Just received my new dell 11' Inspiron. I saw a guy at the railway station using a laptop and I asked him how he got his signal, He pulled a mobile phone out and it had a wire attached between the phone and the laptop. I did no know this could be done. which cable is it?
Question about Wi-Fi and Laptops

usb cable / same cable you use to charge your phone
I've heard of using a wi-fi hotspot but didn't know you could do it over a cable.
I would assume a regular usb cable.Cable was connected with SIM card device which will act as modem. Some people buy only internet plan cheaper then regular mobile and internet plan. Hope it help.
You connect your phone to your laptop via USB cable (Type-C if it's a fairly new phone)
Then you'll need to enable Tethering on Android. instructions on Google.
https://support.google.com/android/answer/9059108?hl=enthanks eveyrbody, mu first step will be to extend my Norton protection to the new device, will have problem because apparently I have 2 email accounts, only one I can find is the expired one. I will charge it up, get it going and call Norton
That sounds like a fate worse than death, I take Norton off any of my devices that it comes with. Bloatware of the highest degree. They were good back in the late 80s and early 90s but have steadily declined ever since.
I cant even open the thing. It has 2 latches that wont budge. My plan is to take it out with me and ask people
What do you mean you can’t open it and are going to ask people? You mean randoms off the street ?
Open what? This should be pretty easy, I dunno what you're trying to do but its all in software, connect phone to laptop and thats all the "hardware" setup that you should need. If you're on Android, search the settings for "tether".
You can also use bluetooth to share internet, no cables, plus, if you go somewhere with WIFI, your phone will share the WiFi connection via Bluetooth instead of your mobile data
I cant open the laptop, its staying firmly shut
You're looking at the two hinges.
They wont budge either
you are right, its the other side, open now.
@screensaver: hahahaha … oh dear …
no need to call norton …
on your mobile, you can set up "wireless hotspot" or "tethering", these use your mobile phone for internet …
- tethering uses the charge cable for your phone to provide internet to your computer
- hotspot uses the wifi on the phone to give your computer internet
My plan is to take it out with me and ask people
This has the makings of an excellent Youtube channel where you go out and ask randoms for help opening your laptop.
maybe the optus store
Setup asked for my internet security key, I will call Dodo, I still have the box and will check the connected computer
I would recommend following steps from: https://www.lifewire.com/set-up-usb-tethering-windows-10-458… or find a similar article specifically for your mobile (Android/iPhone).
Usb cable. You can tether that way. Faster / less drain on phone battery possibly.