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[NSW] Origin Energy - Solar Optimiser Plan - FIT 21c/kWh


Origin Energy - Solar Optimiser plan - this has the highest feed-in tariff I've seen in NSW other than the Solar Boost Plus plan

In the link provided (Go to deal) - click on the "Yes, I have solar panels" to view the Solar Optimiser plan

Solar Optimiser plan - uses your current system
FIT - 21c/kWh
Usage rate - 28.58c/kWh
Daily Supply Charge - 87.45c/day
12 month contract - no exit fee or lock-ins
solar PV system must be net metered and must not be larger than 10kW

Solar Boost Plus plan - requires purchase of a PV solar system from Origin
FIT - 23c/kWh
Usage rate - 28.58c/kWh
Daily Supply Charge - 87.45c/day
Further details can be obtained by contact Origin Energy

Things to consider - check your area provider before signing up - as the usage rate and daily supply charge will vary depending on your residential area in NSW.
FIT rates - https://www.originenergy.com.au/solar/feed-in-tariff-rates.h…
T&C Solar Optimiser plan - https://www.originenergy.com.au/terms-and-conditions/solar-o…
T&C Solar Boost Plus plan - https://www.originenergy.com.au/terms-and-conditions/solar-b…

Referral Links

Origin Business: random (29)

$200 credit each for referrer and referee.

Origin Residential: random (566)

$50 credit each for referrer and referee.

Related Stores

Origin Energy
Origin Energy

closed Comments

  • Very good FIT. Do they offer pay in time discounts? Because if not, perhaps that's how they're affording this.

    • Not that I can see on this plan, no discount offered, but with the FIT rate, I did the calcs and was pretty happy to switch, as AGL was only giving 11c/kWh

    • +3

      Pay on time discounts are just marketing BS.

      The charges are a lot higher. When you pay on time, you are not getting a discount. It's just spin for avoiding a late penalty. It sounds better when you call it an on time discount than when you call it a late fee if not paid on time.

      Just compare tariffs directly and you'll see.

    • +1

      Pay on time discounts no longer exist I believe as they have been banned by law.
      The new pricing regime forces all retailers to show prices in relation to a "reference price".


      • The reference price applies in non-price regulated jurisdictions, other jurisdictions including Victoria and parts of Queensland have different price controls.

        It's not a real fix, the retailer can still advertise that they have an 'unconditional' discount of x% and a conditional discount of y% off the reference price.

        There is a rule change request from the Commonwealth to limit conditional discounts to the actual benefit the retailer derives from the behaviour, this would really kill fake discounts.

      • They still exist. If you use the vic government's energy compare site, you will still see them come up. It's an option you can filter for also.

  • That is a good rate. In VIC we only get 12c FIT.

    • Yeah I thought it was a mistake when I saw it

    • I’m in vic I get 20 fit with click

    • Some retailers still have pretty good rate, amaysim offers 18c/kwh in powercor area I believe

    • In VIC I get 11.3c FIT before 15:00 and 29c FIT for all power uploads after 15:00 (3pm) thru Energy Australia.

      • Not a lot of energy gets uploaded after 3PM unfortunately.

        • Careful planning is the key. Don't use any energy between 3pm and 6pm uploading at 29c then use it all after 6pm and when it cost only 21c (or it does on my plan). For example, in summer set air con to run until 3pm, switch off until 6pm, then use after 6pm.

          Mine face NE and in summer about 25% of my uploads are after 3pm (daylight saving helps). My bill shows I make about the same money from the small uploads after 3pm as the larger uploads before 3pm because of the elevated rate.

          • @rifter: 3PM to 6PM is peak time. It's when people get home from work and start cooking, turning on TV, computers, air con, etc.

            • @lostn: really? i thought most offices finish at 5 o 5.30pm then most people take trains buses and arrive home 6 or 6.30pm

              • @CyberMurning: That would be true of a lot of people. It varies from person to person.

                Some finish earlier than others. Especially the ones who pick up the kids (3-3.30PM).

                In Melbourne, traffic is more or less bumper to bumper starting from before 3 and doesn't end till after 6. So clearly a lot of people are finishing before 5.

  • shame it's only for systems smaller than 10kw as I was looking at installing a 12kW system.

    • how much does one cost these days? Were you planning on using it with a battery setup?

      I am running a 4kw system

    • A 12kW inverter or system? I'm not sure the retailer will know anything except how much you export. So a 12kW system with a 10kW inverter might be ok.

      • Yes, with over sizing could be 13.3kW of panels for single phase.

        • +1

          Single phase export caps at 5kW.

  • Anyone knows best FIT rate providing company in QLD? Just had recent solar installation and currently with Alinta which pays 11c/kwh. Thank you in advance

    • +2

      AGL is 20

      • 20c is gone.

    • Agl was 20c but I think now there website shows 15%. I got a call from origin on Friday saying they will give me 20c FIT, per unit rate 3c cheaper than agl but daily supply charge 10c more than agl. But to make up the difference in daily supply charge they will give me $50 credit

  • I just checked, The FIT is only 8c for 2205 postcode

  • Great plans… Not! Get $100 more on solar, rest of bill $300 higher. Overall $200 more expensive.

  • was an Origin customer till recently.
    Absolutely not going to recommend them: first they jacked the price within a week of giving them my business (shouldn't stayed) and have found the bills the highest yet and climbing. Was phone bombed to death after signalling my intention to leave and once I had left they called to offer a 30% discount.Swings and roundabouts with these big companies.

