So I purchased an item from China and it arrived damaged, the seller wouldn't give me refund until i paid for the item to be shipped back so I went to PayPal to go thru the resolution center, they have sided with me for the refund but have sided with the seller that I have to pay for the shipment back before I get the full refund of the item. Now the item is $65 but to ship it back (the seller will only accept 2 types of courier UPS or DHL) is going to cost me $90+. would it be fair that the seller needs to pay for the shipping back to them if the item arrived damaged, I understand if you change your mind and you were just returning it but it arrived damaged. I have contacted the ACCC but PayPal said that they will close the case if I don't submit the tracking details by the 8th September. I know I should let it go but now its about my principles! Any suggestions to help me win this case? PayPal is just stock standard answering me
Update: after emails back and forward with PayPal, some human actually answered my questions in regards to shipping and posted how PayPal will compensate for the postage up to a certain amount and alsao confirmed that I can use Australia a Post for it.
Thanks for the help and the suggestion of Chargeback and also the link to were PayPal helps with postage.
PS He is actually a she :)
ACCC and ACL have no jurisdiction over items purchased from China.
You have to comply with PayPal or you get nothing