Lowest price for this size since May.
Price is the same in-store and online. Click and collect is free, otherwise you'll need to grab two to get free postage.
Credit to Price Hipster for the data.
Lowest price for this size since May.
Price is the same in-store and online. Click and collect is free, otherwise you'll need to grab two to get free postage.
Credit to Price Hipster for the data.
Seems like a load of crap…
Isn't this the regular price?
No, it's the run out price.
i have a soft spot for this stuff.
This deal is too good to pass.
I disagree. Can we get these deals blocked?
All these jokes… I'm just glad I have a lax sense of humour
Crap humour runs in the OzB family..
114 doses for $17.28 at Amazon
i wonder why they are trying to dump their stuff so cheap.
i guess holding on to it can be a real pain in the ass
True, although this deal's cheaper per kilo. Better to buy in bulk…
Smooth, if you don't like this deal tough sh!t
Sh!t that’s a good price.