  • requires purchase of a PV solar system from Origin

    So they sell and install solar? Is the product good and price is competitive?

    • Havent tried it myself, should be on par with the systems sold by other providers, which I dont believe are that good…

      I am running a JA solar 260W panels system with an ABB inverter - 4.2kw system, got mine customised by Compass Home and Lifestyle
      cost 4.5k with the rebate back in 2016.

      I would recommend doing research before buying an off the shelf system.

  • +1

    I’m in northern NSW and the rates come out a fair bit more than quoted by the OP. The daily usage is $1.51.

    Just be careful - sometimes the prices are quoted ex-GST and others are GST-inclusive.

    I found when I went through this exercise about six months ago, the offers with high FIT tended to have higher usage rates, so in our case, the higher FIT would have been voided by higher usage rates.

    You really need to get your last few bills and use a spreadsheet (or the gov comparison website). The way they lay out discounts is also clear as mud because they mix ex-GST and inc-GST.

    • Correct its extremely hard to compare between electrical and gas providers. They add different rate for different time and usage range, throw in little discount here and there….

      • I found going for the time of day rates with a smart meter was going to cost me about 20% more. Just doesn’t make sense.

        Years ago, the basic rate was the same and off peak was about 50% cheaper.

    • Exactly what I did to calculate:

      600-700kw per quarter usage, 90 day service charge and solar feedin 1,000kw to 1400kw based on season:

      I was with AGL - last bill
      $175 - 608kw usage at 28.9 cents
      $138 - 1,262kw feed in at 11 cents
      $75 - daily service charge at 84 cents
      15% on time discount- $26
      GST - $22
      Total bill with AGL - $104 for the quarter

      Did the same calcs with Origin with the 21c FIT
      $173 - 608kw usage at 28.5 cents
      $265 - 1,262kw feed in at 21 cents
      $78 - daily service charge at 87 cents
      GST -$22 (lets keep this the same for the estimate)

      Total bill with Origin should be $8 for the quarter

      • And have you check and compare other providers? Hehehe.. energy Australia, dodo, etc etc

        • I looked at their prices, I was mainly interested in the FIT.
          I did see the cashback offer, even if I went with one that offers a 30% discount, unless the calcs are there, I dont see me being better off with another provider.

          So definitely going to give this a go, and see how origin are, been with them once before.

    • The rates will definitely differ by distribution district, you are in Essential Energy's district which does have a slightly higher daily supply charge than Ausgrid and Endeavour as the network has very different characteristics due to distributed customer base.

      • Yes - “slightly higher” in my case = nearly double, going on @me4president’s numbers.

        • Fair enough, the point is they will differ by distributor, and there's nothing you can do about it. What retailers actually charge will vary a little.

          The supply charges for time of use tariffs for NSW are:

          Essential Energy 81c/day + 8c controlled load

          Ausgrid 46c + 11-15c controlled load

          Endeavour Energy 40c + 4c controlled load

          Solar tariffs may vary again but are much harder to compare.

          Some distributors also offer demand tariffs but there are potentially prohibitive costs to going on a demand tariff.

  • Anyone expert in solar here? I'm looking at the cheapest $3.5k package

    But it doesn't say how many kw I will get?

    • It comes down to a few factors - which way your roof faces(ideally north facing), how many panels you can fit on there, AGL tried to offer me a 3kw package saying its all I need, I went with compass home and lifestyle, they checked my roof size and offered a 4.2kw system at the time.

      Get a few quotes - do your research on a getting good panels and an inverter. As these factor into how much kW you make a day in your pv system.

      I think it works as how many Watts the panel is multiplied by how many panels fit on the roof based on your roof dimensions

  • +4

    I used this site { https://energyswitch.service.nsw.gov.au/ } , just uploaded my elec bill and they recommended this deal for me and I was already using Origin but at a higher price on the supply charge and usage and .1 less on my solar. So I changed, why not?

    You could potentially save $100.20 over the next year.
    Based on a saving of $25.24 on your April to July 2019 Electricity bill

    • yes I was directed through the same website too

  • Am already on 22c FIT

  • People in WA getting robbed at 7c :(

  • I am with origin in VIC and receive 22cent FIT. It was an offer via onebigswitch.

    As I am a net producer, works good for me even though consumption rate is high.

    Depends on one's situation. I am hoping to get my net annual electricity bill close to 100-150.

    • whats your usage like per quarter?
      and how much do you produce?

  • +1

    ** Figures from last year **

    • Q1 698
    • Q2 438
    • Q3 1,149
    • Q4 689
    • Total 2,974
    • Q1 756
    • Q2 2,061
    • Q3 1,594
    • Q4 596
    • Total 5,008

    These numbers are as provided by my electricity provider i.e. net of self consumption.

    • how big is your system? 2000 kw per quarter is quite kool

      • 5kw. 2000kw is only from Oct to dec though…

  • Cheers OP. Based on my calc's I would have saved $90 on last bill and about $110 on one before that so have switched over. Even choosing 100% green I'm still saving alot (low usage household and have 14x260w panels)

    • Wtheee 14 panels.. are you owning a mansion?

      • +1

        Standard-size home, lots of roof space facing north. Got a good deal from a local installer so went with as many as possible.

      • 14 isn't a large system. Looking at over 30 on our place.

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