Looks like this deal is back ( Thanks to dealbot) and
Also, getting option to download 2019 as well. - Edit : 2019 is trial
Enjoy :)
- Aurora HDR 2018 -Full version
- Aurora HDR 2019 - Trial
Looks like this deal is back ( Thanks to dealbot) and
Also, getting option to download 2019 as well. - Edit : 2019 is trial
Enjoy :)
I haven’t tested..Did you get key ?
try these steps from previous deal
Step 2. In the name and your email boxes, provide those details
Step 3. After you press get my copy, you will be sent an email that will allow you to download the software AND a KEY that looks like XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
Step 4. Install the program
Step 5. After you install the program, it will say something along the lines of you have a 14 day trial. Then just click continue and you will be given the option to enter your email and the key which will then proceed to unlock the FULL version
I couldn't find the place to put Name and Email. If you click download, it only shows a place where you put email. Am I missing something?
the 2019 version is a trial. the 2018 version you get for free.
How do I purchase the software?
Tried to register. But I didn't get the key emailed too me?!
i just did and got the key, installed the 2018 and activated it.
this is the 2018 version
the 2019 version is downloading the setup files.
2019 is a trial. and appears to be expired on install.
2018 one worked for me, 2019 one only seems to be a free trial upon initial inspection?
it is only a trial.
They've failed at email. If you put a + in your email and register it'll send you the key. However when you try and activate with that same email it fails. Just remove the + as the email doesn't seem to matter.
Got 2018 Thanks OP!
What is this?
don't ask. just download it and never use it, ozbargainer style.
An over-hyped, but reasonably decent HDR photo stacker.
It also includes a whole lot of filters to make your photos look over-saturated, like they came from a travel advert.
so why not just use lightroom ??
master, how much lightroom again?
Lightroom is no longer available to buy standalone. Its on a subscription model that starts from around $14 a month which is not real value unless a photography enthusiast or pro. Luminar, also from Skylum is now vying for the spot Lightroom had as a standalone application.
@bazingaa: Available from Adobe only as a plan AFIK. Might be available from third party sellers who still have stock.
For free I think this would be good.
If you want other alternatives for HDR, check here -
However if you want one app that does a whole workflow and does HDR, there are other alternatives…
Darktable is a free alternative to Lightroom that has a very good reputation;
Affinity Photo is another cheap but commercial offering with an excellent reputation;
Other alternatives here;
A HDR specific editor with extremely limited appeal for the smartphone crowd as it seems to require multiple exposures for even a halfway decent result. Handy enough batch editing features if you're into timelapses and such considering it's free (sorta). Had genuinely forgotten it was installed.
Pretty accurate summary. It really is focused at HDR by combining multiple shots so it's likely not suited to casual people taking snaps on a phone. For that crowd the phones built in HDR toggles probably a better option.
If you're looking for something to tweak photos you took on your phone (or non HDR edits from anything else) then they have the Luminar product which is less niche and has things like filters etc but also tools to remove unwanted objects etc. It's perhaps a bit immature but Luminar also has a photo manager for organising your image collection. I'd suggest Luminar would appeal to more users.
image processor. Its not too bad either. I know photoshop very well and this is definitely one of the better free options
I don't know what this software is but I've registered for it. 😁👍
free instagram filter ¯_(ツ)_/¯ lol
Same here
Not sure how much I'll use it but I've downloaded it :D Thanks OP!
Need a good video editor deal now!
Like the always free Davinci Resolve? For a bit simpler editing, Openshot.
Downloaded it a long time ago, never got to use it as everytime I try, it crashes. Scoured the net for solutions, no luck.
Thank you folks! I just got my copy :)
So sweet, thank you OP…. downloaded and works!
Email that came through says download your free trial. Full version US 99.00. am I missing something?