Moving house and NBN a few months away - what internet to get in the meantime?

Hi everyone,
I am moving house in 2 weeks into an ADSL2 area, NBN is "Planned to be available from Oct-Dec 2019"

A casual ADSL plan would work but looks like sign up fees and modem cost.
I have a router (no modem) as I am moving from a fiber NBN area
I could sign up to ADSL with a main Telco and then migrate to NBN but not sure if I would like to go down that option.
I am currently with Superloop (was Skymesh) and would want to look to stay with them or Aussiebroadband.

Could a 4G solution work until NBN arrives?
Could NBN take a lot longer than December?

Any advice welcome


  • +1

    Could a 4G solution work until NBN arrives?

    Yes, what's your coverage like?

    Could NBN take a lot longer than December?

    It's possible.

    What's your main use of the internet? How much data do you use per month? Any streaming?

    • Currently on a fiber 100/40 plan in a sharehouse of 3 people.
      I stream and have a Plex media server
      Inner city Melbourne suburb so has fine 4G coverage from what I am aware of.

      Average usage is 300-500GB a month but Netflix is un-metered so a bit hard to gauge.

      Telstra has a 100GB casual plan for $75 that I feel I could manage on for a month or two.

      • +1

        Okay was going to suggest a few 30-40gb plans but those won't be enough.

        I think this is the plan you are talking about if so I would just go with that as it's month-to-month and once you use all data up it's slowed so no need to worry about excess data charges.

        If you don't have a 4G Modem, I often see a few on Gumtree or the Facebook Marketplace. To be safe I would get a Telstra branded one since non-Telstra ones might be locked.

        The one I linked also seems to be the best-valued for your use from what I can see at least

      • +3

        Unless you really need Telstra, which you may not since you're inner suburb, I would recommend going with one of the cheaper Optus options which have 2.5x data for similar price: or

        You can also purchase a few CatchConnect or Kogan SIMs for cheap (~$5 for 40-ish GB) and activate them. I have personally not had any issues with using them while I was waiting for my internet to get connected though that was only for around 6 weeks.

        • Thank you, this is a much better option for me! I was looking at Optus plans too but didn't know of these resellers.
          I don't know if I want to activate so many prepaid sims as I have heard of people getting banned for it

        • +1

          I was going to suggest those (CatchConnect and Kogan) but since the OP uses 300-500gb per month, I decided not to.

          Another one would be Amaysim's $30 plan (which is currently on sale for $10) and you get 30GB with that.

  • +2

    When I signed up with my current ADSL provider the NBN was a "few months away" It's been almost a year and a half and still no NBN so don't hold your breath with their estimates.

    • Yeah, that is the worry that I have.
      I am going off the information

      • +2

        That's what I have been going off too, whenever the three month window comes close it changes to saying it's 3 months later.

        When I moved in it was meant to be around June 2018 or something.
        I currently have OCT-DEC 2019 too.

        • Hmm, thanks for your input. I have noticed that a few of the surrounding buildings are now NBN ready in the street, can't remember if that was like that when I last checked the street. I don't move in for another few weeks so will have to assess again then

        • Mine was APR-JUN 2020 a couple of weeks ago. However the CEO of nbnco just made an announcement that 80% of installs will be done by the end of the year and mine magically changed to OCT-DEC 2019.

          OP, if you're inner Melbourne, maybe try uniti wireless? I've been with them for 12 months, had a horrible time at signup (because they were upgrading towers they kept having issues/dropouts, been fine for 12 months now though), and their plan prices have gone up a lot, but I plan on staying with them even once NBN comes to me because my grandfathered plan is really cheap and it's always reliably fast.

  • Just sign a month to month contract? pretty sure all the tier 2 companies have those.

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