS that can fall under Spam Act. If someone sends you an unsolicited email without an option to "remove" or "unsubscribe" you from the mailing list, then it is by definiton, "spam" and they can be committing an offence under the Spam Act 2003 if they continue to send unsolicited emails after you've requested them to stop.

    I would check for an "unsubscribe" link on the email or a reply-email address to request stop. If one does not exist, try reply to the email itself or send an email to the companys contact email (if they are a legit company) with words along the lines of:

    "Dear x. I note that your unsolicited email to me does not contain an option to remove me from your mailing list in contravention of the Australian Spam Act 2003. Please take this email as my notice to you to remove me from the mailing list within 7 days. If I continue to receive emails after this date I may take further action against your company under the Spam Act 2003."

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